Artistic outlet - via poem, song, rap etc...all welcome

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Gambling has took so much,

Money wasn't all it took,

a taint on the soul, a personality change,

a relationship in degrade, one for each age,

a marriage not even made,

a page not turned,

a life not took,

yet lets not live in the past,

the future is yet to be written,

so take up the pen,

and write yourself smitten.

The debt will be paid,

each penny it took, the interest a rage,

one day will be gone,

and the books will be cleared...........

from in the red to the black.........

once i've reached this goal, the damage will be repaired, in money and soul.

As the price will be paid, gambling truly sacked.

Lets not re-employ...........what history has us taught.......

or we surley will reach again below what we once thought was nought!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted : 14th March 2015 4:03 am
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people may say

we not good only bad,

yet we know for sure,

we capable of both,

its the choice we make,

that makes us what we are,

so choose wisely my friends,

as demons will do but their best,

with this gambling disease,

that causes our choice to lean towards that does us most harm,

then anyones opinion of what to them can not be understood,

as they stand under a different spell,

only we have the counter,

only we know the curse,

only we can fight,

only we know how.

only we know the source,

we not bad people,

we know right and wrong,

so lets cast our best spell,

and obliterate this bad press,

formost of all its for us and our sakes that we need to impress.

Posted : 14th March 2015 4:11 am
Posts: 0

To live

As young we dream, ambitions high
of things well do before we die
as young the world is emerald green
for bad things are rarely seen

Through out this life therell be knocks n falls
things that will make us feel less than tall
how we deal with this is untold
No written guide in lines of bold

Mistakes will happen wrong paths took
not to serious damage if only our luck
but to live , to really live a life
is to stand up tall and fight

Posted : 17th March 2015 10:42 pm
Posts: 0

Some great poetry on here, some positive, some negative, really reflecting the diversity of our different experiences and the ups and downs of addiction and recovery. I don't write too often, and its usually inspired by the negative rather than the positive. Although its not directly gambling related, the negativity that came with it definitely was.

Thought of the pathetic working man

The pathetic rhymes of a pathetic working man,

Next step on the ladder got to work as best I can,

But for every step the top are taking three or four,

And Red threat letters piling up inside the door,

Kids. What the f**k? How is this the place to raise

Another human being to a life of disappointment,

Working hours steal play time and sun's rays,

And selling drugs or thieving is the only thing that pays,

While we losers walk past with eyes on the pavement.

If cleansing fire will come from god,

Where is the poor sod

Who lights the match?

God just f****d off and left the door on the latch,

Hoping that his neighbours would look in,

They'll just see the squalor we've created and the overflowing bin.

We're still alive, and we've still got hope

If we look hard enough, we can learn to cope

With the b******t that's going on around.

I'd send a prayer for Egypt if I had someone to send it to,

Democracy? Just a step on the road or a military coup?

I can't say I expected that the Arab spring,

To change the world, maybe changed nothing.

This is the world where I choose not to be a father,

Family life, long hours, S****y vauxhall astra,

I'll pass on the crying babies and tearful single mothers,

In a world that's full of disappearing lovers,

This is why you should insist on rubbers.

Posted : 18th March 2015 3:10 am
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welcome to the poem forum,

Really enjoyed your piece, i can relate to much of it.

shall look out for any further poems you may wish to add.

Posted : 18th March 2015 7:09 am
Posts: 0

No poetry to my mind it Would not place
now no longer living in disgrace
I visited read and tried to think
but is much harder now not on the brink

Walking along side my fellow soliders
telling Mr gamble the big fat I told yas
embracing each day not hiding in fright
abstaining and maintaining with all our might
each brave each stronger than the day before
we each have showed gambling that mindset door
A pat on the back, a kind word, a joke
nudging those missing with a heartfelt poke
no longer alone to deal with the grim
all standing together a goal to win

Posted : 24th March 2015 5:43 pm
Posts: 0

Lovely thoughtful poem tt.

Suzanne xxx

Posted : 24th March 2015 6:33 pm
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oh what research!

oh what statistic!

the way the gambling market is read!

is canabalistic!

oh i wonder, are we even safe here!

or do our posts, inform or steer!

are our traits being examined and read!

does such information from within our heads,

hold dark purpose - as they fed from what our souls willingly bleed.

or is my thoughts - just a paronoid seed!!

perhaps the use what we show,

will be used for good, and save those souls,

whom are yet to know, oh what destroys all like us,

the gamble, the addiction, the sorrow.

only what is said now - will surely be used tomorrow???

for benefit of whom i ask you now?

for us or them....i wonder?

Posted : 27th March 2015 2:25 pm
Posts: 0

I laughed today,yesterday too
One too me nought to you
you thought you had me in your grip
So far so good I've given you the slip
each day I get stronger
each day your hold Weakens
each day I smile more
your shadow It lightens
the lure less frightens
today I laughed yesterday too
One upto me and nought to you

Posted : 30th March 2015 8:37 pm
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today i saved another,

with no hard loss to myself,

a price well worth paying,

to loosened vice grip of gambling,

from anothers soul,

stopped future dice from rolling,

found trigger,

applied safety catch,

bail set high,

addiction locked away,

time will tell,

will such a debt be repaid,

either way, the card has been played,

lest hope another has been saved.

Posted : 5th April 2015 2:25 am
Posts: 0

Haven't wrote for a while
works been hard another invoice to file
I wanted just to share with you
remember this if feeling blue
though things seem tough and all uphill
maybe red letters from another bill
when you think you don't have anywhere to turn
here's something we all can learn
things can get better one step at a time
prioritise things in one small line
blocks a first a needy must
help is here it's fit to burst
bills will come down when you play no more
life can be kinder when you show gambling the door
be kind to yourself, and your neighbour too
this will all help from stop feeling blue
the journey is an endless road
accept this it will lighten the load
one step at a time things will improve
for no more to gambling you choose to lose

Posted : 12th April 2015 6:44 pm
Posts: 7071

You're closing your eyes and think "what a day!"
The end of the road or just just start to stay safe?
"Letting it go" keeps crossing your mind
To find inner peace and "Harmony" in this life
Whatever i do, it's not easy "Sail"
Shall i start the journey with my "diary of shame"?
I promise myself "i will fight till i win"
Whatever it takes i will never give in
"One day at a time" i hear all around
I try but it's here...oh" why why why"
I failed and i fell and it hurt like hell
But its not the end of the world - "life begins again"
I have a choice and i shall try to fight on
One minute, one hour one day and so on
I will kick and shout till I'm back on the track
As our dear fighter says "stepping forward never back"!!!!!
Addiction stays "dormant" and will never go away
"Desormais" i keep my guard up and safe
"Life on the edge" describes me the best
But deep inside i know " a change is as good as a rest"
"The world breaks everyone and afterward some are strong in the broken places"
So much you take out of it, will never stops to amaze me
But we keep moving on, no more ugly faking
"Metamorphosis" is out there for you - for the taking!

Posted : 14th April 2015 10:50 am
Posts: 0

Sandra that's very clever :0) really enjoyed it x

Posted : 14th April 2015 7:44 pm
Posts: 0

one solider fell today I read
another struggling with there dismay
sisters and brothers we stand side by side
into the diarys we shall glide
hovering over to offer support
a kind word a gesture a simple thought
alike the war were comrades together
seeing this through no matter what weather
together were sure too stand when it rains
or cheer each other on sunny days
A solider I heard he fell today but not all is lost please don't dismay
today is a brand new shiny day
a like a war we stand together
standing tall no matter the weather
it may be hard to win alone to drown out Mr gambling din
but together side by side ul see this is a war together we'll win

Posted : 20th April 2015 9:50 pm
Posts: 0
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Hello fellow poets,

Good to see your still on form,

standing back straight,

no matter the wear the tear of the heart and mind,

together we are strong and of the fighting kind.

The goal will always be reached,

If only these walls are not breached,

each and evry barrier a must,

for without we can't trust,

so for us it's a must.

The preacher may state - we can be born again,

lest not let history repeat itself and build on past mistakes,

forsake the urges, and all the obsurdness of the draining diesease.


Posted : 24th April 2015 7:23 am
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