thanks hun...gonna have a rest soon as feeling the burn now xxx hugs and snugs ...Rach and Doo xxxx((((()))))
Yo Simba
ps, sorry for capitals, button stuck..
Thankyou Rach and Exmug.
Another payday negotiated with no problems,even treated the boys and myself to a take away as i was to tired to cook last night.Really looking forward to the end of the month one more payday and everything will be paid and on time and i should have a few pennies left over, been along time since that has happened :0)
Eldest is spending the weekend with his dad which is the first time in along time he could do with some dad time so another weekend with just me and LO.
Hope everyone has a good one.
Stay Strong
E xx
Hiya Elizabeth,
Well done girl 🙂 You've worked dam hard. I look forward to the end of every month there is always some improvement..albiet slow and small..but sure.
Have a lovely is fabulous here in Ireland..hope the same over your way.
Love Del x
Thanks Del,
Have to agree with you i have worked bloody hard oh how wonderful am i :0)
Having a great sunday so far quiet,relaxing LO on top form and the sun is shining,
Although had a very blonde moment when i thought the clocks went back not forward so was confused for a bit doh lol .
Life is good today and for today no black cloud.
Stay Strong
E xx
Any day with no black cloud is a brilliant day!
Hi Liz, thanks for your post, I am so pleased to read that everything is going well for you and that you seem really upbeat just now. You have done soooooo well keep up the good work and hope that you had a great weekend.
I am not really doing well at all, but when I get a positive head on I will be back, but as I have already said on Dels diary that noone wants to read on here what a gambler is doing. Keep up the good work, big hug x
hiya E....if i lived closer i'd swing by and take you out and treat you to a girlie day out.....your doing great and as always a fantastic Mum...have no major things to contribute these days on my diary as life ok...but it still means i have to not repeat patterns and keep strong.
Noticed a few people referr to you with different variations of your name...I like Libby xx but that's just it reminds me of the 'Statue of Libby er ty" that symbolises freedom and independence....keep flying that flame hun xxxxxxxx
Hugs Rach and Doo...(am actually christened Helen but hate it ...chose my middle name) xxxx
Thanks likey that name....thinking of Nemo and fish and how all that swimming is still paying off......from the delta to the deep blue sea !....xx
Hugs ...
Rach n Doo...
ps ....does anybody speak whale?
Thanks Rach,
Had a good clear out today,kids clothes,toys etc some of it binned alot put to one side for car boot,most of the kids clothes are virtually new as the pair dont stop bloody growing and LOs toys are in good nick to so may as well try and make a few pence.
Felt good to clear out when i moved in i had nothing now 2 years down the line and ive got a house full of stuff or rather LO has a house full of stuff lol.
I have the funds to gamble but it really isnt going to happen,not sure whats come over me the last couple of days maybe its the weather maybe its something else i just feel different stronger,motivated more determined about everything not just about staying gamble free.Dont know if any of those words are the right words i just know something has changed.
Sun is still shining and im feeling good :0)
Stay Strong
E xx
The car boot season is fast coming upon us. Hope you are able to make some extra dosh for yourself when you get to do it.
Grandest of Mornings Statue of Simba...
Loving the turn and last post of yours, thinking soon a 1st class ticket coming your way to Shanri La or if if you prefer flying to Utopia........
Just a slow ramble here and very slow mind thinking of your eldest cub and Simba.
Bully's are every where just like gambling really. The only thing that could beat the gambling gargoyle Was you, and humbly thinking hard Love is the way for your cub to beat his, Simba a fantastic corner man and quite adept at guiding but a guide is what this great Lioness is all about.......
I think also the lowest form of bullying is a reversal, ie when the bullied becomes a bully in later life, sometimes they call small man syndrome and there pretty much a d*k...
Cassius Clay Vs Sonny Liston..... You can't beat a mad man, Cassius became Mohammid Ali and Sonny became ?
Hope that makes sense....exmug . take care
Hi Liz, thanks for your post, I am going to take your advice and try to post more it may help.
Was so happy for you that you are feeling so good and gamble free. If you can take your feelings today and think of the opposite then you will have an idea how I am feeling.
Really well done to you, you are doing great, big hug x
Thankyou Ex mug and Juliette.
Bloody shattered today two and half hrs sleep and six hours of cleaning,guess whos having an early night.
Just couldnt sleep last night no matter what i tried dont know why feeling ok.
Still worried about eldest i think. problems with other kids which seem to be better and he is still struggling with work have asked for help with school work havent heard a thing in 3 weeks so the headmaster is now in my sights.
hope all are well.
Stay Strong
E xx
Hi Elizabeth just a quick check in and I see you are still doing great 🙂 well done x
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