Hiya E, Oh dear you have been in the wars, but if you are still on the right side of happy then thats great. Hope you have a good day today without the minor injuries, its still raining here, had enough of it now, soon be mid summers day and its not even started!!! TC Hugs X
Yo Simba
A flyer before work... So thankyou soo much for last posting oin my diary, the support was well recieved....
Tour a Top Lass Simba with very proud cub's and a possee of supporters willing you on with every step. Good things coming your way and will start by blowing the rain away replacing with a tad of sun......
Strength to you..... and high five to the JHLUFC's
Thankyou Exmug you were right the sun has shone all day today:0)
Another payday and all bills and shopping done,tomorrow the boys get a haircut and i get to relax after a stressful week arguing with my boss about holiday entitlement as she has f****d up and then she wonders why im pi**ed off with her.
Anyhoo hope everyone has had a good week
Stay Strong
E xx
DOH !....its me age....started writing to you then realised I was on exmugs diary ...lol!!
Just saying hi this evening and hoping that you can still have the holiday dates you wanted....Not what you need really when you have kids and working round school to think about...
heres wishing you a good night Libby and the sun is supposed to shine for us this saturday so gonna make the most of it...
Its all good hun and sending Big ROAR to Simba and cubs...hey?...did you see that vid link on Fredas diary a while ago about Christian the lion?
..had me in tears ..lol
Hugs and snugs Rach and Dotty xxx
Hiya E thanks for the post, please you are doing good and all the bills paid, its a good feeling to be up to date, hope you have a relaxing weekend, sounds like you need it after this week. I am back at work tomorrow on early shift, but thats OK, I don't mind working weekends. Have a good one and chill.
Clarinette going slowly but plodding on, just startted learning Mull of Kintyre, its a change from Old Mcdonald had a farm, X
Hiya E,
Wishing you a lovely relaxing weekend...hope you get the holiday thing sorted out.
Love Del xo
Thankyou Juliette and Del xox
Ive had a very normal day today, bit of
shopping,washing,haircuts and house work and have just had free pizza as we had take away and they got the order wrong so for 8.99 i got 4 pizzas instead of two,we are all stuffed :0)
Gambling hasnt even entered my mind today ive kept busy and the boys and i have just had a good laugh .Happy Days.
Stay Strong
E xx
Get in E!
everyone loves a freebie don't they!
glad you are doing ok. you are very strong you know!
Take care,
f x
Thankyou Freda,
Another normal day comes to an end,lawnmower broke when lawn was half done so tried to finish it off with the strimmer god my arms hurt.
Eldests laptop has packed in so going to try and get it fixed but time to start saving for a new one anyway,times like these i regret what ive done as my credit is down the toilet but at the same time it means if i dont have the cash i dont get it and it dosent add to the debt.No time to look back as it dosent solve anything so onwards i go.
Stay Strong
E xx
Hi E
A nice positive post!
Things break down but you will replace them in due course.
The pizza story was good hope you enjoyed it and no thoughts of gambling!
Thankyou Smiler:0)
Have had the a * s * ache all day today dont know why just woke up feeling like it and havent been able to shift it.
Difference now i havent used it as an excuse to gamble,hasnt even really crossed my mind.No doubt i ill feel happier tomorrow.Peaks and troughs.
Stay Strong
E xx
Hiya Hun...with you on the strimmer arms as I have been out today strimming and chopping with the shears before it began hailstoning!.....
Reminds me of many christmases ago as a young girl....chopping too much of my GirlsWorld hair off and totally regretting it....
Got a bit scissor happy today on the strimming but very therapuetic ...like a chainsaw!! lol
Hope you feel better soon hun...take care ..hugs Rach and Doo xx
Good morning Simba and JHLUFC cubs....
Superb to see you turning things round into a natural positive. The bonus on the Pizza's just the start for this TW and now with your Percy Frower head on just watch that money tree start blossoming....
Peaks and Troughs, very natural and someting to Roar through. The b/s of gambling well in the past....
Strength to you, a brand new day.....
Wishing you well...
Hiya E, hope that you are feeling happier today, as you say peaks and troughs, its good that you have not even thought of gambling though. Onward and upward, Hugs x
Thanyou Rachel,Ade,Exmug and juliette :0)
Still got the a**e dont know why,had along chat with my mum,felt a bit better but not sure why i feel cross with the world,maybe a few regrets from past misdemeanors,maybe im just cross with myself?may be its just the weather,strange seeming i had a good weekend ,or maybe its the fact i feel my boss is having me over with my holiday entitlement and everytime i talk to her i want to slap her as she quite clearly dosent know how to run a business.I wont go into detail as i would be here 4 pages later.
Havent turned to gamblng to get over or deal with crossness so theres a silver lining to everything.
Hope all are well
Stay Strong
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