Went out to the pub tonight for a steak with a couple of friends... Was really nice.... I promised myself I'd take a step back from work thoughts over this three day weekend... Gonna be a relaxing one.....visiting a national trust place tomo for a walk with mum ...... I'll listen to some music ..  I'll relax with some films..... I'll watch some footy..... All with the intention of distancing myself from work and getting into a tranquil state.
Night Adam xx
You're doing fantastic at work, you're typical of the pride of this nation's employees ( NHS ) but how can we expect you to gives us everything without R & R. Savour & enjoy every minute. When good people are given a chance to charge their batteries in the long term we all benefit. Remember you're not a machine, & you need a break like everyone else.
You take such pride in your work & I take such pride in you. We met in 2018 but you'd been around since 2015. Believe it or not I was thinking about you a few hours ago. I looked at my watch seeing it was 18th November & thought 2 weeks exactly to Adams 2 year party. Did you think I'd forgotten 2nd Dec ?, Adams 2 year milestone. I DON'T THINK SO.
God Bless Mate, Enjoy The Break
Hi thanks a lot for the encouragement Al. Â
To be fair it's been a really tough day for me mentally. I have actually done some really nice things yesturday night and today, even went and played snooker for an hour. But whether the thoughts of playing poker at the pub last night slipped in even without knowing I'm not sure, but I didn't play I just walked back home.... So I've come thru unscathed. However I think as I discussed in chat maybe because I don't drink? Or as I'm not too much fun to be around? But old friends don't include me when they are going out? Not going to dwell on it any longer as it's not healthy but I think I should just move on, move forward, times have changed I'm not who I was I'm different and I personally like who I've come to be.
I'm not someone who goes to bars at night anyway, I'd rather come on chat, be safe and sound at home and drink a cuppa.
So in all honesty I'm not missing out.
Plus who wants to spend a days wages on something to drink? Not me.... Not now I'm more sensible with money.
I'll bide my time.... Next year when they put a promo on I'll join gym again and go to it everyday I can and relax in the health suite it'll be glorious and if I meet new people new friends then great....
I've got another two days off so I'll rest rest rest..... Lye in tomo and watch midday game or maybe just sleep till four pm who knows just rest up and recharge that's my objective...... And to be fair it's good that I've got nothing on.... Who needs old friends I've put effort in to stay in contact they haven't so not my fault if we've lost contact and friendship goes....
I'm off to be night all the best Adam xxx
Hello Adam,
I've read your post at least 3 times & absorbing the hurt you're feeling it's horrible. I have few friends left ( entirely my doing ) but those I can count on when I'm hurting, those I could count on to support me if I slipped up, those that will never judge me are here wherever I may fall. For me you're probably the first one I'd come to if I was struggling. Friends like that are not 10 a penny, they're rare finds & something you NEVER want to let go of. The fact is special people like you are quite unique & hard to find. Unfortunately some don't know the difference between genuine lamb & mutton dressed as lamb. You'll never know how special you are not just to me but to so many others on here. We love ya to bits.
Rise Above & Kick On Mate When You Hurt We All Hurt, When You're Happy So Many On Here Share Your Joy. That's Real Friendship.
Adam, going up to bed but remembered first 7 words you said to me first time we met." Hi Al welcome you'll get through this". SPECIAL
Thanks Al, you fill me with confidence every time you post ..... I've had a nice long sleep then watched the Chelsea game and had lunch..... I've been half wanting to get an invite from old friends via a message today? But I'm not holding out for one .  I'm feeling better now. I'm going to go to watch ghostbusters with a different friend next Friday. So in all honesty if I stay in this weekend I'm also fine with that..... Â
I'm really proud that you'd come to me first Al when in need.... I'd be pleased to be there ..
Roll on the second of December!!!!
Two years gamble free minus one itv tv comp two pound spent.....
I'm really proud.
All the best Adam xxx
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