Thinking about it...... Ive reached another decision that I should move out of folks, I'm not getting any younger and neither are my folks so I think it makes sense to get back my independence..... Just going to move in gradually like we planned.
Work was tough today as Joel couldn't work Monday when I was off.... So all the rubbish and cardboard built up, all the deliveries stayed in the atrium and when I came in today I had to do it all on my own , not great really.
Back to work after my four day weekend. No plans for this weekend...... Next Friday I've got a holiday day and going to watch new bond film, can't wait.
Recovery going strong not thought about gambling for a while...well since I talked about gamstop ending and trying to reinstall it which it seems happens automatically untill u ask for it to be ended, which I never will.
Hi Adam, hope your well.
I can see your in a bit of pickle atm regarding your move back into your flat. I like you have wrote the pros and cons to help you make a decision.
My advice to you would be to make plans for when you move and maybe do a calender to keep you busy. For example you say you think you would feel lonely in the evenings so maybe arrange to initially start of going having tea with your parents and plan your evening like going home, few chores, maybe a walk or a swim/ watching a film ect. As the weeks go on maybe start whittling one tea down so that perhaps you go 4 x per week for tea with parents and so on so that its all gradual and you adjust accordingly rather than thrown in the deep end. Having your own independence will give you some purpose. Like you said as much as your parents like you living at home they too may like maybe a bit of time alone( please done take that the wrong way). After all we all like our own space at times.
You will be fine and we are all just a message away when you feel lonelyÂ
Love KateÂ
Many thanks for ur post Kate xxx very good ideas
Hi diary, once again im looking forward to moving!!!!! Not long now.....Planning everything i need and buying it one thing at a time.... Just chilling this weekend...... saving my off to bed night xxx
Another wekk has passed and i find myself here again at the nine pm reflection time of the week.
Done my weekly weigh in this morning and thankfully i was 13.4 stone meaning i havent put on any weight since the wedding. Considering ive relaxed my diet, not done any exercise outside of work, been for mcdonalds where i ate 6 mc nuggets and a double quater pounder large meal with a milkshake, then a all u can eat curry the next day, crisps and chocolate every day since the wedding im feeling like ive majorly dodged a bullet there.
But im going to start again with the exercise and diet..... ive had a nice break from it as you can see and im ready for a final push up till christmas where the target weight is for. By new years eve morning im thinking as new years day i will have celebrated. Actually ill set the target weight of 12 stone 8 pounds by christmas eve if possibl then i can relax thru christmas and new years then step back up with the majority of the population thru january..... i might even see if theres a deal for joing the gym in january as ill be in my flat then and can see myself going to it after work before i walk home.... i can also see a friend at the gym whilst doing it.
So lets see how many weeks ive got to play with? just under 13 weeks..... So ill work on a 12 week plan...... Ill really go back to basics...... Ill eat an extra weetabix every morning and cut down on the snacks again then aim to do more exercise simple..... I CAN DO TIHS...... when i look in the mirror i dont look overweight which is great but id like a good bmi ......
All my other vices are under wraps....Going great with them just got to work on helath this year......
Then onto next year operation independence.......
One day at a time.....
lose one pound a week........thats all i need to do.....
night night diaryÂ
all the best adam xxx
Today's diet has gone great.
Weetabix for breakfast.
Sandwich and melon for lunch.
Two cups of tea.
Back home for Bolognese for dinner.
I'm full and fine for the evening now.
First week is usually the most productive and sees the best results so let's see what I can do.
All the best Adam xxx
Daily check in.....
Today: one weetabixÂ
Sandwich and melonÂ
Three teasÂ
Sausage and mashÂ
And that's it no snacks horrayÂ
Another great day go me!!!!Â
Weighed myself and at a heavier part of the day 5pm I was 13.3 and three quarters, so down one quarter Soo far.
Two more days at work then off for the Friday for spurs and bond.
Glad to have something to focus on I'd hit a bit of a slump to be honest..... Nothing exciting happening over last few weeks just been succumbing to eating extra food and treating myself too much.
Looking to do a lot at work next two days to earn a day off .... I'll try hard and look to see what I can achieve.
Been asked if I want to do some weekend shifts for the canteen serving the patients food and drinks .... I said I'd think about it but at the moment I'm liking my days off at the weekends so working six days doesn't appeal.
All the best Adam xx
Another great day of diet..... just weighed myself again and looking ok...... thought of having a snack tonight but managed to stop myself.
all the best adam xx
Hi Adam,
Thanks for your support tonight it meant a lot. Even 3 year plus warriors have bad days & it's re-assuring knowing there's always someone there to support but not judge.
Thanks A Million
No problem Al we are both here for each other in all times of need.
I was off work sick yesturday and on a holiday day today to watch James bond.
I'm going to be in chat, then big lunch and off to watch it at half three
It's fair to say I've come on a long journey since I started here back in 2016. I used to think nothing of spending all that I earnt on poker,. I used to smoke like a chimney, I used to drink most social nights, I used to do all this thinking it was normal, thinking it wouldn't be affecting my health too badly.
Now these days I think completely differently. I think about my health and my future realistically. Â
I know I can live a long healthy life.
I'll post more later ..... I've treated a friend to a cinema ticket for bond and off to see it now! Can't wait.
Started last Sunday on my diet at 13.4 stone with the target of between 12.8-12.10 by christmas.
Weighed myself today and I'm chuffed to say I'm 13.1and three quarter.
So between seven and nine pounds left to lose in the ten weeks remaining.
I really hope I haven't just weighed myself in a favourable position on the floor and next week I'll be up in weight....but it's motivating me that's for sure.
I allways make a good start..... I shouldn't think of it like a diet with an end date either it should be a new lifestyle..... But untill I hit 12.10 I'll try and have no snacks.
Dear diary,
Another week has passed, an eventful one an i am here again writing about this week.
I have been ill, was off work thursday, on holiday friday, had to get a pcr test which i just got the result and its negative which is great, ive seen james bond (more cinema visits to follow in the coming months) it was brilliant, ive watched football and mostly stayed in thru the weekend, i done my annual tax return, i cooked a roast today, dusted and hoovered my room, and im ready for another week.
Lets live in the moment and enjoy now!!!!!! my works slogan is "life tomorrow, starts today" and its soo true, ive been thinking about life in my flat next year but im going to appreciate the next two months here and get the most out of it.
All the best Adam xxx
First day at work negotiated .
Weetabix, sandwich, melon, choc nut bar, pot noodle, chicken and rice, kit kat,Â
Not such good reading on diet front but a smaller portion of dinner than usualÂ
Just weighed myself and at end of day usually weigh more....I was 13.350 so pretty good considering time of day.
I'll look to improve my intake of food tomo and continue to work towards my goal.
All the best Adam xx
Second day negotiated at work.... Went pretty well.
Weighed myself tonight before dinner and was 13.2 Soo pretty good.
Looking to lose another pound or to stay at the 13.175 weight by this Sunday.
Food today;
Weetabix teaÂ
Sandwich melon teaÂ
Tea teaÂ
Curry smaller amount of rice and turned down a naan.
Great start to the week!!!!Â
All the best Adam xxx
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