Been a while

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Thought I'd update as its been a while. However, I'm happy to report a positive while. My head is clearer than its been for a long time...but, that I will never take for granted... as I know it could so easily be consumed with the thought of gambling or the huge mess left behind after a stupid binge! But, I'm positive, grateful and moving foward with my life. My debt has dramatically been paid down and I will be debt free pretty soon (as long as I stick to it!) Today I was feeling strong/brave if you will. So I decided to go right back through my bank statements-when I was in a bad place: gambling, pay day loan, overdraft, bank loans etc a truly, horrible cycle of gambling and debt! I knew my head was a mess, but I clearly didn't at the time realise how much of a mess it was...I was gobsmacked at the amount of money going out of my account in loans on pay day-due to taking loans to gamble for that 'one big win' horrendous!! Could not believe the amount I have paid over the years in interest, the utter mess my money was in, I wasn't in my right mind-clearly! Now, a year ago looking through all that would of probably ruined me, made me want to gamble for that 'big win' but today made me release just how far I have come because I accepted what is gone is gone and no amount of chasing that money is going to ever bring it back. The amount of money I gambled was sickening-very rare did I have +money in my account from a gambling site because I just simply couldn't stop! Facing this today has given me fire in my belly to never pay those stupid, disgusting interest fees again or give my hard earned cash to gambling sites!! Today I'm grateful for a clear head. Today I haven't wasted my hard earned money on gambling. Today I live to fight another day. Keep strong for those who are having a bad day or feeling so overwhelmed they don't know where to can and will get better. c x

Posted : 22nd October 2017 6:17 pm
Posts: 1831

Hey Charlie. ..great to hear from you ....and wonderfull to read you're doing so well...

Posted : 31st October 2017 12:09 pm
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I was up at the crack of dawn today...willingly and energetic!! Because I had a great nights sleep, makes all the difference when your head is clear! I had a massive urge to do something productive and for others today, so got the recipe books out this morning and invited the family round for dinner tonight. Done a full shop, with extra ingredients...may seem small, but never been able to afford the 'posh' grub, as all my money went on gambling! So feels extra special that it's the 4th of the month and I'm paying for food for my family without pay day loan or credit card money...that feels good! I will never ever take these good feelings for granted, as we all know that gambling monster can appear anytime, anywhere! But today is a good day and I'm grabbing it with both hands. I have eaten healthily all week, given up drinking or a couple of weeks and wow it's made a difference! Clear head and clean body (inside) does wonders for you confidence and ability to get stuff done day to day! Well, must dash before the family arrive for dinner...that I've paid for, made from scratch because I haven't gambled=a very happy me! Happy Sat folks! C x

Posted : 4th November 2017 3:52 pm
Posts: 2163

Sounds good. Really good. Happy Saturday Charley! 🙂

Posted : 4th November 2017 4:42 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6162

Hi Charley1,

Well done for your post, and thanks for sharing your recovery story with us.

It seems like you’ve come a long way from your gambling problem, and you still sound determined to see this recovery through.

It seems like going through your past bank statements has actually made you aware of the extent of your gambling problem then; the amount of money that you’ve lost so far, and given you a reason why you’ll none of it at all.

I’m glad to learn that your head is clearer, and that you’re managing your gambling problem better – doing what it takes to get to the end of the tunnel.

It’s also good you’ve realised that trying to chase your losses will rather put you into more debt, and thus you must try and avoid that.

You sound positive, and this is accompanied by a good feeling (my head is clearer), and hopefully, you’d continue to progress with your journey to recovery.

I’ll encourage you to continue to apply those strategies that are working for you; that is pretty much the case – to let go of your losses, and to focus on your recovery, and to look forward to a gamble free future.

Thanks also for encouraging other problem gamblers to keep trying for a better tomorrow.

My best wishes to you, and please keep posting!

Kind regards,


Posted : 4th November 2017 7:56 pm
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Thank you Judy 🙂

Thankyou for your kind message Beatrice, much appreciated. I will continue to do all of the above and fight to the end of the tunnel because if I don't, what's left? Debt, gambling, lost family and friends, existing instead of living, no sleep, unhealthy...absolutely none of that appeals to me in the slightest as fun. So i owe it to myself not to ever put myself in that place again. Thanks again, means a lot you've taken time out of your day to send such a lovely, positive message. Cx

Posted : 5th November 2017 7:02 pm
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Update on how dinner went last night....Great!!! We had such a laugh and planned loads of fabulous Christmas activities to do with the kids-not too much money required, just quality time and memory making...something which can't be bought. Whilst I was stood at the sink; my mum washing up, myself drying and putting stuff away (always hated that job, felt I got the shortstraw at Christmas-ha ha) but last night I could of cried with pure happiness...chatting away to my mum about the future, kids running in and cuddling my leg asking for my special drink...'hot chocolate' -made as sickly as possible, of course. All simple things, but I suddenly realised when stacking the pans up...I was there not just in body, but in person, I was talking and asking questions...I wanted to start conversations, ask the 'how are you' I know that may sound silly, but when I was gambling, (hanging my head in shame) I didn't ask, because I didn't care! All I cared about was getting home to gamble. I know most of you on here will understand what I mean by that. I just wish I could of bottled it, pure happiness in its simplest form-again something no amount on money can buy. My sister-in-law said something which made me think and wonder what they most of thought when I was in that horrible place. She said, 'you seem different, like you've got a sparkle in your eye and never seen you so excited about Christmas.' She's right, I've not been this excited since I was a kid, but for the past however many years, I've worried money wise as never had any to buy gifts, so it would be more loans, credit cards or those nasty payday loans. I spent the whole Xmas stressed knowing if have to lay them back, I'd have less gambling money-I would have to gamble more to win that 'one big win' But those days are gone! Out with the old and in with the new! This will be my Christmas with my family and I for one can not wait! For those who are struggling today, make that change today ain't for that clear head because this life is worth living and fighting for-not the gambling life, it well and truly drained me; mentally, emotionally and money wise. Have a good week peeps. Cx

Posted : 5th November 2017 7:16 pm

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