18TH JAN 2013 - Time to let go.

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Thanks to Stubbsy and Bear for your continuous lovely comments. Much appreciated.

Take care both of you.


Posted : 9th April 2013 5:59 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Feb,

thank you so much for your post its just what i needed to hear, just for today I will think about me.

Massive well done on the 81 days, 90 days is a big milestone in GA, keep doing what your doing as its definatly working for you.

Sorry to see your apprehensive about the up comning case its understanable and normal, be strong and keep going.

take care

blondie xxx

Posted : 9th April 2013 9:10 pm
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Thanks Blondie.xx

Posted : 10th April 2013 1:50 am
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WEEK 12. DAY 82. "It's another day, it's another "NO" (to GAMBLING).

Having a bit of a "not sure what I'm doing" day today so far! "Shall I go for a walk"??," shall I clean up"??" shall I go in the garden"?? Ermmmm.....??? Just one of those days anway.

Still, I'm not going to dwell on the fact that I just cannot make a decision right now. Maybe I am a little pre-occupied with a couple of things, one of which is returning back to work next week after being off for almost four months. I am looking forward to it and work have been so supportive, which is great, however, It will be a change of routine again (one I am familiar with) but which may impinge on my diary writing - we'll see!!

Right Lady Feb! Power walk for you. Son is comming for tea tonight so that can only mean one thing! - Home Baking!! Easy decision this one - Lemmon and Poppy Seed Muffins. (I've already prepared a homemade Beef Curry for us)!!

One thing I have learnt from quitting gambling and the emotions that can arise from the damage it has caused is this:-

If I am having a bit of a "not sure what I am doing" day


"things are now so different" kind of a day


"who are you" or as they say (oo arrrr yeh, oo arrr yeh, oo arr yeh)!!

I am just going to say to myself "Well this is just for today that I am feeling like this". "Tomorrow is a new day"

On the Up side - At least when I have these thoughts, one thing I do know is that I definitely WONT be gambling!!

So for anyone else out there who is unsure, just like me, just tell yourself "it's only for today" "tomorrow could be different"

Feb - Regardless of the above, still on "The Bright Side of the Road"!!

Posted : 10th April 2013 12:59 pm
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Just tried pasting my very first couple of posts from the new members forum into my diary. I managed to copy and paste them over but unfortunately, they can only be posted at the end of your diary with the current date on!!?? Thought this was quite confusing for readers and it is a shame they cannot be put at the front of a diary. I know other people have wanted to do this as well, but like I said, it seems that they will only go in at the end of your diary and not at the beginning. Shame.

Posted : 10th April 2013 1:22 pm
Posts: 0

Hi, feb,

Thanks for your post, I think we all get days like that when we can't make a decision, do what feels right and the rest will follow.

Your question re Ga once you are 90 days in Ga you can chair a meeting, they ask when you attend that you give it 90 days, as some people think it takes 90 days to break a habit.

It can also be a big lightbulb moment for people if they have abstained from gambling, they also say just because you might have broken the habit you won't lose the compulsion, so as always day 91 is just as important as day 1.

Take care, enjoy your walk

Blondie xxx

Posted : 10th April 2013 1:46 pm
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Thanks Blondie. Much appreciated. xx

Posted : 10th April 2013 2:04 pm
Posts: 0

Know what you mean feb but we are not gambling, we can be indecisive about everything else enjoy the baking 🙂 and have great day 🙂

The bear x

Posted : 10th April 2013 2:10 pm
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Thanks Bear (Super Ted)!!

Posted : 10th April 2013 2:34 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Feb,

Great job! Sounds like your doing brilliantly. Keep on keeping on. Much congrats to your days abstinent.


Posted : 10th April 2013 4:18 pm
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Thanks Chicargo. As always, much appreciated.


Posted : 10th April 2013 9:04 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Lady

It was good to catch up earlier- thanks for being there for me x

You are doing brilliantly, you deserve all the good stuff in life!

Enjoy the muffins!



Posted : 10th April 2013 9:14 pm
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Thanks Irene - my good friend. Any time as always.

Lady Feb.xx

Posted : 11th April 2013 12:44 am
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WEEK 12. DAY 83. It's another day, it's another "NO" ( to GAMBLING).

So far, not the best of days in Feb"s world. Feeling rather flat to be honest - a combination of reasons I think. Police are comming to visit me later and then I am going for a long power walk, come hail, rain or shine!! Hopefully will feel a bit better after that - if not, i've got 11 Lemon and Poppy Seed muffins to devour!! (my son didn't take any home with him last night), not good!! I know it's bad for the old cholesterol but for now, I'm throwing caution to the wind!!

I do have my Gamcare counselling session later so hoping to go through a few niggling thoughts/concerns with her, (non of which are to do with gamgling you will be pleased to know). Hoping this will help lift my mood - fingers crossed!!

Take it easy everyone - I will be!

Feb - not her usual self but still very much gamble free on "The Bright Side of the Road".

Posted : 11th April 2013 10:47 am
Posts: 4422


Days like today come and go, but take heart my friend you are without doubt on the right side of the road!!!

For that a massive well done, enjoy those muffins!! Yummy

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 11th April 2013 2:14 pm
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