Gone and done it again

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I have been playing with fire, i got a credit card after loosing about £1000 on fobs and payday loans, not in the last few weeks iv racked up £2000 debt on my £3500 credit card limit, iv never had a credit as i always thought its not good as if i gamble i wont stop until i win thousands or loose everything, my brain just doesent understand. I also have autism so i get myself in so much trouble as i cant think properly about what im doing.


i am self excluded from all bookies/slots and online but when i realised a bookies that dident notice me i kept using it and now once again im in a bad place.


so yeh. Pretty sure you cant but you should beable to sue bookmakers who let you in the shops to gamble. Yes we go in there but we self exclude but what are they doing on there part? Nothing. It is only us who put things in place to prevent this but clearly someone with a gambling problem should not beable to just go in there and waste £500 “today” within 45minutes.


now i dont really know how to deal with this situation. Many many years throughout my life i relapse. I update self exclusion every year but its just not enough!


it is ALWAYS THE fobs that take thousands from me, i will bet on football but its nothing like them fobts!! They should atleast be set to 20p maximum spins with a 2hour limit no return.

I am on benefits and get about £500 per month, i have life long depression, epilepsy, addictive personality disorder and autism and doing things like this, wasting £2290 in 2 months soley just on fobt machines literally mentally kills me, my head feels rock bottom doing things like this gives me very bad depression i really dont know how i can deal with this.

This topic was modified 4 months ago by Forum admin
Posted : 10th June 2024 10:56 pm
Posts: 3

Old but new,

I hear you. It's literally like being in jail in your own mind. The thought of telling someone scares the you know what out of me, because then it becomes real. 

Do people you know and trust know about your addiction. Mine know I enjoy a gamble but nothing about the extent it's got to. 

Let's put Monday to bed. Tuesday here we come. Let's try and get through it hour by hour. This could be our last day of gambling. Thank you for sharing your experiences. Sorry you are going through this. You're not alone. 


John 🙂


Posted : 10th June 2024 11:24 pm
Posts: 345

Call the gamcare helpline immediately. 0808 8020133

Posted : 11th June 2024 12:29 am
Posts: 379

I did exactly the same i was self excluded from the bookies and very of them actually noticed me, they claim that they have new staff on it hard to keep an eye on who is self excluded i believe even the arcades seem to be better as they have recognised me straight away and casino have a much better system as u cant get in without id, 

Posted : 11th June 2024 12:38 am
Posts: 3

I created a account to respond to your message as i felt i can relate to you i suffer from severe anxiety have epilepsy and depression You say you have reached rock bottom I'm going to tell you what rock bottom is stealing money from family who trusted you pretending to there pay bills but using that money to gamble losing pretty much your whole family's trust due to gambling banning yourself from everywhere but still gambling by going into pubs and getting yourself into £24000 debt and having to use your benefits to pay that back and losing years of your life paying that back 

You know why gambling addicts never win because on those rare occasions we do win we put the money back in and gamble it away again but you know what it's never to late to change yes getting a credit and losing £2000 on fobs was very silly but why waste another thousands more hoping to win big when in the end your just going end in the same position and do you think the people who own the machines care? not a chance they just get richer and richer.

Today is the perfect day to say I'm done I'm not going waste anymore of my life or money  on those again. And after a few years you will be able to say to yourself yes i wasted a lot of money due to my gambling addiction but i was strong enough to stop  and I'm in a much better place than i was back then or would of been if i had kept gambling.    

Posted : 11th June 2024 12:46 am
Posts: 27
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@tazman i went out and in the bookies today about 6 times getting money from cashpoint, it was only until i come in with my last £60 she said have u got any ID as we think u look like someone, i said no i dont sorry and she said oh ok sorry to bother you!!


not been in a casino for over 7ish years, iv had such bad experinces in the local bookies i know that is not for me! I excluded just for sake of mind and although they told me its for life i doubt it now but yeh bookies can get me in lifelomg debt over a few weeks. Casinos if you have tens of thousands to gamble with although wouldent suprise me if many of them end up dead after loosing money they cant afford. 

Will save so many lives and improve the world::::

-casinos straight up banned or a licence to enter.

fobts banned or 20p minimum spin with a 2hour time limit no return.

arcades licence or banned.

cash machines gone and all cards banned from using at a gambling facility unless have a licence.

Posted : 11th June 2024 12:59 am
Posts: 27
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@dave101 to achieve?

Posted : 11th June 2024 1:01 am
Posts: 379

The only way forward is u need to hand over finances to a trust member i have done moses however i cannot rely on bookmakers as the system is flawed, i got to stage where my gambling got so bad i ended up pushing one of the machines over and the police was called in its the only bookie that taken any notice of being barred it actually easier ban yourself online then it is with these bookmakers so i would advice u to limit cash atleast with online with the new gambling laws u cannot use credit card for gambling whereas bookies u can easily go to an atm machine and withdrew cash out so it harder to moniter where the funds are being used

Posted : 11th June 2024 2:42 am
Posts: 4

It's important to take control of your finances and seek support from trusted sources. Have you considered reaching out to a gambling support group or counselor? They can offer strategies to help you manage your gambling and finances. It's also great that you're aware of the new gambling laws regarding credit card use. Stay strong and keep seeking help. You can get through this!

Posted : 11th June 2024 10:48 am
Posts: 379

@uq4978e3d2 Hi mate i hope you are doing well i too did alot of messed up things i can totally relate life does get better and things slowly do improve am currently on 337 days gamble and life so much better

Posted : 11th June 2024 5:25 pm
Posts: 27
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@uq4978e3d2 hi thanks for your message, yes i understand it can always be worst but thinking that my hole life hasent got me anywhere. I could loose millions “if i had it” and my thought process would probably me “well it could have been billions…” 


how is your situation going? How long has it been since and what did u do about all the money u owe?

at the point of gambling there is no limits with me, when im in that zone and have losts hundreds or thousands i will not stop until i have no accsess to anymore, literally i would go outside and search loans and credit cards to get more funds to go straight back in there. This is so VERY dangerous, its something i have no control over. My brain doesent understand and iv been here many times throughout my 35yrs on earth. I literally havent got the mental capacity to be in any of the gambling establishment.

Posted : 11th June 2024 10:15 pm
Posts: 27
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@tazman hi interesting reply. But my question on a trust is: can i get my bills, rent electric ec to come out of a trust each month so i dont even see the money and cant waste!? If this was a option i think is a really good option which i havent thought about.

yes iv done similar from frustration at bookies. I wonder if u got banned it was be harder getting in?? Is the ban for life?

for a example of frustation: you are £1000 down in about 1hour so u start hitting the button alittle harder as it keeps sticking then u here from staff CAN YOU STOP BANGING THAT BUTTON! Like are u serious? Its like provoking someone to jump off!

Posted : 11th June 2024 10:21 pm
Posts: 27
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@y8qit0epx6 no i havent, tbh i have felt this forum over the years to be helpful.

and while im having CBT for alcohol, drugs, autism and depression i think adding gambling into the sessions is just impossible as too much going on already

Posted : 11th June 2024 10:24 pm
Posts: 27
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@tazman well done mate, yes it does soon past until u do it again!! Been here probably 20+ times in my life

Posted : 11th June 2024 10:25 pm
Posts: 3

@tazman Not great at the moment mate as I'm still struggling to stop and debt just keeps getting higher but congratulations on reaching milestone i hope to one day be able to say that myself

Posted : 11th June 2024 11:38 pm
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