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feeling bad that I failed again after having 20 clean days but nothing I can do about what I did I have to move forward . It’s crazy how acceptable gambling is in society gambling is much more deadly than any hard drug and yet it’s legal anyone can walk in and lose their life savings in one night . Casino owners are drug dealers and nothing else gambking is a complete scam it’s a drug and they know once we start we can’t stop they prey on our addicted minds it’s sick . 

Posted : 19th December 2023 5:47 am
Posts: 86

It is your fault you are gambling take accountability and responsibility for your actions when you stop blaming it "on the addiction" you will begin to recover 



Posted : 19th December 2023 10:29 am
Posts: 17

It’s a business at the end of the day they are there to make money it’s not there fault it’s all In The gamblers head that they go and intend to win money. It took me a long time to realise how pointless it was spending all this money for no reason. Even when I actually won I would end up just putting bigger bets on to win more until it was all gone and it became the case where I knew the outcome would never end well. Do you think that you could have a day of gambling win hundreds of thousands of pounds and think to yourself there I did it I’m rich I beat the game now I can be happy with all my winnings? Very doubtful the greed and wanting the good feeling of a win and another win will always be there till eventually it’s all gone. Good luck my friend and I wish you all the best but remember even when you win you will always lose that’s the mindset you need you basically can’t win the dream amount that we all pray of then just stop I’m afraid. It’s better to be happy in life with a little bit of money than being ashamed, skint and wrecked with guilt from month to month believe me. I hope my words help.

Posted : 19th December 2023 10:59 am
Posts: 106

Hi Peter I talked to you a lot on WhatsApp I can tell that you're not ready to give up gambling completely.Youre saying you fed up with this life of gambling all the time debts and that you don't have no money.So you stay gamble free for few days.

Once you got some amount of money on your bank card or in your wallet you're straight back in action everytime.Cycle repeats.I can tell that your understanding to your addiction its not clear yet at all.

You need to find yourself first and understand roots of gambling in your gambling before you start counting days gamble free.

It's same like alcoholic stopped drinking alcohol and waiting for delivery of beers.

Posted : 19th December 2023 11:36 am
Posts: 13

There are lots of people who gamble and enjoy it just as there are lots of people who drink socially and can take it or leave it. It is the compulsive gambler or alcoholic who has the problem that they need to fix.

As a recovering alcoholic of almost 6 years I come into contact with alcohol and people who drink all the time. I accept I cannot drink and let them live their enjoyable lives.

I am approaching gambling addiction the same way. In a way it is easier as I have to go out of my way to gamble as I don’t do it online. 

The most important thing is that I accept that I am powerless over alcohol and gambling and it is my responsibility to stay sober and gamble free by using the support around me.

Stay strong and don’t get angry, get well.

Posted : 19th December 2023 7:55 pm

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