Hiya Libby....
Think its like with Freda ...sometimes its a build up of little things that take on a life of their own..but nice one for getting on here and spitting it out...
Probably your Boss playing on your mind over the holiday entitlement and with your weekend off it took your mind off it a bit?...I can shelve stuff over the weekend normally but when i get back to work any unresolved stuff comes up.
It will pass Libby...and I hope you feel better also after a good sleeps....nearly another weekend ...
Argos do some good punchbags ....
Big hugs to you hun...((((L))))))
ps.....had another idea.....could just say "f****k the world"......xxx
Hi E, thanks for your lovely post and advice, I got through it. Hope that you are feeling better and that the weekend is going well for you and family. Not like you to sound so down, but as you say the weather in UK is pretty depressing right now, HEY WE NEED SUNSHINE, keep strong, and you know like me that even if you gamble you would feel a whole lot worse, come on Elizabeth, you keep strong, you are the inspiration around here, BIG HUGS X
Hiya E,
Hope your having a nice weekend. Thinking about ya..big hugs.
Love Del x
morning hun.....just a driveby xxxxxx
It's all part of our recovery journey, those feelings that you are experiencing.
These journeys of ours really do have their ups and downs but as long as we don't gamble, there will be far more ups than downs.
Stick with it, better days are ahead.
Hi E,
can totally relate to what you say about your boss. Mine is actually lovely, but I have other people in my life who try and mess me about.
If you are anything like me, it will make you feel vulnerable because dealing with someone difficult, makes you realise how hard it is to be pushy when you are not feeling at your strongest. I get angry at the person for making me waste so much of my limited energies, on something I am entitled to, and shouldn't have to push for. If I try pushing them to get on with what I need, am no further forward, and feel exhausted from trying I feel so frustrated I could scream. They are making something very simple, very hard. That makes me feel powerless, depressed, vulnerable, frustrated and angry.
Could that be it? maybe just try and leave it for a bit, even though you know she is way out of order. Deal with it when you have the energy to keep pushing until she backs down. hope that makes sense?
f x
Thankyou to all my fav peeps for the support.
Havent posted since thursday have taken a few days to get my head straight.
Havent been gambling just to put peoples minds at rest.:0)
The last few weeks ive been pretty happy but the last week have just felt cross there are a few reasons for this,my boss who owes me money from holiday entitlement from last year but keeps saying last year has gone so basically tough my argument is its not tough and as its her f**k up she cant keep just trying to sweep it under the carpet i will not let this drop.
Also my ex appears to be seeing someone else which in its self is not a problem im not upset about it,im cross because he wont actually tell me and id noticed that his interset in the kids has not been good of late,excuses not to come over,excuses for me not to bring them to him.phone calls few and far between,i just wish he would tell me the truth as after 20 years i know when he is lying.Anyting to do with my ex tends to send me straight to the slots but not this time im dealing with it.
Another thankyou for the support it as lovely to log on and see all your messages,they really do give you a lift.
Stay Strong.
E xx
Hiya Libby....
glad to see your posts back although i'm trying to do weekends off at the moment..wondering if your feeling any better and less cross today.
Not sure how it works with your work but wondering if the Citizens Advice Bureau in your town or ACAS Helpline may be of use if your going to pursue your holiday entitlement.
They are normally pretty good.
On the ex factor..its just respect really is'nt it and would have been nice for you to have been put as a priority even for the kids sake so you have the chance to tell them first and deal with it sensitively rather than they hear about this new person from someone else.
Good for you for staying strong Libby...I hope you find someone who will treat you well as you deserve and spoil you a bit if thats what you would like...They would be getting one Top Woman...!!
Biggest hugs to Simba and cubs xxx
Rach and Dottyxxx
Thanks Rachel xox
Had to take a day off unpaid today as eldest has been having nose bleeds all day since he got up at 7.30.
Refusing to go to the doctors or hospital to get it sorted so couldnt leave him on his own as he was quite shakey this morning after a massive one in the car on the way to school.
Havent been sleeping well either been having some really strange dreams.
Isnt life strange just as things start looking up and im feeling happy again i get a massive downer where nothing goes right,just dont get it sometimes.
Stay Strong
E xx
Hey Libby...
Just sending you big hugs here today and sending love to your eldest too...
Hope things have calmed down a bit as the day has gone on guessing he'll want to stay close to Mum . ...
Was thinking of another quality you have after I read f's post...aside of being a TW,Great Mum (and no doubt a hottie) A real grafter and a great judge of character....you can also say in two sentences what it takes me about 6 pages to say.....lol.....
Have a good evening Libby....keep posting and keep strong....
Rach and Doo xxx
Thankyou Rach.
Have just read Dels last post and she sums it for me in three words.No control and trapped.ok four words :0).
Stay Strong
E xx
Thankyou Ade:0)
Just got back from the docs and golfball 1 has tonsillitis well if nothing else my mum instinct is still working,although i was late for the appointment got stuck in traffic the doctor refused to see him god i was cross,cant help traffic. So ended up the drop in centre at the hospital.In and out in 5 mins.
Hot, bothered ,hungry and ill children my life cant get any better ;0)
Stay Strong
E xx
HIya Libby
Sending some cooling energy to soothe you and the cubs...specially the poorly one.
Thinking of you...
Rach and Doo xxx
Hiya E,
Loving Ade's message..laughing my t**s off..:-)
Hey..hope the kids are fighting fit soon....and your okay also. What's that saying...the joys of motherhood! eh...Take care ...big hugs xoxo
Love Del
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