Day 25 keeping at it still doing all the blocks and still winning ❤️
Thank you pink lady appreciate any reply ❤️ day 30 still going strong yes get thoughts were gamblers but not many options to gamble and enjoying life x
Day 37 yep lots of temptation still around but clear and learning about myself every day blockers in place no easy ride but anxiety therapy also massive help 😊 hope everyone is well x
@isnkjawb3x the amount of times you fall down is irrelevant. It's all about the amount of times you dust yourself down and get up again that counts.
Drink and anxiety are a vicious circle as they feed each other. I know as I am prone to both! Gambling blocked the anxiety until I ran out of money then the anxiety hit even harder.
You are very self aware. Reading your post it seems that you knew that your were going to gamble before you did. Knowledge is power so put measures in place for the next time. I know it's easy to say but it needs to be done if you are going to beat this.
Keep posting. Even if you slip up. In fact especially if you slip up.
All the best
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