mac09 wrote:
Hi to all of us,
Checking in here for the 24th day GF. Small numbers looking at some others but feeljng very strong and positive. Just wonder how Christmas 2015 will look after a year without gambling? ..!?! I know it only 11th of Jan, but time will go fast... good luck to all.
if you feel anything like i did, you will feel fantastic. christmas 2014 was the first one that i can remember in such a long time that i wasn't dreading january and the bills coming through. christmas was all paid for beforehand and i still had money left over in the bank, so started 2015 completely debt free (apart from mortgage).
checking in day 230 gf. had difficulty sleeping last night due to the winds outside, brain wouldn't shut down after work. thoughts turned to gambling and the dreams of winning big that me and my hubby used to have. since i stopped gambling on the online slots 230 days ago i also stopped everything, i don't even buy a lotto ticket, my hubby stopped doing the lotto as well with me. the only money coming into the house is the money that we earn. for extra cash i've been picking up extra shifts. gave myself a stern talking to about 3 o'clock this morning that the dreams of winning big aren't worth the nightmares of gambling and losing my family, self respect and getting into debt again. i think alot of the thoughts have come from a friend that won £20,000 on the lotto over christmas and friends that went to the casino for new years eve and won. but i just need to remember that it doesn't matter how much i could win, i have too much to lose.
so, best wishes for the future everyone and remember to stay strong and together we can do it.
Great update Phil,
Can do this and Strauss, pleased to read you have both picked yourselves up.and are carrying on marching on with the challenge and your recovery, it takes a lot of courage and determination to get straight back up after slipping but you 2 soldiers have done just that.
Suzanne xx
Just checking in on day 216, hope everyone has a great week and stays strong
Hi all
Thanks for the update Phil, I am sure it takes up a lot of your time but speaking for myself and lots of others on here it is very much appreciated.
well day 8 for me and the first little milestone completed in going a week gf, next target for me will be to complete a month and be able to log in to my online bank account and not be afraid of seeing 30 or 40 deposits to obscure bookmakers.
well done to all keep up the good work
Thanks for the feedback on my update, I hope everyones having a good start to the week. Just need to welcome sean121 who joined late last week, you have been added to the front page. Also welcome to Pabby and John64 you have both been added to the challenge and checked in for this week. John this is a new challenge for this year, I think you checked into the old one the last two weeks so would be good if both you and Pabby could write a little more about yourselves and your stories so far.
Double reason to celebrate today, Glads Dad has hit 50 days, so congratulations, in the early days 50 days seems like ages away. Now you have reached it I'm sure life is so much better! mrbrightside has hit 400 days today, I'm made up for Tony, hes helped so many of us and I'm sure I'm speaking for us all when I say congratulations mate!
Well done everyone. All those who have stayed gambling free and anyone who has slipped but is determined to keep trying. I hope anyone who has failed to check in will come back but I know from my own experiences that it's so hard to stop that you have to be ready in your head and your heart to say 'I will never gamble again'. Sometimes you're just not able to make that commitment for what ever reason even though you know you should. I hope anyone who falters will find their feet and come back to the group.
Keep strong and committed everyone and we'll get through this.
Hi all,
Just checking in on Day 14.
Mel x
Hi all,
Checking in for day 8. Can't believe how quick the time is going but feeling strong.
I reckon I could be debt free in about 20 years if I keep away from the gambling!
Looking forward to the chatroom session this wednesday at 8pm
lol chat room sargeant, but i'm happy to encourage anyone to the Gamcare chatroom.
Wednesday 8pm - 9pm for the 2015 challenge chat but the room is open 8-9 most other days
Good effort Tri, I was there tonight but where were you???? 😉
ive never used it before so looking forward to checking it out
Good evening fellow members,
IcanDoThis2015 - Steve,
A sincere and honest post, well done for posting it here, I feel for you greatly my friend, you are going through a lot at the moment. I have stopped for around 13 months now, after gambling for 25 years. If you want to move forward, you have to draw a line under everything that has happened, and accept who you are.
That money has gone and it isn't coming back. It clearly hurts you a great deal but there is a way forward - accepting who and what you are is key; you are a compulsive gambler, which means that if you win, all you will desire is the same level of euphoria again, if you lose, you will experience soul-wrenching desperation to win it back. Both scenarios lead to losing and nothing you can ever do will change that - remember it, run it over and over in your mind if you feel tempted to gamble - urges are only ever temporary; learn to occupy your mind with positive, constructive things if you feel vulnerable. Steve, things seem pretty bad at the moment, but imagine your life in five or ten years if you carry on; money doesn't really matter at the end of the day.
Your family may respect you more if you come completely clean with them and explain the true extent of your gambling problem and the debts you have. It has worked for me and may work for you. I have handed over the control of our finances to my wife to remove one of the temptations of having ready money to give to the gambling industry.
Remain strong my friend and I hope everything works out ok.Ð’Â
You have done brilliantly by being honest and coming on here and reporting your minor slip. People will have knock backs but I am sure you will learn by them.
Try to remain focused on your ultimate aim of not gambling on a daily basis.
Great news that you have been promoted to Sargent of the Wednesday night chat room. I look forward to logging in and having a chat.
Mr Brightside - A massive well done on concurring 400 days. You have set out a challenge that I am sure will now run on for many a year.
And finally Bornagain.
Fantastic update and a honest story of your situation last year. It reminds me so much of my issues of gambling and I am truly supporting you in a gamble free 2015.
If you are day 7 or day 200 you are all doing really well. If you can remain positive through the difficult days then the thoughts of gambling will gradually ease.
Have a good week everyone.
Morning to all,day 26 for me,still got the L plates on,but going along nicely,feeling more self worth as each day passes,keep up the great work everyone!
Checking in on Day 15. Thats me completed two weeks which is another step on the long road to recovery. Sorry to read of the guys who fell off the wagon in the last week but have total admiration for you to come on and admit to everyone and start again. This shows that you really want to kick this filthy habit. Dont know if this will help anyone else but i have read the chimp paradox by Dr Steve Peters. I am not really into self help books but thought this was excellent and lots of tips on how to train your brain and your thinking to deal with stressfull and unwanted situations. There is quite a lot in the book but even if you only get one thing out of it that benefits you and makes you a better person then it has done its job. Also thanks to everyone that contributes to this forum as without i fear i would still be gambling.
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