having little or nothing to say means things are ticking along nicely as far as im concerned Elizabeth and that wee read every now and then certainly blows the cobwebs away from betting opportunities.
Don't want to sound nosey,was it confirmed about your ex s new girlfriend. I often think how i would react to myself having a new partner or my ex meeting someone ? Maybes just signs of moving on in life,who knows ??
Glad your little one is on the mend and have a great weekend
best wishes
winning post 🙂 x
Hey LIbs
Still need to catch up on your diary..
You were right...I went back to xmas again..a very dark place but hopefully coming out of the dark..
Just hit me like a truck and reactivated all the anger.
Does it stop?
Rach and Dotty xxx
Thanks Juliette.wp and Rach.
Have posted on your diaries..
Tax credits completly f****d up my weekend as they stopped my payments as according to them they hadnt received my paperwork they requested on time,luckily i have proof of postage and it was signed for at their office 10 days before the deadline.Anyway the lady on the phone said it was computer error but would take 10 days to sort out which i replied dosent help me and three direct debits havent been paid are they going to pay my bank charges erm NO.
Anyhoo on the good side carnival day yesterday had a nice afternoon watching the floats and then to the funfair LO was beyond excited.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend
Stay Strong
E xx
Hi E
Bloody tax credits are made up as they go along, I reckon! stupid b*stards! lol.
I had similar recent bummer when they wrote and asked for £250ish back. I tried to turn it into a positive and remind myself that this would be a disaster if I was still gambling, but can be dealt with now, because I'm not wasting all my money any more. The longer I stay stopped, the more security I can gradually build for myself, so these muppets can't knock me down anymore.
Keep on pulling in the right direction hun, we can't fail to get there if we keep on keeping on.
Take care,
f x
Thanks Freda,
I agree im sure they just make it up w*****s.Now ive got to explain why my childcare direct debit wasnt paid.
Had no money since the weekend but struggling on,back at work now poo.
Fed up but fed up without gambling:0)
Stay Strong
E xx
Hiya Hun
My pal had similar frustration with tax credits so I understand a wee bit about what your going through...
I also think they just make it up....same as Revenue..who think of a number, triple it then add a few hundred for beer money : )
Also back at work as you know the score no worky no money...
Here for you Libby ...back in the saddle again and catching up with posts...
Hugs to you and Cubs and in the absence of our mutual friend I will boost you up anytime hun xx
Keep strong and roaring Simba xx
Hi E!
Sorry to here about your tax credits.That really does suck.
I think sometimes us who have quit gambling get a hard time trying to just get by on the day to day.We do our best to make a better life and be positive but sometimes we have to jump over hurddles that are in our way.....i suppose they were always there but back in the gambling days we just ignored them.Your doing great though E and i hope you get your money soon.
Like you said - fed up but not gambling..and as hard as things get at times or what ever hurddle we have to jump,we jump it and move on,without gambling!
Have a great weekend E.
Thankyou Rach and V.
Money still not sorted but limping through we have a roof and food things could be worse.
Up early and did the shopping and house work and have spent the day as Ade would say trundling;0)
Was expecting a visit from the ex today as he has been away for a week but so far not even a phone call he got back Fri morning,must have really been missing the boys?Makes my blood boil as LO thinks the sun shines out of his a**e.
Anyhoo waffling hope everyone is well
Stay Strong
E xx
Just think of the things that you do have in life. Some people have far less than we have.
Yes I know, most people had never had to go through the gambling problems like we have but hey...
Money will sort itself out in time...
...as long as we don't gamble.
Thankyou NT.
Had a really relaxing weekend,as usual money is on my mind or rather bills that once again seem to be mounting up thanks tax credits........but i havent been stressing as im finally past the point of caring really all the bills will get paid eventually and im not turning to gambling to deal with the stresses and strains of life and really thats what is most important.
My two wonderful boys are happy and healthy,at the end of the day if they are happy than so am i as they are the only two things in my life that come before everything and anyone else.
Hope everyone is coping with all the football that is on and not being tempted.
Stay Strong
E xx
Hi E
It is wonderful and refreshing to read that you see gambling is not the way forward. I am not sure how many times I would say that but then stress got the better of me and I gambled and found myself deeper in trouble. Today, like you, gambling is not an option. I have no interest in giving my money to someone else for nothing. Gambling is not a solution it is simply, for me, a problem. Thanks for the post there it struck a chord with me!
Take care
Hi Libby,
I admire your strength you know. It is easy for me to say I am doing well coming up to a year bet free, but I am lucky to not have all that much financial pressure anymore. I mean I am skint, but you know not struggling to pay the bills. I just really admire people like yourself, who are doing the rather expensive job of raising kids, with little support from the government or system. It is to your credit, that you remain strong.
You have had a lot of knocks that even a comfortably off person would wince at, but you march on like a warrior. You cannot keep a good woman down for long!
High five! my tenacious friend. Keep kicking a s s !
f x
hiya Libs....
Thinking of you ....Rach xxx
Thankyou Smiler,Freda and Rachel:0)
Freda i dont fall that easy,i have a bit of a wobble and breakdown on the kitchen floor for half hour then up wipe the tears away and try and sort it lol.
Back to the doctors today as my last attempt at giving up smoking failed miserably mainly coz i didnt really try but this time im serious got my patch on and a fake cigarette thing to help,determined to do it this time last ciggie last night before bed so fingers crossed.
Also have written myself a wish ilst of things i would like ie new sofa,tv and computer for eldest so am now on a major saving burst as i would like this stuff before christmas,i know life isnt about material things but the boys and i have gone without for to long.Ive wasted enough money over the years to do god knows how many holidays and houses but ive spent the day redoing my finances to the last penny cut out everything we dont need and due to my mismangement wasted pennies and its do able just.once ive done all that start saving for our all inclusive holiday for next year,no more nothing to look forward to.
I may be a single parent working part time on minimum wage but i will work as much as i can to spoil me and the boys for once:0)
Stay Strong
E xx
Hiya E 🙂
Rooting for you girl to kick the cigs for good... I reckon you will.
I'm still puffing, but if I wasn't, I certainly have alot more treats. I'm not materialistic, get what I need usually. But having better instead of 'make do'..would be great for both me and the wee one, although I'm so lucky that he is very easy pleased. So am I lol...was f*****g celebrating getting shoes not so long ago 🙂
No man as yet. I don't hold much hope...I don't think anyone could put up with me.
Really busy with the business...slowly improving and giving me a buzz.
Looks like we're both grabbing life by the balls...onwards eh...Big hugs keep strong.
Love Del xoxo
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