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putting you back on the front page Where a successful diary like yours belongs Russ. . Yes i was only being moderated myself but as most of my friends on here know i post from my phone and there were links to be followed which the old faithful thing couldn t follow. .im ok to post now though but must admit it has kinda knocked the stuffing out of me. .Keep working the recovery mate we both know it makes sense. .best wishes. wp 🙂

Posted : 7th August 2011 11:25 pm
Posts: 0

You are so right about young children being allowed to gamble. There was a post recently about someone having come back from holiday where he/she had seen absolutely nothing that was gamble related.

He/she then came back to see bandits all over Manchester airport.

It really is crazy to see how much gambling is accessible to everyone in this country.

But it also shows how much of an achievement you have made to stay away from this madness.

I strive to be as good as you!

All the best.


Posted : 9th August 2011 3:48 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Russ

Just read your last post m8.Ive gotta say it brought a big smile on my face.I gambled for 17 years.I no longer gamble.

Excellent m8 and said just how you mean it.

That will give others confidence.All the best Jeff.

Posted : 10th August 2011 6:29 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks for the posts, as always really appreciated. I think I may be coming to the end of my shelf life on these diaries in a constructive way. Yes, I'll keep reading and put the odd diary update in, but I won't be here on a regular basis. On the OPG I have taken a bit of stick for a observation I made. I've been called a 'turnip' (hence my new user name) and been accused of looking down on other users. On a personal note I feel I have nearly achieved what I really came here for. Yes, I wanted to stop gambling....but once I'd achieved this goal I soon realised that wasn't the main issue. It was the lies and abuse of trust. I think would be fair to say that my wife trusts me know. I've also broken the habit of lying. This has taken such a long time. Gambling is no longer ingrained on my mind. Of course, I will never become complacent. Thank you for all the support I have received, you know who you all are. I'll be keeping tabs on you all.....so don't even dare straying back down that path!.

For now it's over and out. Russ aka Evanru-Turnip.

Posted : 12th August 2011 2:37 pm
Posts: 0

Thats a shame because you have it seems done a lot more good than harm.

Although we do not know each other reading your posts helped me, and for that you have my thanks

Posted : 12th August 2011 3:03 pm
Posts: 1057

hey Dont you go disappearing from these pages mate !!! My diary has taken a few batterings over the months and i was for calling it a day on here. .BUT it was diaries like yours who helped me change my mind.at least this time i have an excuse (moderation lol). Why should you leave these pages when as mike rightly says so many people have benefited from your input ? Keep posting friend and Dont get wound up by someone who clearly wants to be in your position and hopefully will one day !! Sit back deep breaths chill oot oh and Swede dreams ;-D we can do this mate 🙂

Posted : 12th August 2011 4:56 pm
Posts: 0

Russ, I for one am enormously sorry that you feel this way.

Ben James has apologised sincerely for what he posted on that thread - I think he made a mistake by not reading your diary first before giving his opinion on what you said. He has been through a lot and you helped him even when he was being abrasive.

Please don't leave this site through someone's mistake Russ. I don't want to over-dramatise things but you have changed lives on here and your continued support is valuable beyond measure.

Take care, i'm sorry for getting involved too - please think again my friend.


Posted : 12th August 2011 6:13 pm
Posts: 0

I see that you have changed your name back again.

Hopefully this will be a sign that you are not intending to leave any more. We all have our own little opinions, after all, even I had one of my own in the post about a 6 month FOBT diary thread.

Don't let others get to you, your support on here is very much appreciated and if you feel that being on here has helped YOU too, then why leave just because of one little event?

Hope to see you back urging us all on soon.


Posted : 12th August 2011 6:40 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Wotcha Russ my old mucker!

I've not been on for a few weeks and i popped by this morning to see that you have been causing trouble! I'm just joking mate. You are a shining example on here mate and your constructive input has helped many a diary along the way. Any criticism of you would be way wide of the mark.

I think i might just sneak our little 'bet' about who would end the year with the lowest handicap. I've not been playing great over the last few months but i am at 4.3 with not many comps left before summer is out. As for the club champs well i finished way down in that. I think i put too much pressure on myself for the big ones!

Awful performance from Everton yesterday. I've changed ends this season and i have to say they do not look any better from the opposite end of the ground! Still they need our support right now more than ever as the club is in financial meltdown.

Hope to see you posting soon mate.

Posted : 21st August 2011 11:58 am
Posts: 0


Hey there. Haven't seen you turnip on these boards in a while.

I'm sure you are doing well and enjoying life without gambling.

Checking in here every now and then won't do any harm. Its good to remember that we can't ever gamble 'normally' again.

Best wishes to the family.


Posted : 30th August 2011 8:47 am
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi Russ.

Great to hear from you mate and i mean that sincerely. You have been a real pal to me over the last year and a bit.

It's weird when we look back with a clear head at our former gambling-selves. I find it almost laughable some of the things i used to do. Like you say though the most important thing is that we no longer gamble and we can therefore get on with our lives.

It looks like i am home on the golf challenge as i'm holding firm at 4.4 at the moment. You have done me on the weight though. 12st is not to be sniffed at even if you are only 5ft 2. I've finally go back into the gym over the last few months and i'm down to 13st 3 so a bit to go yet before i hit that 12st 6!

Hope to hear more from you soon buddy.

Posted : 10th October 2011 5:49 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Curly, thank you for saving me the trouble of finding my diary! Great to hear from you and your continued success.

I thought I would long in today as I'm on a long train journey up to Edinburgh. I've only kept a fleeting eye on these diaries over the last few months. It's made no difference to my behaviour. I've felt no temptation.

A couple of events have happened over the last month or so. One of those was small yet huge in terms of my relationship with my wife. To cut a long story short, I received an text message on my phone during a meal out. I looked at my phone but i didn't open the text. My wife was suspicious....but she kept it to herself in order to avoid an argument. When we got back to the room she eventually plucked up the courage to ask me. I calmly told her who it was and why I hadn't opened it at the time. My reaction told her everything she needed to know. I didn't fly off the handle like I used to, my body language had changed completely since my gambling days. She knew that she could trust me again. I had nothing to hide and I had disgarded my old behaviour traits.

The other event was in Portugal. I was on lads golfing holiday. The boys are aware of my past issues....there were a couple of incidents where I had lost money in the casinos. On the big night out, the group ended up in the casino. I had had a good load of drink. Every single lad was at the tables except me. I had no urge to play and I was open and honest with the friends who asked me. A couple of them came up to me the next day and congratulated me. I didn't need this, but it proved to me that I am over this part of my life. It will never return.

Lastly, I'm really really happy.....and I mean that. A happy relationship with my wife means a relaxed and happy home environment. Life is busy having three kids under the age of 6 but I can give them my full attention that they deserve.

Catch you all sometime in the future


Posted : 10th October 2011 6:19 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

That last post is the living proof that a life without gambling is infinitely better than a life as a gambler.

* Applauds *

Posted : 10th October 2011 6:34 pm
Posts: 1057

great readin Russ handshakes all round to go wi curly s applause. . Keep it goin mate 🙂

Posted : 11th October 2011 7:05 pm
Posts: 0

What a great read that last post of yours was.

Delighted for you and your family.

Keep up the good work and stay away from that first bet.


Posted : 12th October 2011 8:08 am
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