18TH JAN 2013 - Time to let go.

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Thanks to my two favourite ladies from back in the day!! ha!


Posted : 18th January 2014 9:27 pm
Posts: 357

A year since you stood up and took control again. We've all had our moments, slips or whatever, but sticking our guns and knowing that life is better without the gambling bug has carried you (and others) through well this last year.

Really pleased for you, Feb. This is an important day for you. This time a year ago you said that magic word 'NO' and took back your life.

Wish you the best. Don't know if you're sticking about or not, as you said you might be leaving at this point before. I must say, I'm half in, half out myself. I don't really post in my diary anymore now and just like to help a few others during their early days. Whatever you choose to do, thanks again for your support along the way.

All the best


Posted : 18th January 2014 9:49 pm
Posts: 0


I just wanted to congratulate you on your year! I hope to be in the same position as you in 11 months!

XX linda

Posted : 18th January 2014 9:53 pm
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Thanks Alex and so lovely to hear from you again. You were one of the very first people to post in my diary and whenever I open up my diary, your post lies at the bottom of my first page!! So you will never be forgotten!! ha!

I will probably still stick to writing every Saturday but think I will now move into months now rather than weeks - this now being the start of my 13th month!!.

Take care and thank you once again for your continued support.


Posted : 19th January 2014 12:55 am
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Thanks Linda and very much appreciate your support. You will soon be there yourself I am sure.

Take care.


Posted : 19th January 2014 12:59 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Feb,

Great job and congrats on your 1 year of being gamble free! Stay strong and committed to yourself, you deserve it.


Posted : 19th January 2014 10:28 pm
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Hey Chicago

Thanks so much. Lovely to hear from you again.

Take care.


Posted : 20th January 2014 12:33 am
Posts: 1172

Hiya feb thank you for your post it has helped me deal with the situation and kinda move away from it. I've had some urges as I got myself "back in the game" however briefly but I think I'm out of it now. Massive congrats on the year gamble free that really is awesome. I can understand you taking a step back from posting as this is something I have done. I would say don't forget if things get tough this site will still be here don't be afraid to start posting regularly once more If you find your suddenly getting urges etc. I hope and I'm sure that won't be the case just wanted to offer a smidge of advice. Take care feb.

Posted : 20th January 2014 11:47 am
Posts: 0


Congratulations on your continued progress. It is amazing the difference only one year can make. I love reading about success stories on here and it brought a huge smile to my face reading the last few pages of your diary.

Thank you for your continued support on my diary. I haven't been replying as much as I used to but I sure do appreciate the time you have taken to offer me some kind words.


Posted : 20th January 2014 4:26 pm
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Thanks very much Dave and Tomso, much appreciated.

Take care both of you.


Posted : 20th January 2014 6:40 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Feb

Thanks for your kind words, very well done on your year gamble free. Stay strong an focus an push on for that better life you have set out too have. Well done again you should be proud of yourself

Posted : 21st January 2014 1:27 am
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Thank you Ali.

So, pay day today - actually, my salary was in my bank account on Saturday, which was a huge surprise - however, a very pleasant and much waited for surprise! Didn't think about gambling but what I did find myself thinking of (which I thought was good), was that last time I got paid early was on 18th Jan 2013 and for all those who have read my diary, you know how the story goes.... Anyway, like I said, it acted as a good reminder of how gambling can end up leaving you totally at "rock bottom".

So, another pay day and back to my goals:


1. To take each day as it comes and embrace it

positively. Tick

2. To set up savings cards for Tesco and

Sainsbury's to help towards next Christmas!! Tick.

3. To put some money on both savings cards

after I am next paid, no matter how small. No but more about that later!


1. To continue to pay ALL bills. Tick

2. To continue to pay back what I owe my sister. Tick

3. To continue to save for next Christmas. Tick

4. To continue to remain gamble free. Big Tick!

Ok so the reason I have not put any money on my Tesco or Sainsbury's card yet is that I have done something else positive - I have just set up an ISA account with my bank - all done on line which took me all of five minutes!! I deposited £20 and have set up eleven further payments to take me nicely up to December. So in effect, this will hopefully be a steady little savings fund for Christmas food shopping!

I think the emphasis is for me not to try to save too much which will then leave me short and feeling miserable every time I am paid. This, I think I can manage and on top of this, I am also going to add a couple of pounds here and there onto my savings cards, each time I visit Tesco or Sainsbury's - As they say, "every little helps"!! Not to mention my little savings box for my 20 and 50 pence coins!! - This little beauty is going to go towards the extra heating I will be using whilst I am off over Christmas. Now I know I now might be sounding like Scrooge here but I remember around about this time last year when I was sat in my living room one night with no heating whatsoever - all down to the fact that I had just gambled away my salary. Like I said, one of the many reasons why I was feeling at "rock bottom". This year, I am covering all angles!!!

Off work at the moment as I am still suffering with bad cold/flu symptoms, hence the late diary entry. Hopefully, I will turn a corner tomorrow, fingers crossed! Due to this, I didn't have my celebratory drink at the weekend but I did purchase some cheeky little ankle boots online last night in the sale - how times have changed - before gambling took a hold, I would think nothing of paying £200 for shoes/boots. Now however, I couldn't believe how long it was taking me to decide on a pair in the sale, costing a mere £34.00!!! Result!

What a long post that turned out to be - sorry readers!!

Take care all.

Feb - Coughing better on "The Bright Side of the Road".

Posted : 21st January 2014 1:28 am
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Thanks Julie. Nice to think I am a help.


Posted : 21st January 2014 3:19 pm
Posts: 7071

Good morning Feb,

Thank you for your kind words on my diary. My whole routine is a bit upside down at the minute...was really struggling with everything earlier on tonight...but..thank god no damage done...( i was close tho )...bloody emails with bonuses..not sure how they still being uploaded on my phone..obviously my network did nothing with my request to block sites last year..might contact them again.

Anyway, I am glad to read you seen GP and started some antibiotics.

. I suppose my best medicine would be 3 days sleep and 5 full diners when wake up lol...really need some rest..if i fail this one, i might consider doctor...i keep putting it off, and it's already showing some negative affects on my health..i will make it at the end of this month i hope :-))

You are doing great and i love to see you around. You have great personality and supporting so many others. Your determination and belief shines through.

You are worth so many good things in your life, and i know you will reach them staying on the bright side of the road 🙂

Sorry for the ramble and mistakes...sleeps still not coming and not sure whats going on in my head.., but feel eghausted within....aghrr..better start counting sheeps lol

Keep it up

Day at a time and thanx for everything again

Sandra x

Posted : 22nd January 2014 8:32 am
Posts: 0
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Thank you both Julie and Sandra for your continued support on my diary.

Take care.


Posted : 22nd January 2014 6:31 pm
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