60 days gf but struggling today

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Im day 60 gf but struggling a bit today i havent relapsed but feel a bit meh today is that normal i havent had any urges and i wouldnt really say thats what this is im hoping its just an off day

Posted : 5th February 2024 10:11 am
Forum admin
Posts: 6089

Hi @Anxious58

Congratulations on day 60! A massive achievement. You are not alone, some days will be harder than others. Many other people will be able to relate with this and it’s good that you’ve reached out and let the forum know that today is a struggle. Do reach out further if you could do with some support today. The helpline is always open  0808 8020 133, and our chatrooms are daily, where you connect in real time with your peers Chatrooms - GamCare. Good luck and keep us posted.

All the Best


Posted : 5th February 2024 4:04 pm

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