a new way of thinking

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Thankyou Del.

4 days of giving up smoking and this time round its going well i have to admit to having a few ciggies but didnt enjoy them or really want them the last couple ive had i didnt even finish them:0)

Tax credits are still pi**ing me about but feel like im dealing with all the stress quite well atm,no urges to gamble lately either.

Stay Strong

E xx

Posted : 14th June 2012 10:31 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya E, well done on the smoking front, sound like you are doing really well, the urge to smoking will gradually go, but never completely so be on your guard, bit like the gam bling thing, guess its same with all addictions.

Hope that your weekend is going well, weather is so grotty this summer, nearly mid summer day and we havent started yet, but maybe we had summer in march! Take care, big hugs x

Posted : 17th June 2012 8:01 am
Posts: 0

......just a drive by to say am thinking of you ....had a good look around......and still no other to match our TOP WOMAN.....

Keep on keeping on..keep the faith...and always staying strong .....

You have brought huge riches into my life hun...without you I would have never done it....

Libby...I include you in my wish list and request all good things for you always xxxxx

Rach xxxx

Posted : 17th June 2012 10:21 am
Posts: 0

yo TW

or more the full title of Simba the Lioness TWNECHLUFC.

Just embarking on a quick gallop by to say Hi to my favourite GAMCARAELITE.... and say a big thanks for keeping my diary afloat, secondly a massive high five for your coaching skills for our over pampered footballers and keeping our Euro 2012 dreams alive.

Strength and Honor with your new battle against the b,astard weed, another top battle which reading your strength of character will duly over come. Keep on keeping on and long may you continue in being Top mah, daughter, woman and Gamcarealite....

A truely genuine Strength and Honor and will finish off by a rendition of f******k the bearacracy of our f***k wit social system................


Posted : 17th June 2012 10:38 am
Posts: 0

Hi Elizabeth,

Sounds great, being able to focus now on saving up to buy those things. This just shows that you really are on the road to recovery. You will feel so good to be able to see things in your house that you were able to pay for and keep using your own money.

I know as I love seeing the things that I bought using my unexpected bonus a couple of months back. Trust me, it's a great feeling.

And as for your smoking... WOW! You really are on the road to recovery now!

Onwards and upwards!


Posted : 17th June 2012 12:46 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks guys i havent been on all weekend and to log in and see the posts from my fav people has lifted my spirts for the beginning of the week:0)

To any newbies who reads this please do not under estimate the strength you can gain from these diaries and the very special people who are here.You dont realise how much these posts mean until you read them and although you dont know these people apart from on here i always feel like they are real friends not cyber ones who will boost you,support you and give you the kindness and support you may not find else where.

Got abit sentimental there but i truly believe this is a special place if you stick around.

Anyhoo good weekend and still not smoking whoop whoop.

Stay Strong

E xx

Posted : 17th June 2012 7:48 pm
Posts: 0
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Just when all is going well my oven stops working wonder how long it will take for landlord to fix took 6/8 weeks to get shower fixed poo life is a b****h sometimes:0)I could really do with a ciggie right now lol

Oh wel lifes life and that is that attitude i have now these things happen and gambling wont help so i wont :0)

Had a morning of reading and posting today havent done it for a while seems like an age ago i was here all day every day.I suppose thats whats happen you stay close and as things improve you drift away but not to far just in case.

Stay Strong

E xx

Posted : 18th June 2012 12:04 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Elizabeth,

Wanted to thank you so much for your supportive post on newbies.

Funny but I have been reading your diary from day one and I have laughed and cried along with you. You are one special lady.

Your previous post is so so true I believe that this forum is the way to go.

Anway I would be very proud indeed if you choose to support me on my journey, as I indeed plan to do on yours.

Sue xx

Posted : 18th June 2012 7:06 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Hun...Bumping you up.....You should never be on page 2!!!!

Anyway had good day still strong...Hope all is good in your camp and kiddos well.

Sue xx

Posted : 19th June 2012 7:13 pm
Posts: 0

hey special lady ...will be catching up on posts tomorrow...

big hugs

Rach xxxx

Posted : 19th June 2012 7:16 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Elizabeth,

I started reading your diary last night and I didn't want to stop, but tiredness got the better of me and I had to shut down. I came back on this morning and took up from where I left off last night, then had to stop again to deal with my days work, then back again tonight, and I have not long finished it !!

Can I just say, that your story is one of true courage, honesty, and pure soul, spoken from the heart. You made me cry, laugh, and so humble. I take my hat off to you, you are one remarkable lady.

Your post to your boys at New Year was one of the most moving things I have read in a long long time, your boys must be so proud of you, and even though your LO is too young atm to understand the sacrifices his mummy is making to give him a wonderful life, he will one day, and your boys are gonna be fine upstanding young men thanks to you and all you are doing for them.

I think its fantastic that you are so honest and open in all you say, you tell it like it is, warts 'n' all. I cannot praise you enough, seriously 🙂

As I was reading your diary, I thought to myself, "and Ive got the cheek to complain". You have been through so much, yet always your priority is your golfballs, you are a wonderful mother, and that in itself is no mean feat.

Stand up and take a bow young lady, coz here is one old biddy who has become a fan of your journey, and I can only wish you nothing but the best in life, if ever there was anyone deserving of a break in life, then its you.

I hope your boat comes in one day soon, I wish you nothing but the best in life, you so deserve it.

Thank you for sharing, take care,

All the best to you and your boys 🙂


Posted : 19th June 2012 8:53 pm
Posts: 0

Thank you sooo much for your reply, and just want you to know that I meant every word I said. They were spoken from the heart and with as much sincerity as is possible for one to give.

Hope today, and every day in the future, is a good un for you and your boys 🙂

Keep doing what you're doing young lady, coz your doing it right !!

All the best


Posted : 20th June 2012 6:16 am
Posts: 0


I think Cameron said it all in his last but one post!

You are one special lady....Keep going hun

Sue xx

Posted : 20th June 2012 4:46 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya E 🙂

Popping in to see how you are...fighting the good fight all roads and directions and winning by the looks of it 🙂 Yayyy..Keep going...:-)

Big Hugs Love Del xox

Posted : 21st June 2012 5:37 pm
Posts: 0

hey babes....

(just trying a new greeting..but already not loving it) .....

Driving by and popping in to say that its great to see you on supporters side....

I'm guessing many may read but not write and even though Im no spokes person for the supporters side (just a gobby northerner..lol) it is always good to see people who stick around.

Can only speak for me here but my perception of gambling was that it was only men...and as we know when i got on here I was bordering on being a man hater...(lol)..to see women who have suffered with CG and hear your thoughts was an eye opener as many on supporters are women.

It really did alter my perception when I saw that and I did a lot of reading on the internet about types of gambling ..action and escape...

That info really made me look at gambling differently as it said about women being more attracted to escape gambling..which i could identify with with my own vices and over time i realised that i am the same but just my choice of escape was different..

It was largely due to intelligent women like you and Maddie in the early days who made me not throw the baby out with the bath water as because you are women it made me not want to just quit and be a man hater for life but to try and understand..

More recently I post now to more women than men...

So ...what I am saying is your input on that side for us supporters who are largely made up of women is invaluable ... many supporters don't start diaries so the opportunity to have a continual thread is lost ...

just wanted to say that hun...

big hugs (((((((((((L)))))))))))) Top Woman xx


Posted : 22nd June 2012 2:11 pm
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