Hi E, poor you, one thing after another, hope the patients are improving, at least we have a bit of sunshine, (at least we do here) hope you have too. Maybe you just having a bad week, it happens to us all, everything seems to come at the same time, you just think that you are rolling along real fine then whoops, over you go, guess thats life. You are strong, you will deal with it and keep slot free, (I understand what you mean though about when things go bad you want to go to the slots) I believe that is because when you are playing a machine on or off line, that is all you focus on and everything else in your head is put on hold. But hey remember the feeling when the cash has gone! Hope things improve for you, thinking of you, take care and BIG HUG X
Hiya E,
Thinking about you this morning. Would you believe it...I've had to cancel work this morning and will be heading to the docs soon...my little one has tonsilitis. It's been an ongoing thing and he has seen an consultant, we're waiting for the date for the op. Hope all okay with you.
Hugs Delxo
Hi Elizabeth.. I just been reading a few of your last posts and i relate to your thoughts on your boss. I also have a difficult boss which is underlined this week because she is away and everyone is so much more relaxed and cheerful.
Like you i am also owed a day off and before she went away I asked her about it and she said i couldn't take it for atleast 3 weeks... her thinking most probably being that i would then forget about it.. but as with you.. I won't.
What am learning.. is to pick my battles better.. some things i will just let bounce off and some things i will take issue with. The thing is is that maybe your boss is perhaps just a poor manager a poor manager that is also unable to acknowledge to staff when they make mistakes or get it wrong.
I think with my boss is that she genuinely doesn't care about anybody else except herself and is not inclined to appreciate and take into account what is important to staff. Its always a confrontation.. the implication being that we the staff are all a bunch of f*****s (excuse my French lol).
In my case one other trick that ive learn't (in light of her narcisitic behaviour) is just to say yes to what she wants even if its just daft.. cos in reality it will all have changed again the following week anyway. All the best with getting what you are entitled to. ooo and sorry for rambling in your diary. Regards.. S.A 🙂
Thankyou sooooooooo much guys and gals for your posts.
SA you can ramble as much as you like;0)
Ade your post made me laugh the moment i saw it also managed to cheer up Del .Two birds with one trundle lol .
Dont know what the weather is like else where buts its too bloody hot in essex.As with my hatred for snow i also am not a sun lover,gives me a headache and legs like concrete,i like good weather just not this hot.Unless im on holiday(fat chance)
Just a ramble and general whinge today.
Stay Strong
E xx
Hi..... sorry about this... but telling aimee to get " the blokes in place"... made me smile... might want to edit that.
Hope you are well ... and hope this is not an inappropriate post..
Hello TW
Thankyou as always for support on my diary. Your a tough cookie Simba, a real king of the essex jungle.
Keep strong for you and yours.
Stregth and honor..................Exmug
Hi E.
How you keeping?
Hope your kids are feeling better!
See you don't like snow....
Living in Norway i know what its like having snow for six months of the year....so when the sun comes out over here i can't get enough of it!
Have a great weekend E.Oh...nearly forgot...hows it going without the cigs?
All my best.
Hiya E, thanks for your post, yes its very hot here too, but it's good to see some sunshine at last. Hope things are improving for you and that you have a good weekend, take care, Hugs X
My god its roasting in Essex.
Thankyou V and Juliette:0)
Sand pit out,paddling pool out all washing and housework done.Now sitting with a cup of tea and some biccies.
Happy Mummy.happy LO,eldest happy i think but being a teenager you can never quite tell lol.
Antibiotics starting to kick in for eldest now so thankfully hes on the mend.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far.
Stay Strong
E xx
Sounds like you're in a better space now. I, too, would like tea and biccies but can't be bothered moving! Saturdays are much better without the stress of losing and trying to cover up or chase. Long may this feeling last along with the weather!
Take care
Hiya E,
Just thought I'd pop in to see my twin 🙂 I've thought many a time when I've read your posts how very similiar things are for us.
Hoping you have a great day tomorrow too..:-)
Hey! I reckon Ade is loving the fact he's got two wonderful stalkers like us lol
Big Hugs
Love Del x
Thanks Ade and Del :0)
Tough day yesterday sorted out my over grown garden,got blisters on my hands and my arms hurt,nearly strimmered a frog, disturbed a bumble bees nest and found a huge ants nest.
Eldest still off school ill,more nose bleeds today and LO is covered in heat rash.
The joys of work tomorrow hope the heat dies down a little.
Still off the gambling although i did think about it today.
Stay Strong
E xx
Hi E, just popped in to see how you are doing, and you sound just like me after 2 days of gardening!!! My hands and knees are just starting to recover.
You say that you still think of gambling, well I guess an alcoholic still thinks about drinking, but as long as we can abstain then no harm is done. Lots of people maybe think about things that they would like to do but for one reason or another they cant, so guess we come into that catagory now. Keep that positive thinking E. hope sons nose bleeds better, if not then maybe see doc, take care, Hugs x
Thankyou Juliette
Been off for a few days just thought it was time to wean myself off my diary a little as dont have much to say everyday now. ............BUT i still read everyday.
Eldest is finally starting to improve so thats good.
Your right juliette i think it would be strange if we didnt think about gambling every now and again.It took up such a large amount of my/our time and energy,it wasnt even an urge just thinking about it if that makes any sense.
Hope everyone is well and looking forward to the long weekend.
Stay Strong
E xx
Hey thanks for your post, I am feeling pretty bad tonight, really kicking myself for the stupidity of what I did, but will stop counting the days and just try to take one day at a time and get through this. No plans to go anywhere this weekend.. You have a good one, take care, X
Affected by gambling?
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