2015 Challenge

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Hi All,

Checking in on day 11 🙂

Mel xx

Posted : 9th January 2015 5:00 pm
Posts: 0

Checking in day 7, still gamble free

Posted : 9th January 2015 5:16 pm
Posts: 1143
Topic starter

Congratulations for Elfie17 who hits 200 days today and Garyl1976 who has hit 40 weeks today! We are waiting for 17 check ins to give us a 100% retention rate for this week. If you look at the first page and see anyone in the list not checked in feel free to give them a reminder on their recovery diary, we don't want to lose many troops in the first week of the challenge.

I'm out all day tomorrow so if you check in between now and then I will probably update the front page very late on Saturday night, so don't worry if you think I've forgotten to update it. The update will be up first thing Sunday morning. Have a good weekend everybody and keep those check ins coming in!!!!

Posted : 9th January 2015 5:24 pm
Posts: 377

Hi Phil,

Checking in on 54 days. Been a really tough week mentally but in truth haven't come to close to gambling. However, the danger is still there lurking in the shadows ready to pounce. It's hard living this way.

Posted : 9th January 2015 6:33 pm
Posts: 0

Hi all,

Day 5 complete! I'm dreading tomorrow though. Watching the football and having some beers is never an easy thing to do for a compulsive gambler who is trying not to bet. Hopefully I'll be posting again on Saturday or Sunday saying how easy it was!!


Posted : 9th January 2015 11:19 pm
Posts: 921

Day 16 and I'm feeling very positive. Been making lots of plans to save up for nice things so that I have even more reason never to waste another penny in the dreaded slots. Planning a three month gamble free celebration for end of March and also planning on taking the children away in half term for days out and all these things cost money.. But it feels absolutely brilliant to be saving up to spend money on leisure activities that will bring real pleasure. Not the illusion of pleasure that gambling brought me. Too much money wasted last year on gambling meant trips were scarce. Thankfully I'm no longer wasting hard earned cash on (as Mark nicely put it )... 'gambling due to stress and then in turn getting stressed out due to gambling'

Looking forward to reading Sundays update from Phil and hope all of you are having a great gamble free week.

Clare x

Posted : 10th January 2015 1:23 am
Posts: 41

Hi my name is Sean and I would love to join the challenge for 2015.

i have been gambling for the last 13 years started off on fruit machines then moved on to bookmakers and eventually casinos. My addiction has destroyed me as a person and caused so much pain. I managed nearly a year of not gambling and it was the happiest stress free time of my life. Like most I am fed up with the mess and destruction gambling causes just so we can have a thrill. I am now gamble free for 18 days and I hope this year can be the time I really turn my life around. Will post here every week and hope we all can work together and beat our demons.



Posted : 10th January 2015 1:48 am
Posts: 207

Hi everyone,

Checking in for this week. 14 days without gambling

Jess x

Posted : 10th January 2015 8:27 am
Posts: 0

Morning everyone,

Checking in on 394 gamble free days. It's great to see some many people committing to the 2015 challenge as I personally know how much it can assist you in your road to recovery. Some fantastic stories and great milestones reached which really keeps us all focused on our ultimate aim to abstain from this horrible addiction.

One day at a time and try to remain strong during those difficult times.

Have a good weekend.


Posted : 10th January 2015 8:47 am
Posts: 51

May already be checked in but hardest initial part over and Day 4 for me. Stay strong over the weekend everyone, always hard with time off and sports bettors especially. I for one am going to try and enjoy all the weekends action for what it is worth and not have to stress over another goal etc. Keep positive and don't give in guys, we are all in this together, any urges just come and type some waffle on here 🙂 x

Posted : 10th January 2015 9:11 am
Posts: 0

Day 10 completed.. Off to Leicester with OH to watch the mighty Foxes.. No gambling.. Gonna be a fun day.. Win or lose..

Posted : 10th January 2015 9:27 am
Posts: 0

Hi everyone

start of day 6 for me, the first 5 days have gone well, although the thought of betting has been whizzing round my head all week I have not even come close to betting.

i have to say that having contemplated whether to join a public forum like this and questioned whether it would benefit me it has been a great help, I keep the forum open in my browser so that it is the first thing I see. When I read about people's journeys and see how people are achieving 2 and 300 days plus it fills me with both admiration and determination.

Well this is the first weekend of my challenge, considering that I used to bet on sports 7 days a week I am hoping that it will be no more difficult than the last 5 days.

sorry for rambling just wanted to share my thoughts with you, good luck all for the weekend and keep up the good work.


Posted : 10th January 2015 9:37 am
Posts: 0

Hello team.

I am checking in 83 days gambling free today.

Happy new year to all


Posted : 10th January 2015 9:53 am
Posts: 0

Hi...checking in on day 22.

The immediate urge to gamble feels like it is now receding. The best thing I did was to be transparent and honest with my loved ones, so they know what I am, what I'm going through and the gravity / implications of my actions. Had a good working week and trying to get involved in other social activities. All my accounts are now monitored and I'm dealing with step change to pay off my debts. This again was a real turning point handing over my finances. Lots of support from those on this forum, GA and family so I'm determined this is the year where I have this put to bed once and for all.

Have a good gamble free week fellow soldiers.

andy (better life)

Posted : 10th January 2015 10:55 am
Posts: 0

Hi...checking in on day 22.

The immediate urge to gamble feels like it is now receding. The best thing I did was to be transparent and honest with my loved ones, so they know what I am, what I'm going through and the gravity / implications of my actions. Had a good working week and trying to get involved in other social activities. All my accounts are now monitored and I'm dealing with step change to pay off my debts. This again was a real turning point handing over my finances. Lots of support from those on this forum, GA and family so I'm determined this is the year where I have this put to bed once and for all.

Have a good gamble free week fellow soldiers.

andy (better life)

Posted : 10th January 2015 10:55 am
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