Artistic outlet - via poem, song, rap etc...all welcome

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Hey Wayne not good am afraid but thanks missed your too x

Day zero again
lost in betrayal feeling the pain
The thought of riches did take over
so I played and played drunk in the game till no longer sober

My heart it aches
my head it shakes
why did I do this did I not learn
I don't have money to burn

Let down those I love
my closest blood
day zero again
simple and plain
time to fight once again

Posted : 21st February 2015 11:57 pm
Posts: 0

writing positive
when all you want to do is cry for help ....
maybe that's where I went wrong
really didn't want to burst into song....
half believing I could just stop
that I could miraculously come out on top
Not likely when I've failed so fast
making things worse finishing last
New steps to take
to stop my mistakes
no excuses be strong
the road ahead is long
but I'm here I want to fight
I need to see the light

Posted : 22nd February 2015 12:14 am
Posts: 0

The small things in life

I smile as I hold your hand
laugh as on your b*m you land
cry with pride as I watch you grow
time doesn't ever go too slow

We sit and play with mega blocks
I amaze you don't feel the knocks
we sit and talk at tea round the table
never upon me you put a label

It doesn't matter to you if we're poor or not
your always happy with your given lot
small and wide eyed the world is your oyster

these small things keep me going
staying strong just by knowing
I gave you life yet you made mine
no more stepping across the line

For you I'd give my last breath
yet from your futures I have theft
so here I am my promise to you
I will try I promise this is true

Posted : 22nd February 2015 12:05 pm
Posts: 0

I be your first customer nt :0) x

A day has past
one more free from the last
one more morning and night
each bringing a touch of light

One day at a time
ill count them as mine
each brings a little hope
Less wallowing and mope

Day two not many
but each theyl count
not today a penny
soon theyl mount

One day at a time
each one ill count as mine
not one single penny
I've already lost to many

Posted : 23rd February 2015 7:04 pm
Posts: 0

I watch the world with wonder
sat by the window watching the thunder
the rain it tappers on the sill
never quite really getting my fill

With hope each day I start a new
Promising myself not today I'll be blue
mind over matter I tell myself
Happy in mind happy in face

Each day brand new
possibilities so true
sat watching the world with wonder
today it shall not thunder

Posted : 24th February 2015 6:26 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Dear tt1980

sorry to hear you wasn't good,

this awful addiction, had swift purchase,

no refund to be gained,

yet another try to remain,

abstain and maintain,

i for one know from times before,

a relapse is so evil and raw,

hence why your poetry stings true yet pure,

draws tear, strong emotion stirs,

moves heavy heart and rekindles hope.

you will succeed and be strong,

as like me you know this gambling is wrong,

like a famous poet did once say,

when one is of money, it is no time to speculate,

and when one is of no money, again it is no time to speculate still.

P.s Glad to see you back and as good poetically as ever......trully brought a tear.

Lets beat this nemesis...............we know our money and time has better purpose everywhere but gambling....lets drum this into our misguided brains......after all ... we owe it to ourselves ....and our loved ones x

Posted : 25th February 2015 12:17 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hello NT

Great idea..........if only it was as simple as that.......

maybe one day it will be.......fingers crossed for that 🙂

Best Regards


Posted : 25th February 2015 12:20 am
Posts: 0

Thanks Wayne appreciated and I am back more determined :0)

Watching around me the lives of despair
wanting to be anywhere other than there
Holding her hand as her life unfolds
on her plate it's masses n loads
I think of my problems right now,
nothing in comparison I feel a right cow
she is so strong holding up her head
now I must follow lead this has got to be said
courageous and strong
United with our bond
taking note of my dismire
recovery I will not tire
side by side ill walk
failure I shall not talk
for others have so much more
than making problems for yourself of this I am sure


Posted : 25th February 2015 1:47 pm
Posts: 0

The past is the past it can't unfold
the future not yet written or told
each day a choice a step to take
the power is ours a decision to make.
Happiness at stake
it's there in reach to take.
to choose we have the gift
not just to let things drift
the past is the past it won't unfold
but the future is yet not written nor told

Posted : 25th February 2015 10:48 pm
Posts: 0

A positive day today my friend
a smile not forced nor fake
my head is slowly on the mend
and a cake I did but bake
A happy sign is here today
like something clicked
although my debts I have to pay
a light it has been flicked
a lighter heart I take to bed
not quite the morning I did dread
a smile from me to you my mate
good things can lie within our fate
thank you for your words so true
they truly help when I feel blue
so on this note ill skip to bed
I think no more right now needs said

Posted : 26th February 2015 9:21 pm
Posts: 7071

Another day succeeded
By choice we kept believing
If someone had told me today is the day
I would of find courage and strength to stay safe
Believing is seeing
Just willing is not enough
By walking this path we need to find us..
The future, and dreams we've always seeked for
They're there just a touch...just in front of us all
Keep making right choice and find the true YOU!
Cause you my dear friend are worth this in return.
Recovery is something none of us should forget
By closing chapter behind us all we need is to look ahead!

Posted : 26th February 2015 9:56 pm
Posts: 0

I'm writing this rap, gonna try not to ramble

Trying to win this battle choosing not to gamble

I'm going to become the best I can be

Choosing a life of recovery so I can be set free

Gambling made me feel anxious, stressed and tried to steal my soul

But now i'm working hard to achieve every goal

that I have in my life,

to overcome this strife

I would gamble everything on the roulette

But now i've got my barriers up there wont be a next bet

There is one thing it didnt take from me when I thought I couldnt cope

the thing every man has is that glimmer of hope

Which is why I know i will overcome this

find a life that i deserve and live in a recovery bliss

The journey will be rocky on this troublesome road

but if i carried on gambling I'd end up with no fixed abode

so f1ck you gambling there is no going back

i'm gonna enjoy my life, i'm not going to crack

Posted : 27th February 2015 12:56 am
Posts: 0

Sometimes it's easy in recovery to feel really down

worrying about urges and debt as the world goes round

but it doesnt have to be this way

you see when we wake up we're the masters of our day

we're no longer slaves to this horrible addiction

we can enjoy life without affliction

The debts we caused will never increase

because we are no longer feeding this dirty wild beast

No more anxiety and no further stress

because we're choosing to correct the things we did to put our lives in a mess

so forget the things we did and leave them in the past

relax and enjoy life try to have a blast

the journey is tough especially the early miles

but enjoy your recovery, laugh at the urges and share your smiles

listen to advice and embrace support

when we gamble we can't stop remember that thought

it could be the best lesson we have ever been taught

We don't have to make it tough we don't have to be brave

because we are no longer gambling we are no longer a slave

It's okay I know the thought we can have and how it's on your mind

but if we are going to get through to recovery we need to be to ourselves very kind

so relax and unwind

Make the most of everything that comes your way

say no to gambling because you know it doesnt pay

Look at all the things that are there to enjoy

we can fill our lives with pleasant memories and choose a life that brings joy

Choose to fill your time wisely with the things that you love,

Like cooking and running and continue to give gambling the shove

fall in love, go on holidays, see friends, go for walks, listen to music and take up a new sport

do all the things that gambling took away from you and made you sell yourself short

Find your passion and what gives you that drive

it's time to look forward and time to feel alive

you may think these ramblings are that of a prat

but if i leave with one's time to be happy we at least deserve that

Posted : 27th February 2015 1:20 am
Posts: 0

Loved reading your work stone roses and Sandra12 some talent there :0) hope your both keep posting on here and Wayne where are you lol x

Posted : 27th February 2015 9:39 am
Posts: 0

The first time I saw your face
I knew I'd finally found my place
the first time I held your hand
I knew nothing would ever be so grand
I was a better person
you were always first my son
nothing could be better than being your mum.....
couldn't bear to face feeling so sad
I let things slide I messed up bad
Tho I pulled myself together
ten years I did abstain
not wanting any of you to ever feel my pain.....
now i watch you grow into young men
my heart it grows it grows by ten
but I let you down yet again
trying not to show you my pain
the pain my past conceals
running never being able to feel.
I think about your futures
I think of the gambling lures
I had to choose now win or lose
which road that I would take
the first time I saw your face
I finally found my given place
the first time I held your hand
my heart it was ready fit to burst
my son I promised you all you would always be put first!!!!

Posted : 27th February 2015 10:12 pm
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