Thanks very much for your support and suggestions. It’s around £20 yeah for the bingo - I am not addicted to bingo but can’t avoid going on the slots so need to avoid the place altogether. Too many times now I’ve tried just going to the bingo and saying I won’t play slots but I always do. Tbh I don’t have much time free to go to the bingo as I have children to look after mostly. This means that I don’t struggle to fill my free time with friends on the odd occasion I have a baby sitter sorted. I’m on 10 days now and I feel back in control and in it for the long haul. I’m going to vow not to take on any more debt from this point forward. I have a plan to get all the debts gone in about four years time and then I’ll really be able to look towards a better future and maybe be able to buy a house too. That’s the plan anyway!
Day 12 all is well
Day 13 going strong
Two weeks done
16 days gamble free
Day 17
Day 22
Day 23
Keep going, I’m on a four year plan for debt and I think this is day 25 or 26 for me, no going back for me, no second chances and I know deep down if I fail I’m done for any sort of good life, no second chances at this.ive got all online blocks in place so simply no chance of that, I need to avoid bookies and in 2 months t8me im handing over my finances to a friend, can’t do it till then for many reasons, not an excuse just fact.Good luck , it’s hard, stay focused.
Thanks holycrosser I’m four weeks gamble free and looking at around 5/6 years to become debt free. Age is forcing me to realise it’s now or never to stay aboard the gamble free train as I’ve still time to paint the future I’d like to see in five years or so. If I turn back now I’m throwing away my plans for the future and there’s coming a time where it will be too late for me to create the future I want. Every day staying gamble free is a small step towards my long term goals. I’m feeling determined. I’ve applied for a debt consolidation loan and been knocked back by my bank as they saw ‘speculative’ transactions on my account from the past. They said I’d need at least six months without any of these transactions to be reconsidered. Luckily I’m not paying any interest on debts and can afford to wait 6months to a year to reconsolidate my debt. It’s given me a little more motivation to remain gamble free. I’ve even considered an IVA as a way to resolve my problems but I think I can just about sort out my financial mess myself ...
44 days gamble free
Pleased to report I’ve stayed gambke free for six weeks now and I’m delighted that I’ve kept it going for this length of time as it’s over six months I think since I managed this long.
Still only a short amount of time in the big scheme of things but gotta build up the days at some point starting somewhere.Â
48 days still gamble freeÂ
fifty one days gamble free ?
Hi boxingdayfresh,
I have just read your recovery thread and wanted to say thank you for sharing your journey.
If you believe in yourself along with a good level of mindfulness so that you understand what drives the need for addictive behaviour then you will have a great chance of being one of the 3% that have longterm emotional sobriety.Â
I look forward to following your journey. X
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