a new way of thinking

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Sorry to hear little one has chicken pox, there has been some around in this area too. Hope that he is not too itchy and that you can have a reasonable day off. Hope no smoking is going well, keep it up BIG HUGX

Posted : 26th April 2012 8:36 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya Hun...depending on age of Little one..yep..there is a lot out there ...chickweed ointment or calamine lotion from chemist if you can still get it for the itchy spots.....

As its a virus..natural anti virals include echinacea for kids...l-lysiene (but check age doseage here) and elderberry...

My mum used to say that when spots come out the virus is working through as most infectious before spots show......

All the parents will have their kids round yours now so they catch it early.....lol

hope that helps hun xxx

Rach and Doo (((((((L))))))))) and hugs to cubs xx

Posted : 26th April 2012 10:45 pm
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Thankyou Juliette and Rachel :0)

I have to say LO is dealing very well with being spotty and itchy,bless his cotton socks.

Had a very productive day today got all jobs that were planned done and paid all the bills another payday over.Even managed to take the boys for a pizza for dinner and still got some (not alot)money left over.It feels good to finally get to a stage where bills are paid,fridge is full,treat the boys and still have a bit left over,back on an evenish keel after many years of wasting it :0)

Stay Strong.

E xx

Posted : 27th April 2012 10:24 pm
Posts: 0

full fridge,,,now those are the words I love more than anything in the world hun.....night night and keep safe Simba xxxx

Posted : 27th April 2012 10:30 pm
Posts: 0


It's amazing how things change once we re-establish the value of money, and what we have to do to earn it.

My finances are not very flush at present, but at least they're reasonably stable, and that's enough for now.

Still, I envy your full fridge!


Posted : 27th April 2012 10:32 pm
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Thankyou Rachel and LJ.

I would like to start by saying I HATE FLAT PACK FURNITURE ..........rant over.

Alls good this weekend i have spent to much money but the eldest now has everything for his room and it felt great to actually buy him the stuff he needed and wanted.

Looks like im not going to able to work at least most of next week due to LOs chicken pox ,not sure what to do as if i dont work i dont get paid so not sure weather to book it as holiday or go unpaid and struggle through mmmm decisions decsions.

Hope everyone is well

Stay Strong

E xx

Posted : 29th April 2012 12:17 pm
Posts: 0

Hi E, pleased that you have had a reasonable weekend and that you have been busy getting eldest room ship shape, bed he is really chuffed and that will also make you feel really good

Hope LO is soon improving, like you say if you dont work you dont get paid, but on the otherhand its a shame to take hols, do they not give so many days leave for sick children, they do where I work, give it as special leave. TC Big Hugs

Posted : 29th April 2012 1:05 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya E,

Sorry to hear about the LO, hope he is better very soon. Things are so looking up for you, so I hope you can get through this coming week without too much hardship. Thinking about ya.

Hugs Love Del x

Posted : 29th April 2012 7:10 pm
Posts: 0

I HATE FLATPACK LAWNMOWERS......with you there my lovely....

Still have bits left over even now....

Hope your ok Libby and keeping all the plates spinning in your den....Hope the LO starts to feel better soon ..guessing very clingy at the moment to Simba....

Thinking of you too.....take care hun...Rach and Doo


Posted : 29th April 2012 7:39 pm
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Thanyou my wonderful cyber friends :0)

Looking back over my diary tonight and i havent really mentioned anything much about gambling over the last couple of weeks.

Im back on an even keel with money the debts are still there but going down,bills are being paid on time the boys and i are even managing to treat ourselves its a great feeling.

Three and half odd years ago my life was falling apart well i was falling apart, Still wondering if maybe i had a mini breakdown, i saw one of my old neighbours the other day and she said how much better i looked as i looked awful when i left i hadnt realised how bad things had got physically anyway.

Now im feeling good about my life again i feel happier,stronger,financially still poor but managing,my Dad even told me he was proud of me yesterday i had to lift my jaw off the floor lol and my two wonderful boys are flourishing but.........i must not get complacent as the urges do niggle and we all know how easy it is to fall off that horse.

Without gambling in my life i can concentrate on what is important.

Stay Strong

E xx

Posted : 29th April 2012 11:00 pm
Posts: 0

Hello TW....

Superb last couple of posts, fantastic to see Simba roar with her two proud cub's in tow.

Thinking life throws its own problems to deal with in our society and its great to be away from the b/s of gambling. Its our life Simba and you really was born free so keep striding on in this glow of positivity.

Lift that joy of the floor and there's many proud of this Top Woman, stay safe and keep striding on...

Onwards and Upwards.... Keep on treating yourself and your trusty cubs and honory LUFC supporters... Marching on together.....

Exmug and out................

Posted : 29th April 2012 11:39 pm
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Thankyou Exmug another post to make me smile;0)

Just finished a lovely roast dinner mmmmm chicken our favourite.

LO ones chicken poxs seem to be healing going into nursery tomorrow to see if they will have him back and i can get back to work Wednesday.

Alls well today had a letter from tax credits reviewing my childcare costs why do there letters always make it sound like youve done something wrong when for once i havent,well nothing to worry about for once im all above board.

Hope everyone is well.

Stay Strong

E xx

Posted : 30th April 2012 7:33 pm
Posts: 0

Good on you Libby....Yep.,,those official looking letters freak me out too...I usually phone a friend and read them out just to see if I missed anything....lol...

But your all square and on track hun due to your hard work...Top banana .....bank hols coming up and hope you have also booked some time out .....I don't get paid for bank hols but I still love having time off xxxx

hugs to Simba ,Cub and a leopard with spots ..Rach and Doo xxxxx

Posted : 30th April 2012 8:37 pm
Posts: 2966

Hey Libs,

just dropping by to say my head is battered, so haven't been following anyones diaries, but you are in my thoughts!

I think I am feeling panicky and backed into a corner like you were a few months ago. You can't see the f*****g door for looking when you are panicked can you? theres no way out!

Take care,

f x

Posted : 1st May 2012 7:31 am
Posts: 0
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Thanku Rachel and Freda :0)

LO is going back to nursery tomorrow so i can go to work.Ive woked so f*****g hard to get on top of my bills im not going to let a case of chicken pox throw me off course,the fact that he wasnt unwell jut spotty didnt help as he has been the same whirlwind and eating machine he always is lol.

Alls good with me and even though ive had to take time off work and lose wages because of LO its actually done me some good,needed the rest.

Stay Strong

E xx

Posted : 1st May 2012 9:29 pm
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