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Thanks a lot diamondhandz much appreciated.

Posted : 10th May 2021 6:52 pm
Posts: 2938
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I've asked to do some more weekend shifts and they were happy to let me but my managers were concerned that a ten hour shift maybe too much for me....with that in mind they asked me to ask my docter.  So I've emailed my lead practioner about whether its OK? She emailed me today about the pip and I hadn't seen it as it was in my junk mail she said that me saying I couldn't work full time didn't help my claim and I'd just emailed her asking whether I could work full time lol my dad thought that was funny.... Oh well I'm working my hardest if I can't work the six days then so be it but its worth trying it out and giving it a go.  All the best Adam xxx thanks again diamond handz I loved reading that post

Posted : 10th May 2021 7:00 pm
Posts: 35

Six day work weeks. i tried that, and it can be very exhausting to say the least especially when you know you can go out in the sun instead. if you must work more, i would say find some flexibility like ask to stay at home to work so you can enjoy the sun as well. 🙂

Posted : 10th May 2021 9:26 pm
Posts: 2938
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Lead practitioner is happy for me to try the ten hours Sunday shift and see how I feel after, if it doesn't work can just work five hours.  All in all very happy with this.

Posted : 11th May 2021 9:59 pm
Posts: 2938
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Hi Diamond hands thanks for post.  Ive realised that ive got nearly every monday off in june which will help me to relax after the sundays shifts to begin with to get me used to it.


Looking forward to helping out with this role as its new and something to learn and  think i could be good at it (im good with customer service and am happy to talk to anyone and know the hospital well now).


All in all the last two weeks everything has fallen into place nicely, im feeling healthy and confident about life which is great.


Ive got half my annual holiday in june so i will be able to watch every euros game (come on england).  I get excited about the international tournaments and will no doubt lose sleep due to it but with the tme off work i will be relaxed, enjoy the sun and visit the beach with family with my new wet suit.


I will save the other 11 days holiday i have left for when i move into my flat for decorating and settling in.


The work that needs to be done on the flat includes plastering lounge, Painting, New floors, New carpets and id like to install a tape for the garden.  I need a new patio but thats not urgent.


Health wise im feeling really positive at the moment.  Im sleeping well, i have lots of energy, works going great, my diet isnt great but im trying that just doesnt help when they give you cakes at work for international nurses day today lol.  I had two nom nom nom.



Oh yeah and thankfully brighton have stayed in the prem league so as soon as they come out im getting tickets to the brighton spurs game for next season so i can take my dad and nephew,  ill give the tickets to my nephew for his christmas present.  I know he will love this.


Visiting a friend in east preston and going with him and another friend to a brewery and coffee pub/cafe on Saturday.  Will watch that i only have one coffee as when a see friends and have a few coffees i usually get voices in the evening when i go to bed so ill just have one coffee and see if that helps the voices.

Four weeks until my holiday, will be visiting the beach, sunbathing every sunny day and watching all the euros games.  Looking forward to this a great deal.


Onwards and upwards.....


All the best 

Adam xxxx


Posted : 12th May 2021 8:27 pm
Posts: 2938
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End of aother week, start of the weekend.  Looking forward to catching up with a couple of friends tomo for a coffee.  Managed to get 10 hours ever sunday untill middle of august working on reception which is great, just have to make sure i dont get run down which i will do by making sure i sleep plenty before and after the shift.


Just watching a film now....then an earlyish night i think....



Posted : 14th May 2021 6:52 pm
Posts: 401

Hi Adam and really good to read you are 'motoring'.  As you say, you don't want to overdo it and get run down, but you have this in hand. Life's about balance.  You have exciting times ahead as you prepare to move back into your flat and life will surprise you, I'm sure, in other positive ways too 🙂

This post was modified 4 years ago by RochG
Posted : 16th May 2021 9:08 am
Posts: 2938
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I looked back at some emails tonight and saw ones about when i was on performance management at work in 2017.  It really wasn't pleasant reading, reading what they wrote about me!!!!  It brought back some bad memories.  I feel they shouldn't have expected soo much from me and didn't need to send me emails each day saying what i was doing wrong.  From the stress i got signed off work and when i went back they swiped it under the carpet and moved me to being a porter all the time.  Now i'm thankful for a job but not thankful for that poor care.  Four years on im in the same porter job and am thankful for less stress.  I will try my best and if thats not enough then screw them (it is no doubt all i can offer). 


I am thankful for a peaceful life.

I am thankful to live vice free.

I am thankful for the past five years of saving that have got me in this position.

I am thankful for a healthy family.

I am thankful for my friends.

I am thankful for football, music and films.

Al the best adam xxx






Posted : 17th May 2021 8:28 pm
Posts: 2938
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So another week done, a week closer to my birthday, a week closer to celebrating with a meal, another week where i worked an extra 9.5 hours overtime.  Im tired today after a long shift but satisfied for a few good reasons they are:

i will be moving into my flat this year and gaining some greater independence.

Im earning a third more money each month doing weekend work.

Spurs beat arsenal and stayed in europe just.

im managing my money very well.

im controlling all my vices equally as they are all as important.


all the best from a tired but grateful adam

Posted : 23rd May 2021 8:14 pm
Posts: 2938
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Well its been an eventful week.  Last thursday we had our pay review at work.  We got a 1% raise which for most went down like a lead balloon.  Now as a porter its even worse as it just went up with the minimum wage and im now on 3 pence above minimum wage.  


One of the other porters whos been with me there for over four years then handed his notice in due to it.


So being impulsive and wanting to keep him at the hospital i wrote an email to my manager, their manager and the director.  I said as we clean a lot in our role we should get paid as much as the cleaners.  Also i said that we should have some stepping stones to aim for eg titles like experienced porter or senior porter where we can see the porter ing job as a career.  I said this with the intention they should give him a pay rise and he would then stay.....


Now my boss gave me the silent treatment today so it made me think id done something wrong then i spoke briefly to the director and they said they would see what they could do... Which made me feel better.


Vices wise all good.


Just cleaned my room and made my bed and hoovered.  Im ready for my birthday weekend.... Going out saturday afternoon for a meal with friends, then work sunday then day off monday with family.


Looking forward to the euros, ill be off work during the weekdays in 11-22 june then each monday... hoping for some sunny weather to get a bit of a tan.  We will see.


All the best adam xxx



Posted : 27th May 2021 8:00 pm
Posts: 76

Happy Birthday!

Posted : 30th May 2021 1:01 pm
Posts: 3947

? Happy Birthday Adam ?

Wishing you a fun-filled weekend.

Aum ?

Posted : 30th May 2021 2:13 pm
Posts: 192

Happy 40th Birthday Adam, hope its been a good on ??

Posted : 30th May 2021 9:00 pm
Posts: 401

Happy birthday Adam! Truly hoping it was a wonderful day my friend. 

Posted : 30th May 2021 10:51 pm
Posts: 848

Happy birthday Adam hope you are having an amazing weekend 

Lou x 

Posted : 31st May 2021 12:48 am
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