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Still here, still gamble free, still working hard at it. Russ

Posted : 3rd October 2013 5:50 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Russ,

Thanks for your post on my new diary...I just checked into yours, and I can actually remember your first post, and also see my response. Glad to see you're doing so well, and keeping gamble free. Having that much cash is bound to bring back thoughts, but you overcame it and that is the most important thing.

Hope you're doing well,

All the best,


Posted : 4th October 2013 6:31 pm
Posts: 4881

Great stuff on remaining gamble free Russ... regards... S.A 🙂

Posted : 4th October 2013 7:19 pm
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Gamble free and living a normal life. Looking back on it all, I always had that chip in my head that turned me onto gambling. I then formed the habit. Once you break the habit of gambling every day then it leaves you free to control the chip in the head. I'm at that stage. The habit has been broken and i'm now able to control the chip. This clearly takes a good deal of managing, but it can be done. The hardest part on this road is breaking the habit. This can give you some good gamble free time, but won't lead to a lasting recovery. The second stage of control and understanding your feelings is key to a lifetime gamble free. It takes constant work, but you can live a normal life at the same time. Russ

Posted : 29th November 2013 5:41 pm
Posts: 4881

Understanding and managing ones feelings is the hard part I find. As you say, it takes constant work. Good to read that you continue to live a normal life. Thanks for your support... S.A 🙂

Posted : 29th November 2013 9:24 pm
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Thanks SA, always good to hear from you.

I don't hardly visit these pages anymore. There was a time when I knew every single diary on here! It helped me to get to where I am today. I'm nearly four years down the road. Little things like showing my wife the online bank account statement are easy now! I used to have pages and pages and pages of gambling entries. I used to hide the statements away. I've given up sugar in tea, fizzy drinks and sweets since January.....the chocolate proved too hard. Anything is possible if you have the right mind set. Keep up the battle. There are a good number of successful diaries on here, if you know where to look! Russ

Posted : 21st January 2014 5:44 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Russ,

Great to hear that you are doing well in your recovery, and that those years are under your belt. Honesty is a big part of recovery, and it is something I still struggle with. The only thing on your list I could give up entirely is tea, as I never really drink it anyway!

Just clicked on to your diary and saw one of my own posts from three years ago there. I'm older and wearier now, but still fighting.

Well done and hope these years turn into many more successful ones for you.


Posted : 21st January 2014 9:48 pm
Posts: 1226

Hi Russ

Shifting your diary to page 1 to make it more visible to newcomers

Best Wishes


Posted : 27th February 2014 5:10 pm
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Thanks Captain

Having my anniversary on the Thursday of Cheltenham is a helpful reminder to me. 4 years ago today, I gave up gambling. This has been a massive positive for me. Having said this, I've become distant to two close friends. It was the gambling chat and experience that pulled us together. I guess you have to make some sacrifices for the better.

It can be done.


Posted : 13th March 2014 12:10 pm
Posts: 1226

Russ - congratulations on the 4 years and thanks for the post on my diary.

Good to see some appreciation and understanding and agreement of my position re the need for something in life which provides 'buzz'. Some may not need this but most do, particularly where this has been achieved through competitive sport and gambling and neither is now an option.

As you say, even without cricket and running you would not return to gambling, good decision.

I too have lost friends due to my gradual reduction in gambling activity. I now see they were not true friends but only acquaintances who shared a common interest.

I really hope others take time to read your diary, I am sure it will provide much inspiration and help for them.

Posted : 13th March 2014 4:52 pm
Posts: 4422


Just a quick post to give my extended congratulations on completing your four years continued abstinence.

A huge well done

Duncs stepping forward never back

Posted : 13th March 2014 8:51 pm
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Thanks again Captain

This is a personal text from my wife today. It was after I made her aware that it was four years today. I thought I'd share it as it sums up her view (even after this time)

Humm well done I suppose! Do I get a well done for not stepping in a bookies for 4 years too?!!! Ahh sorry honey...I'm being mean but you know what I think about it! I know it is a big thing and well done for 4 years... Here to a lifetime more, you are a MUCH better person for it x x x

Hope it helps anybody out there struggling with their relationship due to gambling.


Posted : 13th March 2014 8:54 pm
Posts: 0

hi russ , well done for going 4 years gamble free, i have read a few pages from the start of your diary and a few pages from the end of your diary , and still well done for going to vegas and not gambling although i know it was almost 4 years ago now but weirdly even though i dont know you but i know it must of been hard i am quite proud of you for resisting. Also on reading one of your first pges you mentioned it was immoral to loose that kind of money , £1000 ect... well i know it is and i always knew it was but those words are the ones i have been needing to hear [ or read lol ] as because , well to be honest on here are the only people who know how much i have lost so then no one else around me knows and then cannot comment or tell me its immoral , as because now i have heard them from you that it is immoral to loose that kind of money it has made it sink in with me how much i have lost and how stupid i have been , as although this is an addiction stupidity is surely part of it , but anyway i feel now it has sunk in now that i have heard those words that it is imomoral loosing that kind of money and in my case a lot more , thanks for your help without knowing it lol . today will be another gamble free day for me

Posted : 16th March 2014 11:57 am
Posts: 4881

Hi Russ and well done on your 4 years free from gambling. Its interesting to read what your wife had to say.

Keep up the good work mate am sure you will. Regards... S.A

Posted : 16th March 2014 12:19 pm
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Thought I would do a quick check in as it's been a few months. Thoughts and urges still come and go. They are under control. Keep up the fight. It is possible. Russ

Posted : 22nd June 2014 9:04 am
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