Quote to read every day

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Got this from another site, quoted as something someone reads every night before going to bed:

Gambling does not bring me pleasure.
Gambling destroyed my happiness and damaged my health and my relationships.
Gambling made me do things that I would not normally do.
It affected my personality and my values.
I have debts because of gambling.
I may have won sometimes, but I have nothing to show for it.
Each win is just a set up for a fall. A win makes me think it is easy to win again, so all I do is give the money back and end up chasing my losses.
Winning only keeps me locked in the cycle of losing. If I can let go of my losses, and accept what I have done, I can move forward.
If I cannot accept my losses, I will keep myself in this trap forever.
I will not listen to the voices that tell me to gamble.
If I gamble, I will likely lose. If I win, I will only give it back. There is no point in prolonging this anymore. I want to let it go.

Gambling made me weak, it made me feel that I am nothing without it, like I can’t go through life without leaning on it, and turning to it when things get tough.
Gambling stole away my time, my money and my life.
If I let it, gambling will steal away my future.
I will not let that happen.
I can change this.

I am better than this and I deserve to be happy.
I am in control of my own life and my own choices.
I can choose not to gamble.

I am stronger without gambling.
I do not need it.
I am freeing myself from this horrible addiction. I am not giving up something fun, because it has harmed me.
Without gambling I am free to enjoy life.
I will not gamble again because I choose happiness.

Posted : 11th April 2017 4:54 pm
Posts: 0

That is a pretty good summary of what i should be thinking and during my periods off not gambling has made me happier apart from worrying about the debt!

Posted : 13th April 2017 3:04 pm
Posts: 0

this is very true. but it's fears me looking at my debt now. opening talking amounts I wasted and could have saved. but then I think when we fall over we just get back up and learn from the painful mistake

Posted : 20th April 2017 10:08 pm

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