Another go at quitting

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Where to begin with this addiction.

i have a wonderful family, a nice home, great friends. But I have a hole inside me that I fill with gambling to the detriment of my finances and mental health. 
Today is day 3, there is no point thinking of grand targets and trying to convince myself of something I’m not sure I can do. I will not gamble today that’s all I can think about now and every day I wake up I will try and have the same mantra “do one day” and we will see where that takes me.

I have gambled since I was 14 and have abstained for a 100 days once before but something needs to change because the pain and suffering this causes is crazy and it’s everywhere now.

 I have gamban in place and have banned myself from local bookmaker’s, this must be the time I get in top of this thing it’s suffocating me and has been for years.

one day at a time, I will not gamble today.

Thanks for reading 

Posted : 11th October 2024 12:36 pm
Posts: 285

@tryinghard1234 hi.  Your story reads the same as mine.

It is possible to quit.  I have had a relapse since really trying hard to stop but it's very much a matter of two steps forwards one step back when you are trying to beat this horrible addiction.

For me gambling was about numbing out other feelings.  The gambling was very effective at this but added far worse issues.

Have you sought out help from your GP?  Remember compulsive gambling is a mental health issue.  It needs to be treated as such.

Keep us updated mate

Posted : 11th October 2024 3:41 pm
Posts: 30

Posted by: @tryinghard1234

Where to begin with this addiction.

i have a wonderful family, a nice home, great friends. But I have a hole inside me that I fill with gambling to the detriment of my finances and mental health. 
Today is day 3, there is no point thinking of grand targets and trying to convince myself of something I’m not sure I can do. I will not gamble today that’s all I can think about now and every day I wake up I will try and have the same mantra “do one day” and we will see where that takes me.

I have gambled since I was 14 and have abstained for a 100 days once before but something needs to change because the pain and suffering this causes is crazy and it’s everywhere now.

 I have gamban in place and have banned myself from local bookmaker’s, this must be the time I get in top of this thing it’s suffocating me and has been for years.

one day at a time, I will not gamble today.

Thanks for reading 

That resonates with me and no doubt many others.

All that we can do is not gamble today, wake up tomorrow and say to ourselves "just for today I will got gamble".

Then keep doing that again and again.


Posted : 11th October 2024 4:01 pm
Posts: 154
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Thanks for the support guys much appreciated, I am just going to have to go day to day, this day I have not gambled and I will try to do the same tomorrow and as soon as I wake up I will tell myself “today I will not gamble”. 
As for nhs support mr bean? I have not thought about it tbh not sure there would be the facilities or willingness to do it locally to me. Am contemplating maybe finding a shrink who specialises in gambling addiction even if it was online. I think understanding what drives my mind that I have totally messed up in the last 30 years might be useful. 
I don’t know it’s all a blur at the minute, one day not gambling all I can think about right now if I do that for long enough I might have some money to use for something other than paying off debts.


Posted : 11th October 2024 8:10 pm
Posts: 154
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Day 4 

today I will not gamble, that’s all I can commit to or have the control over, anything else is folly to try and control. 
have a good day everyone and don’t gamble today.


Posted : 12th October 2024 9:55 am
Posts: 154
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Day 6

Another day on the books, doesn't feel particularly positive but another day where I haven’t given any of my money to the bookies. Work is unbelievably stressful but that is not unheard of and may be part of the reason I go to escape in a fantasy world that costs me so much. 
I feel trapped debts, mortgage and other bills always hanging over me so I have to keep my job going no matter how stressful it is to keep the wheels of everything turning. Anyway one more day not not giving any money away, over and out.


Posted : 14th October 2024 7:38 pm
Posts: 1

Posted by: @tryinghard1234

Day 6

Another day on the books, doesn't feel particularly positive but another day where I haven’t given any of my money to the bookies. Work is unbelievably stressful but that is not unheard of and may be part of the reason I go to escape in a fantasy world that costs me so much. 
I feel trapped debts, mortgage and other bills always hanging over me so I have to keep my job going no matter how stressful it is to keep the wheels of everything turning. Anyway one more day not not giving any money away, over and out.


good luck! Hope it works out for 



Posted : 14th October 2024 8:08 pm
Posts: 154
Topic starter

Day 7
Thanks for the post HGC much appreciated hope you had a gamble free day today. 
It’s amazing how quickly the anger fades with gambling, it’s hard to keep that fire you had when you lost all that money. One week on the fire is gone but i am not going to gamble today another day on the books. 

Posted : 15th October 2024 7:36 pm
Posts: 1

Posted by: @tryinghard1234

Day 7
Thanks for the post HGC much appreciated hope you had a gamble free day today. 
It’s amazing how quickly the anger fades with gambling, it’s hard to keep that fire you had when you lost all that money. One week on the fire is gone but i am not going to gamble today another day on the books. 



Posted : 15th October 2024 7:54 pm

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