A year on gamble free

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Hi ricky

Congratulation on 65 days. Your doing really well. I like that fact your not going to gamble out of love for your future wife. Gambling is a selfish act and it can hurt the people you are closest to. I'm going to jump aboard your ship and say I'm not going to gamble because I love my family and don't want to worry them again.

Keep going & keep posting

Posted : 18th July 2012 7:49 pm
Posts: 0

HI Ricky

Just wanted to say all the very best for saturday hope its everything you dreamed of and more, i hope the sun is shining.

have a fabulous day what a great start to married life, gamble free. well done.

blondie x

Posted : 18th July 2012 9:32 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ricky,

Just popping in 2 say I hope u both have a lovely day 2moro. I hope the sun shines 4 u and u have lots of special memories 2 cherish.

I hope u both enjoy ur special day 🙂

Take care 🙂

Posted : 20th July 2012 7:57 pm
Posts: 0
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Day 68,

Today is a massive day for me as I am getting married in 3 hours. Still gamble free. Nerves kicking in but nothing a SoCo cant handle lol.

Hope everyone is taking part in Flaggs 90 day gamble free challenge was a great ides 🙂

Well the weather is nice I hope everyone is having a brilliant weekend. Catch up soon bye for now

Kind Regards


Posted : 21st July 2012 12:15 pm
Posts: 0

Day 68 for you.

The sun is out.

And you're getting married!

Have a brilliant day and well done on reaching day 68 to make today a much better prospect.

All the very best in your new future together.


Posted : 21st July 2012 12:27 pm
Posts: 0

Hope you had a great day yesterday ricky and i wish you and your new wife every happiness 4 the future.

And well done with your gambling recovery a day at a time.

Take care

Posted : 22nd July 2012 12:17 pm
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Day 71,

Hi diary well I am a married man now had the best weekend in my life.

Just was a shame I had to go back the Army on early monday morning :(.

Thanks NT and Ronnie for your posts.

Still going strong and plan to stay on this new path in my life until the end and that is a married man gamble free and soon to be debt free well January 🙂

I have been reading lots of diaries today and trying to write on as many as I can. Hope you can all stay strong and see the massive benefits in not gambling.

Take care 🙂

Ricky over and out.

Posted : 24th July 2012 7:25 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks Ricky for writing on my wall i appreciate it. You give me loads of faith thanks. Keep doing what your doing its great. Onwards and upwards

Posted : 24th July 2012 9:03 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ricky, thank u 4 ur support on my diary. It means alot 🙂

I'm glad u had a gr8 day on Saturday and that the sun was shining 🙂

U r doing brilliant Ricky, ur determination shines thru. Well done 4 staying strong and resisting ne urges. U give me alot of hope. Thanks 🙂

Have a gr8 day 🙂

Posted : 25th July 2012 9:05 am
Posts: 0

Good afternoon,

Well a married man now!! I see from your post you had a brilliant day and I would imagine all the better for having all those gamble free days under your belt. Really is good to see you making positive progress you have now come through the really tough days and can start married life safe in the knowledge you are doing extremely well. Providing you keep your barriers in place and don't get complacent I am very confident you will reach that 100 day target.

It will be thoroughly deserved my friend!


Posted : 25th July 2012 6:28 pm
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Day 74,

Well I have reached 100 comments with great determination and keeping in blocks i plan to reach 100 days also :).

Thank you for all the comments and glad I could support and boost your guys confidence in mounting up the gamble free days.

I have been so busy this week with resettlement course and things going on in the army I cant believe it is friday.

Hope everyone has an amazing weekend and i am so happy i get a weekend with my wife to relax take care and stay strong

Kind regards

Ricky over and out 🙂

Posted : 27th July 2012 11:30 pm
Posts: 0


So, this weekend is unique! A first weekend as a married man and free from gambling. I can guarantee you never had a win whilst gambling which could beat the feeling you have this weekend.

Enjoy it buddy very much deserved.


Posted : 28th July 2012 9:04 am
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Day 78,

It has been a few days since I last updated my diary been busy with work and trying to catch up on sleep and follow some of the Olympics. Let's hope they can win at least one gold medal.

Still going strong on not gambling and flaggs challenge. Also thank you for your kind words on my wall flagg your a very inspiring member on this forum and i appreciate the effort you put into trying to help people stay away from gambling so thank you.

I am so happy i am finally getting my life back on track and staying away from gambling things will only keep getting better if i stay gamble free and that is what i plan to 🙂

I hope everyone on here is staying strong and all the best on your road to recovery

Kind regards


Posted : 31st July 2012 9:29 pm
Posts: 0
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Day 82,

I haven't been on for a few days because I have been doing some thinking and planning for my future outside of the army as a civilian as I found out earlier this week I will be a civilian again by Friday 7th September.

Means I have just under 5 weeks to sort out a lot of things for my transition from a soldier to a member of the public. I know it will go quickly. I look forward to change because it is good change I am now married and me and my wife just paid all our honeymoon of today. It isn't until January But will be a lifetime holiday on a Caribbean Cruise. I will be able to see my wife everyday and not gambling will be easier with my wife there to support me, I will also have more time and internet access all the time so i can come on here more to write on my diary as well as others who are just starting on their journey of being gamble free.

I welcome change with a positive attitude and have a look forward too. Being positive not gambling and changing the way I think will give me a chance to make my wife happy and a chance for us to start a family and give a good chance for our kids to have a good chance in life :).

Sorry for rambling on but I needed to get some things out in the open.

82 days gamble free now I am determined to stay gamble free.

Kind Regards


Posted : 4th August 2012 11:29 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Ricky, thank u 4 ur post on my diary 🙂

Well done on the 82 days gamble free, u r doing brilliant. Everytime I speak 2 u, ur determination seems 2 get stonger... U should be soooo proud of urself 🙂

It's gr8 that u have paid 4 ur honeymoon, I'm sure u can't wait u will both have a brilliant time and without the gambling it will be stress free!

U have soooo much 2 look 4ward 2 now Ricky, stay stong... I know u can do this 🙂

Speak soon 🙂

Posted : 5th August 2012 4:23 pm
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