Diary of a new member

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10th of Jan 2018.

Well today was the day i decided no more, after gambling for many years knowing i have a problem and still doing it, today is my last straw, im now literally skint for a week, this is my first ever forum of any sort and the members seem helpful and decent, im now at the stage of whats the point of my life, why do i ruin my life by gambling nearly all my money, today has broken me, i need to stop now but its so difficult, the need wipes out my willpower and its going to be the end of me, i got no heating now for a week and i hope it will be a smack in the face i need to sort myself out, i have self excluded myself from a few on line casinos and tomorrow i will be doing the same in the Bookies. I just hope tomorrow is a better day.

Posted : 10th January 2018 3:44 pm
Posts: 0

Hoping that you can stay warm despite the lack of heating for a week. Today is always a good day to begin. Guess we've all had many new beginnings and fresh starts within the the recovery journey. It always get better as long as we continue to stay on the path and really want a life that does not include a behavior that kill our spirits and robs us at the same time. Be good to yourself. tara2

Posted : 10th January 2018 4:05 pm
Posts: 0


Firstly, well done for admitting your problem and seeking out for help. Huge step in the right direction. We have all reached that low point, and it is horrific. But you are not alone in this. Unfortunately you have to reach the bottom before you can say enough is enough. It won't be easy. You have to be 100 percent comitted to never placing a bet again. We don't have the self control. Always chasing that big win or trying to win back what we lost but even if we succeed, what do we do with them winnings? We pile them straight back in whether it's hours of madness, weeks or months. So what is the point. Great you have put those blocks in place. Alot of p3ople hand over finance, is that something you could do? Also if you haven't already, call gamcare and just speaking to someone helps so much. Have a look around the forum you will find some great advice and some great inspiration. Good luck.


Posted : 10th January 2018 5:49 pm
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Well today was another step closer, i haven't gambled or had the urge to gamble, i know its not going to be this easy but i'm determined to try my best, i'm a firm believer in going cold turkey and not trying to cut down like people do with smoking and drinking, but having an addictive personality and mental health issues isn't going to be easy, i'm looking at things to help keep my mind active, i'm going to start going back to the gym. Day 2 is all good for now. Thanks for the encouragement guys.

Posted : 11th January 2018 2:53 pm
Posts: 0


Welcome to the forum.

Can I ask what it was you gambled on? You will need as much help as you can get in terms of blocks and limiting your access to gambling so, if we know how you gamble, then we can advise on how to help you stop.

Either way, you will find lots of good advice here.

Best Regards


Posted : 11th January 2018 3:04 pm
Posts: 0
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Posted : 11th January 2018 5:53 pm

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