18TH JAN 2013 - Time to let go.

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Hey Feb,

Lovely to meet you in a chat and have a bit of " live " conversation 🙂

keep doing what you doing and be proud girl!!

All the best

day at a time

Sandra x

Posted : 23rd January 2014 9:57 pm
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MONTH 13 - Weekly Update

Feeling Happy, feeling focused, feeling determined..... to better my 2014 in more ways than one!!

Take care all and have a lovely weekend.

Feb - Feeling Blessed on "The Bright Side of the Road".

Posted : 25th January 2014 1:56 am
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Well then, time for next month's pay day mini goals:


1. To pay all bills.

2. To put some money into my ISA.

3. Put money onto my Sainsbury's savings card.

4. To buy myself something (nothing major).

5. To budget wisely for the month.


1. To continue to pay my sister back.

2. To remain GAMBLE FREE.

There we go, plenty to keep me focused and out of trouble!!

Take care all.

Feb - Feeling sensible on "The Bright Side of the Road".

Posted : 25th January 2014 9:41 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Feb

Thank you so much for your kind words of support on my diary. I think your diary is amazing, having short and long term goals in a great idea and probably part of the reason you are doing so well!

Well done on going so long without gambling and still putting in a lot of time for others on this forum.

Keep up the good work


Posted : 26th January 2014 10:42 pm
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Thanks Jimbo - much appreciated.


Posted : 27th January 2014 12:59 am
Posts: 7071

Hey feb,

You are quiet these days...one or two lines won't hurt 🙂

I have a feeling you are strong and determined as ever and wish you a great stress free, calm and lovely weekend!!

Day at a time

S x

Posted : 31st January 2014 6:26 pm
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Thank you girlies - Sandra, I actually thought I had been quite addicted in my reading and posting the last two weeks, with me being off work with a bad chest infection!! Don't worry I have not gone anywhere!

Although I have felt physically dreadful the last couple of weeks, again, this is nothing compared to how I felt when in the past, I have gambled all of my hard earned salary, just hours of it hitting my account. Give me a chest infection any day!!

I have found myself gazing at my full fridge once more and reflecting back on those really dark days/months when I had nothing in it!

I take great pleasure in ticking off all of my bills in my little "budget booklet" I keep in my bedside drawer.

I went into my cupboard this evening and had a choice of wines to choose from. I am having my sister-in-law here for lunch tomorrow. I am having my lovely sister here on Sunday for dinner. I have been to Sainsbury's shopping (and yes Julie, I have put some money on my savings card)!!

I have treated myself to a few small gifts (that is the trouble when you are off ill - it's online shopping all the way)!!

I checked my gas arrears of just under £500 and I now only owe £55.

I have had to put an extra £30 on my gas metre as it has been so cold and I have been at home all day from work. I told my sister this but I also said "do you know what though" - "I can afford it"

The reason for me being on a metre was due to me racking up arrears. I will be so glad to go back onto direct debit again once I have paid them off - not long to go now.

All of the above, I have been able to do because I CHOOSE TO REMAIN GAMBLE FREE AND IT FEELS GOOD!!

I might not have loads of money to myself as I used to but things are definitely getting much better and my "treat" fund is gradually increasing again.

One big thing I do have however, is peace of mind and that feels so good. I will end my entry on that note.

Good night all. Take care and have a lovely gamble free weekend.

Feb - Chilling on "The Bright Side of the Road".

Posted : 1st February 2014 1:43 am
Posts: 7071

Hey Feb,

Thank you for ur mesage on my diary. I must of didn't sound very clear last night lol...yep, I see you around and supporting everyone, I just meant I was waiting for an update on ur diary :-))

Got it now!!! Great read, thank you for sharing and keep it up girl!!

Day at a time

All the best

You deserve all the peace and happiness

Take care

Sandra xx

Posted : 1st February 2014 3:29 pm
Posts: 0

Hi feb ,just keep focused and strong!!

Posted : 1st February 2014 8:58 pm
Posts: 0


Great to read your last post. Its amazing to be able to see your progress. I know you're doing brill.

I'm hoping you're feeling better this week.

Keep up the great work- hopefully, we can catch up for a blether later!

Take care



Posted : 2nd February 2014 7:08 pm
Posts: 0


Great last post to read. You have put in the hard work and now you will receive the benefits. Keep up your good work.


Posted : 4th February 2014 8:43 am
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Thanks Q.I and Tomso.


Posted : 4th February 2014 11:58 pm
Posts: 0


I'm normally quite a selfish blogger! But thought I'd have a quick read of yours and your last post really does make me feel good and optimistic.

Obviously going 10,20,30 days is fantastic but as I've got past 12 weeks and narrowing in on the 100 days I just need to make sure I stay focused and your last post has done just that so thanks!

It really is the little things that make this feel so good, like having wine in the fridge or just being able to treat yourself. I'm not quite at that stage but there in lies the motivation - I never used to spend money on anything but gambling but I know now that I can start saving and treat myself once in a while.

Keep in touch and thanks for the posts so far


Posted : 5th February 2014 1:02 am
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Thanks Stu.


Posted : 5th February 2014 1:43 am
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MONTH 13 - Weekly Update

Another week off work sick. Thankfully, feeling much better now and returning back to my usual routine on Monday.

Being off work brings about boredom. Boredom brings about shopping. Shopping brings about spending money. Spending money brings about realisation - that without gambling in my life for the last 13 months, I am now in a position where I can go to the shops, browse around and buy things. They might not be huge things (yet) but still, abstinence has given me the freedom again to have the option.

Deciding to give up gambling has allowed me to do more of something I have always enjoyed in the past - cooking and baking! My lovely sister and mum are coming tomorrow evening for supper so I am going to make a nice homemade chilli and I am going to bake a nice Cherry and Almond cake. I get so much enjoyment and pleasure out of cooking and baking and having people round to eat it!!

Wrote out a little wish list today for things I want to do around the house that in the past, the aftermath of gambling prevented me from being able to do. As I was writing this list, I just knew that I would achieve all of the things on it. I don't know exactly when but I just know that they will happen - the fighter in me is well and truly back!! I thought I would note my wish list in my diary:


1. To have my flashing on my chimney repaired (approx. £250-£300).

2. To have the trees at the back of my garden trimmed/cut back.

3. To get some new fencing. The current fencing is not dire but it is something I would like.

4. To buy new blinds for my kitchen/utility room.

Like I said, I am not sure when I will complete all of the above but WATCH THIS SPACE!!

Take care all and have a lovely gamble free weekend.

Feb - Feeling inspired on "The Bright Side of the Road".

Posted : 8th February 2014 1:44 am
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