Hi, Pleased that LO hasn't suffered too much, you sound like you have had a bit of a rest too, don't work too hard tomorrow, don't know what the weather is like where you are but here it is so dull, raining and depressing, wish the sun would shine, take care x
Hope your LO got back to nursery today and that you got out to work Libby.....
Just a drive by to see your ok....Youre a survivor to the core...not gonna let a little virus get the better of you and cubs ...
take care hun xxxx
Thankyou Juliette and Rach,
All is well LO back at nursery and chicken pox nearly gone so he is feeling alot better.
After nearly a week off work im knackered lol.
Another pay day tomorrow but feeling good about the gambling so should get through ok.
Early night for me will post replys later.
Goodnight all
Stay Strong
E xx
Another payday navigated and anther month all paid and up to date :0)
Its a bit grey and windy in Essex today so looks like another miserable bank holiday weekend:0[
Son number one is doing great at school and son number two is over the chicken pox and well just being him a whirlwind :0)
Hope everyone enjoys their long weekend.
Stay Strong
Hi Libby..
thanks for understanding ...had a slip in my own recovery and not feeling too proud today...think im putting too much pressure on myself to be over this fast like you said...thats why im always trying to intellectualise it all the time so i don't feel any more pain..
Im really glad your doing well Libby and your an inspiration to many on here and especially me...if it wasn't for you id be still in a terrible place.
It makes me feel better when you say 2 years as it doesnt make me feel i'm not doing enough to get over this. Just a bit hard on myself sometimes hun...
Love eh?...
Big massive hugs to you and the cubs and an extra big hug for superb navigation this week xxx
Hope your proud of yourself .....
Rach and Doo xxx
It may miserable outside but as long as you have a happy mind then that's the most important thing.
Well done on negotiating another payday!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Hi, you sound real happy, its a good warm feeling when the bills get paid and still some money left. Hope you have a good bank hol, we could all do with some sunshine to cheer us up. Must agree with the post from Dotty, you are an inspiration on this site and keep alot of us going with your encouragement. Thanks Elizabeth, Hugs X
Hiya E,
I agree with S, you do sound happy...and the progress your making is brilliant. Was thinking about your summer hols....maybe you won't get this year..but there's always next year, giving you plenty of time to save. I think that will be the route I will go down as I can't see us getting anywhere this year again.
Also google free places to visit for kids...there is loads in England I noticed.
Big Hugs
Love Del x
Thankyou Rach,NT,Juliette and Del xox
Yeah i am happy at the moment been along time since i've been able to use that word.
Del thats a brillant idea shall have a google myself on the free days out.
My bank holiday has been made as ive just had a surprise visit from my big bruv we live about 3hrs apart and due to work etc we rarely get to meet up. Last time i saw him was october last year,he had a photography job down the road from me last night and thought he would surprise me today.We are very close and the two boys adore their uncle so if nothing else happens this bank holiday then that certainly makes up for it.
Still miserable and rainy...........poo
Stay Strong
E xx
Great to see that your bank holiday weekend has been brightened up. Surprises will always be in store for us and as long as we don't gamble, there will be far more positive ones.
Yes, there are plenty of things in life that are free. I don't have any kids but a day at the park sounds far more peaceful and stress-free than a day at a theme park queueing for hours on end.
Enjoy your time with your family.
Thankyou NT.
Had a real good clean out of paper work yesterday,chucked out a ton of letters from creditors dont know why i kept them as they all say the same thing i had a pile i hadnt even opened as although i have arrangements for my debts they still write every so often to see if i can pay more but it was very therapeutic and reminded me how much money ive wasted over the years.Which in recovery i dont think is a bad thing sometimes gives you a bit of a kick up the back side.
Pretty lazy monday just waiting for my homemade lasagna to cook and i'll become garfield for a while lol
Back to work tomorrow hope everyone had a good long weekend.
Stay Strong
E xx
Back to work today .....poo :0)
Alls good.
Stay Strong
E xx
Hi Elizabeth
Great to see u saying ur happy life is to much better that way esp with what we av endured in the past , sounds like u av had a nice relaxing long weekend
So relaxing no stress happy how good does that sound , now that's what life is about
Take care
Its a all good ....even when its poo ...xx LOL
(((((L))))) xxx
Thankyou Rach and Castle.
Ive done nothing but hurt myself today hit my head twice,stubbed my toe three times,hit my elbow,burnt my finger and LO poked me in the eye.I feel like ive been beaten up and i only went to work and then came home lol.
Weather still raining:0[
Apart from the minor injuries ive suffered all day im still on the right side of happy:0)
Stay Strong
E xx
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