2 Years....

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Two years ago today I chose to break that daily cycle. It’s not been easy, I re-lapsed September 2019 but I still mark today as the day I chose to make that change. It’s been one hell of a journey up until now.

I’ve done the counselling, the therapy, the crying, the loathing, all of it...but it was necessary.

I’ve been to places in my head I’ve never been nor want to go to again, I’ve put my family through all sorts of pain and very nearly lost it all......BUT.....I did it and will continue to do it, tomorrow, the day after and the day after that....

If anyone reads this and is thinking of stopping, trying to stop, telling them selves they want to...you can do it, confide in someone and you’ve taken that first step.

Time is a great healer and even though at times you feel things will never get better, they do. I’m nearly done with my debt, I have savings, peace of mind and have re-built relationships and trust along the way.

I don’t want anyone to think it’s easy or I’m say here boasting, far from it...I just want people to know that you’re not alone, people are in the same position, I’ve been in that position and there’s plenty of support out there should you wish to take it.

You’re one step away from a different journey. I wish everyone well at such a difficult time and I hope if you are in a situation you make that choice to change.

Thanks for reading.


Posted : 10th December 2020 10:30 pm
Posts: 1013

Hi bellboy, no one will think you're boasting ( if anyone does they're daft !!) It's really good to hear positive stories that actually embrace the hard things about recovery. The bit I really like is that you did not let a relapse wreck your gamble free journey you acknowledge that it happened and have carried on and learned from it. Well done to you and long may this continue for you 

Posted : 11th December 2020 10:43 am

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