Boxing Day 1

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sonic boom
Posts: 447

Hi Clare. Yes im all signed up to it. I was in the 2014 challenge for a few weeks but dropped out after thinking I could control my addiction by just staying away from FOBT's but continuing with football bets. I now realise its in my best interests to stop all gambling.

Posted : 1st January 2015 7:09 pm
Posts: 921
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That's good news. I think there comes a time when we all realise that we can't pick and choose which bits of gambling we can continue and control. Myself I've decided to stop all gambling altogether, no bingo or scratch cards or anything. Just not worth it as it may stir up feelings of wanting to play the online slots where I've lost thousands.

Good luck and I think the 2015 challenge will be good for us all. I've decided I must stay on it and use it even if I may begin to feel in control.

Posted : 1st January 2015 7:16 pm
Posts: 921
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Over a week now and feelin gr8 on day 8 !!

Posted : 2nd January 2015 12:20 am
Posts: 0

Hi Claire,

Well done on 8 days of winning.

Suzanne xx

Posted : 2nd January 2015 8:45 am
Posts: 0

Hi Clare,

Thanks for your kind words on my diary & hurrah to feeling gr8 on 8...It's a hard journey @ times especially in the very early stages where you are @ but I can assure you it's the best journey anyone could make!

I am glad that for you my 'story' is helping to show that it is possible because it is this journey history from other people that have allowed me this 'success'. They have helped me get where I am today & will help keep me in recovery because for me, this is my life's journey - ODAAT

Posted : 2nd January 2015 10:12 am
Posts: 921
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Thanks Suzanne and well done on 249 days - must feel far greater than 8! ... but I hope to follow the examples set by yourself and ODAAT ! I so want to be sitting in that much nicer financial position by the end of the year. I've always been a big believer that if you're not happy with something in your life, then change it. I've applied this to my career and relationships, smoking and now there's the gambling I'm hoping to kick into touch. I know for definite it doesn't make me happy and instead it fuels negativity and makes me have feelings of depression and that's surely reason enough to abstain completely. Just got to keep using this forum. Keeping blocks in place and sights on my goals. All support is greatly appreciated and hope you guys continue to rack up the days on your counters too.

Clare x

Posted : 2nd January 2015 12:14 pm
Posts: 921
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My friend asked me yesterday to tell her all the things that are bad about gambling. I described at least ten bad things and then she asked me what is good about gambling. I said nothing. Looking back I can't even say I have enjoyed time wasted on gambling. That's all it is a waste of time that could be spent doing something else productive or enjoyable.

What annoys me is the number of adverts on TV and the fact that they keep your withdrawals in a pending account. Even if you have restricted the amount you can spend in a day or a week or a month, and you 'win' they leave the money in a pending account which you can reverse at any time for up to five days. Id love to know the percentage of pending withdrawals that get reversed. Then it just again serves to line their pockets and you end up spending what you had previously 'won' and more. I've done it hundreds of times - what a waste of time and money !

Posted : 2nd January 2015 1:05 pm
Posts: 0

Well done Clare! 8 days is fantastic! 😉

I totally and completely agree with you about the reversal period, when they take your money instantly!! absolute con it is..there are some sites that as soon as you withdraw its withdrawn and the cash is on its way but there are some that are just hanging on for a ridiculous about of time before they process it. As you say, preying on the CGs to go back to try and win more...which we all did, grrr!!

Mel x

Posted : 2nd January 2015 2:16 pm
Posts: 921
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Thanks Mel.

Keeping at it. I wish I'd played the ones where it didn't take five days as I always reversed and hence rarely actually saw any winnings. Anyway mugs game either way !

Just doing work from home to keep mind busy. Plus has to be done before Monday anyway !

Hope you're having a good day and enjoying the extra free time we now have gained back in our lives 😀

Clare x

Posted : 2nd January 2015 2:29 pm
Posts: 512

Well done Clare on day 8. I have tried several times to quit and I always found the first week or 2 was the easiest due to it all being new and exciting, it is when you have been away for 3 weeks or so and after that next payday where there are risks.

However saying that I think you seem very switched on and have put so many blocks in place. The first few times I tried I always left an option open for me to gamble again but now that has been closed and I haven't looked back. 110 days of feeling amazing and getting my life back after 3 years of ups and downs, having to lie to people and make excuses.

Now I am looking forward to my happiest year in a long time.

Keep it up and stay positive. It is definitely worth it, think of that amazing holiday you can have in the summer.

Posted : 2nd January 2015 8:29 pm
Posts: 921
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Thank you 😀

Sorry to hear you're feeling a bit under the weather and cancelled your night out but probably best if you're not quite up to it.

Sunday will be nice to look forward to anyway.

Yeah i don't have spare money at the moment really to gamble so it does help, but saying that I could always get my hands on a few quid if I really wanted to. I understand what you're saying I can imagine it may get tough after next pay and when I'm feeling over it . With the blocks in place though I feel quite confident I'm 'safe' from a moment of weakness. Still need to install blocking software on my daughters new tablet or get her to put a password on it it something. I haven't been near it ... It's hers I wouldn't want to touch it let alone start using it to gamble. Shudder at the thought. I feel so determined just hope this determination stays with me and I can follow in your footsteps 110 days is it .... ? Massive well done.

Hope you're feeling better for staying home!

Posted : 2nd January 2015 9:42 pm
Posts: 921
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Play responsibly at 'Tom*'

That is the first advert on TV I've ever seen that implies that there is a way to play 'irresponsibly ' implying that gambling can be problematic. Is this a tiny step towards more responsible gambling advertising I wonder ? Hopefully it will end in a complete ban on gambling adverts especially on TV where they seem to be every other advert at the moment .

Posted : 2nd January 2015 11:10 pm
Posts: 921
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Almost double figures now - feels good. Don't want to fast forward time but I am enjoying seeing the counter roll. Makes me feel like I'm making progress and getting further and further away from my last spin.

Feels strange having spare time on an evening. Thankful for this site to use as a substitute for the endless hours i'd normally spend on the online slots.

Still having thoughts of possible ways to gamble safely ... Can I go back and control it better this time ? I understand it more now and I'm more aware of the dangers.

I was looking for 'free slots' earlier to just play (no money) but my phone wouldn't let me access these sites either (k9 is good).

Considered whether it would be ok to sign up to a new no deposit site and just play with bonus money that is usually not allowed to be withdrawn. Would that be gambling ? I've not done and think it would be dangerous. Plus I'd probably have to use my daughters tablet and that's not going to happen.

Wish I could get used to the idea that I don't need to gamble to pass time. Why can't I just relax like other people do ? Been working on my laptop most of the afternoon and really I should be glad of the relaxation time.

Going to stay strong though. Lots of positives to look forward to. Will feel good when I start to notice the improvements in day to day finances. That's what counts. That will be 9 days time now.

Posted : 3rd January 2015 12:19 am
sonic boom
Posts: 447

Hi Clare

i feel like the best advice i can give you right now is to refocus.

don't even entertain thoughts of downloading software to play free slots, you're just asking for trouble.

also with regards to responsible gambling, the companies really don't care less if you are responsible gambling or not. They HAVE to put 'play responsibly' in their adverts. You'll notice all alcohol adverts have the message 'drink responsibly' on their adverts.

You're virtually on the same days as me. Hopefully we can keep up with each other, stay strong.

Mark x

Posted : 3rd January 2015 4:49 am
Posts: 921
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Hiya Mark

Well done on day 10 and thanks for dropping by.

Yeah you're right about not entertaining the idea of free spins ... It is just asking for trouble. It's just me trying to find ways to gamble guilt free and without monetary loss. I guess that kind of gambling doesn't exist.

I know about the responsible gambling message being out of legal obligation rather than moral standing but this ad just seemed to be slightly more acknowledging the issue and I just thought maybe in time these companies / ads will become more responsible (through legislation rather than the companies themselves) and may ultimately disappear altogether off TV. I think they will, just like smoking, just wonder how long it will take.

I've got to keep controlling any moments when I've got free time as it was late at night when I most enjoyed playing the online slots. On the positive I've been going to bed earlier (still about 1am) but at times I've been known to stay up playing till 3/4am .

Best wishes to you Mark and yes I'll look forward to following your journey as we are only one day apart !

Clare x

Posted : 3rd January 2015 9:47 am
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