DaveUK - New Diary

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It has helped me so much putting one of my binge roulette machine sessions into a poem - thanks for inspiring me to do this Matt,

Everytime I read it I feel as if I have just had that session - sounds daft but it feels so real.

Now at day 17 - I cannot play as I cannot stop!

Happy Boxing Day All.....

Posted : 26th December 2010 3:24 pm
Posts: 0

A happy boxing day to you too Dave !

I enjoyed reading the poems , i have wriiten a little one of my own hope you dont mind?

Welcome to the house of fun, now you think your on your way

Welcome to the house of fun we are gonna bleed you dry

Welcome to the house of fun , hahaha, you think it HAS to be your day

Welcome to the house of fun , it WILL be the same as yesterday.

Welcome to the house of fun, and now that you are in

We shall welcome you to SPIN and SPIN and SPIN

Welcome to the house of fun, you cannot leave, cos you DON'T try

Welcome to the house of fun, theres always another when the cash runs dry

Welcome to the house of fun, dont ever think it will be kind

For in the house of fun are things designed to take your mind

Welcome to the house of fun, its nice to see you AGAIN today

your face is dark and full of sorrow , but you and i know you will be back tomorrow.

Break the cycle x

Posted : 26th December 2010 6:08 pm
Posts: 504
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Love it Kim - love it.

Hope you are OK.

Dave x x x

Posted : 26th December 2010 7:41 pm
Posts: 504
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This time a poem from the owners of the bookies perspective !

Unlock the doors guys it’s that time again

Let anyone in, no need to be vain

Those wallets and purses stuffed full of cash

All coming our way - to add to our stash

Slowly but surely lets get them hooked

Take every opportunity - make sure nothing’s overlooked

You know how they start, ‘just a small flutter’

Then watch as they end up broke in the gutter

Free plays, promotions a fifty pound prize

Whatever it takes to start their demise

Be nice to the punters, they are our best friends

Remember our fun starts as soon as theirs ends

Now I’m not saying we mock the afflicted

But profits are easier once they’re addicted

We count on their weakness in a big way

They are the mansion and grand holiday

Some mugs may win but we will not moan

Lets face it folks, it’s a temporary loan

For they will be back and try to win more

We win in the end, of that we are sure

Posted : 26th December 2010 9:23 pm
Posts: 504
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Not much to record today.

No roulette machine - reached day 19.

Posted : 27th December 2010 9:35 pm
Posts: 504
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Now at three week point and going well.

Posted : 28th December 2010 2:46 pm
Posts: 34

Short and sweet buddy - but that's great to hear! Keep at it...


Day 10

Posted : 28th December 2010 3:34 pm
Posts: 0

dave ive been reading your diary... and i really dont know what too say... you gamble...stop for a while have a blow out stop have a blow out....etc.... i think black jack is ok what he was saying... ie get another fix for your gambling addiction for less money.... if you feel like a blow out coming on cant u buy a scratch card or sumit.....a quid at least... maybe this will help. im like u in a way mount up every penny while im shopping... im not paying £3 for 4 cans of tuna ffs lol we lose all sense of money when we r gambling... what is a big win??? will we ever be happy with a big win......nope... we will continue too gamble it till its all gone its credits aint it not cash!!! unless u want too gamble... or become a responsible gambler. u have too exclude from the bookies thats you rfirst starting point gl

Posted : 29th December 2010 12:06 am
Posts: 504
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Thanks for your thoughts phb. It's only the roulette machine that give me 'that' buzz. It really is them or nothing and nothing saves me time, heartache and money.

Appreciate your advice and will keep posting my thoughts and progress.


Ps £3 for 4 tins of tuna is far too expensive lol.

Posted : 29th December 2010 11:01 am
Posts: 0

Those roulette machines, whether they are virtual or real, still give you ONLY a 1 in a 37 chance of winning.

Tiny, tiny odds so please don't get attracted to them again.

Not long before the New Year and we can all safely say that we WILL enjoy a whole year's free of gambling.


Posted : 29th December 2010 2:39 pm
Posts: 504
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Cheers GT and Happy New Year to you.

Agree the odds on the roulette machine are rubbish so will keep away.

When my football team had a ridiculous loss last night I had the same sickly feeling when I have lossed on the roulette machine - this kind of confirms what I knew which is I am a bad loser - and have been since a child.

I am not a compulsive gambler, have only played the roulette machine and stop once I have put back my accumulated winnings, although conceed there is always a little extra on top. Being such a bad loser I then sulk and seek solace in my Gamcare diary.

Blackjack summed me up when he spotted my cautious approach to life generally - he was 100% right.

I am not excusing what I have lost playing on the roulette machine and appreciate its not really about money, there is the time and lies etc but do need to get some perspective that its not such a big problem.

Bit of a ramble today and not played roulette machine for 22 days.

Posted : 30th December 2010 2:43 pm
Posts: 58

Hi Dave and a Happy 2011 to you.

Good to hear that you're still ' on the wagon ' as far as gambling goes. Same here - apart from £30 the other night on the roulette in the bookies - after my last large loss. Can't say I miss it much but can't honestly say that I can ' take it or leave it ' either, for, like you once the bad feelings from a loss wear off I start to get a bit twitchy again.

Can't say I get the same sickly feeling as you when my football team loses. I'm so used to it that the feelings semi-permanent anyway !! ( that's not quite fair as they've been doing OK for the last couple of years )

You say you're a bad loser. That's something I've fortunately never suffered from although in a gambling context it's probably good that you are as the losses seem to be that much more painful for you and hopefully keep you away from gambling a little bit longer than others.

I don't know about me getting you ' spot on ' but anyone who admits to putting all their finances down on a spreadsheet and spends 30p worth of shoe leather to save 20p on a loaf of bread really can sleep easy in his bed at night, can't they ? ( lol )

Best wishes


Posted : 31st December 2010 7:15 pm
Compulsive Gambler
Posts: 686

well done on your 22 days, hope you have a great new year


Posted : 31st December 2010 8:00 pm
Posts: 504
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Thanks Dan - all the very best for 2011 and beyond.

As I reflect on 2010 I have had 4 'sessions' on the roulette machines - always the same, win some, lose it all and more besides. The sessions usually last 7-10 days.

Overall I have lost more than I won - no real surprise as thats the whole idea of them being there in the first place.

All the best to everyone.

Posted : 31st December 2010 10:25 pm
Posts: 504
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Continuing to progress - getting things in perspective and 23 days roulette machine free!

Posted : 1st January 2011 6:14 pm
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