Hi. I'm back. Been her a few times over the years. So needless to say I have been gambling. Today I will be 5 days gamble free. I told myself I would have a cheeky bet on the superbowl. Deposited the money and ended up betting on everything from tennis to basketball, football etc. I ended up a lot as it happens but everyone knows a gambler never stops. So I lost it all. re deposited and so it continues. Anyway I lost a decent amount. A lot more than I can afford.
A little bit of background I am 27 now I have 3 young kids. 5, 2 and 14weeks. Yet I still keep gambling. It makes me sick. Because I have 3 young kids to provide for. Anyway I'm hoping this time I will quit for good. Any help or advice people can give I will be much obliged.
It's weird. I haven't had much craving to gamble since last time. Still feeling bad about my last loss but tonight just lying here I am so tempted. This is usually the time I would. 8/9 onwards. One win to claw back losses. Get out of debt
Hi Stuart
Those blinking urges/temptation to gamble are horrendous but please don't do it tonight. You will feel so different in the morning if you abstain tonight. Just have a quick read of my last post on my diary that I posted yesterday. What happened has certainly changed my behaviour today and I've overcome any urges I had with the thoughts of what's happening in the background of those online sites. If you can't sleep then read this site all night. It will put you off. Take care and stay safe if not for yourself but for your children who are so dependant on you for setting a good example and being a strong and responsible Daddy.
Take care
Rosie x
Hiya Stuart and welcome back , how many times have we done that egh? , just one more bet , one more big win will make it all good again and at least i'll get my money back ?. TBH mate you and I both know it doesn't happen does it ? and even if you were lucky enough to have a big win , would it stop ?, of course it wouldn't , were compulsive gamblers , we cannot win because we cannot stop and you know it's not about the money anymore , just the buzz , the money won would just go straight back fior another bet , more ammunition for your weapon of choice !.
I know fella , I've done the same thing many times in my life and I also know that the only way to win is to stop , your nearly at a week gamble free , just think about what brought you here and ask yourself if you want to keep doing the same thing or if you want your life to change ?.
Keep positive buddy , keep posting and read the diarys of others when the urges come !
All the best my friend !
Cheers rosie and Alan for your words and thoughts. It all helps. I didn't gamble last night but I did go on to check odds which goes to show how easy it is. One of my rules was not to go online and check odds. That leads to the if I bet this much I can win this much etc. But it's difficult. Anyway on the positive I am 6 days gamble free. I had my last gamble a week tomorrow. It seems like a life time ago. Reading people's post have helped me this evening because it reminds you of why we carnt gamble anymore. I have been gambling pretty much non stop since I was 16/17. I am now 27 nearly 28. I dred to think how much I have lost over the years. Just last week I lost thousands and that's not including the money I was up which was a decent amount. Anyway I need to go. I will be back after
Ever so nearly a week free of gambling. I placed my last bet about 9pm last Saturday. It was temping today watching all the football scores but it wasn't to bad. No real urges. The 2 bets teams I would of convinced myself would defo win both lost so Imuch sure I have saved myself a small fortune. Usually I would be like you would of bet z amount on that and lost so you now have a free bet on z match or z sport but today I have no such desire to gamble. I will spend that money on my family.
Still here. Still gamble free. The urges have slowly been creeping up on me the more time that has passed. I'm 2 weeks tomorrow and I haven't gambled. It's not a long time but slow and steady wins the race.
Affected by gambling?
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