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Posted : 10th June 2017 2:17 pm
Posts: 0

We believe our lives are terrible because we gamble. Its the opposite, we gamble because our lives our terrible

Strive for a five...

day@atime Dan

Posted : 11th June 2017 6:04 am
Posts: 0

Is Sir Ego a 5ft4 bully, with a sharp suit and use's long words and owns a mirror that lies ?

Posted : 11th June 2017 6:08 am
Posts: 0

In layman terms, can the confusing term ' higher power ' be yourself and your and better awareness and not a 3rd party after all...?

Thoughts ?

Posted : 11th June 2017 8:01 am
Posts: 0

No to the HP question.

I wanted it to be me but look where doing it alone has gotten us! It was me that got me into this mess, how can I possibly rely on the 1 thing that bought me here to singlehandedly drag me back out. I'm not sure it's needs to be human as my best shot @ finding one so far is the written word but I need humans to interpret those confusing words for me.

Posted : 11th June 2017 1:41 pm
Posts: 0

ODAAT wrote:

No to the HP question.

I wanted it to be me but look where doing it alone has gotten us! It was me that got me into this mess, how can I possibly rely on the 1 thing that bought me here to singlehandedly drag me back out. I'm not sure it's needs to be human as my best shot @ finding one so far is the written word but I need humans to interpret those confusing words for me.

But your slowly changing Kelly, surely the 3% club people talk about has some bearing. I know the old line of ' Do the same thing and expect different results ', But, now your flipping and not using the same thing that got you in trouble in the 1st place, your learning, evolving, your kerchingggging..........Agreed or not ?

So how can the higher power be a 3rd party ( albeit, i do get the power of comraderie ), my humble is that people finally raise there head after years in the addiction wilderness but can get trapped in thinking that there's any higher power than one's own head..Stand tall, stand proud

Posted : 11th June 2017 4:35 pm
Posts: 0

Maybenow wrote:

I'm gonna be really blunt here Kelly for both ours sakes. I need humans too, I really like the feel of the person you are and would love to be in contact with you in real life. I'm going back to real life soon now for my own sanity cause this place has become too much of a bad habit for me but before I do I'm going to email admin to ask if you would like to swap details in the hope that we could be good for each other and I do not want to live with this regret if I don't try. But if you don't want to exchange details that is absolutely fine and I wish you all the very best in the world xxx

Im sure this yorkshire lass can be blunter than that... 😉

Posted : 11th June 2017 4:52 pm
Posts: 0

So in layman terms is it about translating all the confusing ' recovery ' terminology into ones own unique language by learning from people, books, cyber and try to keep it as simple as simple as one can be ? And to try and not take life to serious !

Posted : 11th June 2017 6:39 pm
Posts: 0, sometimes it just hits you and the trylight hits and one thinks ' what the hell am I moaning about ! '

RIP Glenfell Tower resi's

Posted : 16th June 2017 7:59 pm
Posts: 0

Soz V, not sure how I missed that question about me evolving in post #212...

I am now but I wasn't.

I wasn't gambling but my life wasn't really going forwards. I was still getting irate @ nothing & getting my knickers in a twist about stuff that needn't concern me, still do when I don't stop & think. It's hard with my limited vocabulary but I think I have alluded to it already, the program has given me a structure, coping mechanism maybe & possibly even some perspective. I didn't know there was another way to live my life, red faced, indignant outbursts have been part of it for so long. I still let stuff affect me but my default mode isn't to explode over things that I have no control.

I probably don't understand it much more than you but there's no doubt in my mind that I'm living a much calmer happier life these days.

Posted : 16th June 2017 8:34 pm
Posts: 0

Out of the blue i was close to a ' sure fire ' bet at Ascot, met a pal instead.

Stumbling is not falling

Posted : 24th June 2017 7:50 am
Posts: 0

Knowledge is power Vs Ignorance is bliss.

I've found of late that I have a thirst for knowledge yet in equal measures I walk a tightrope as ignorance is bliss and I only need to know what I want to know. I'm don't want to be Einstein just simply Paul

Posted : 27th June 2017 10:01 am
Posts: 0

The unspeakable in pursuit of the inedible is akin to the compulsive gambler chasing the loss's. Both are ruthless, futile and devided society fuiled by money

Posted : 28th June 2017 11:32 am
Posts: 0

Thought for today -

My thoughts are lonely

Posted : 2nd July 2017 3:43 pm
Posts: 0

A Latin proverb -

Avoid gambling!!

Posted : 11th July 2017 5:11 am
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