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Cheers for the post Curly. I've not been golfing today, we had the school fête. I manned the 'bash the bug' stand. We made 30 quid at 30p a go, so that's 100 goes. No wonder I'm tired!

As for the racing at York. I didn't gamble. One of my clients was massively into it and was always keen to know what I was betting on, which made the day more difficult. I made a selection and then told them I was going to put the bet on and then just go to the loo instead. I didn't want to say I wasn't gambling as it would have been obvious that I've had a problem in the past.

Anyway, another hurdle pasted.

Now to bed!

Posted : 10th July 2010 10:02 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Russ,

Well done on not gambling at York mate. I lived up there in my student days and I can say that it is a fine racecourse. Plenty of Filly's as well if I can remember rightly lol.

It sounds like you had a good time at the school fete. Isn't it amazing how much easier it is to enjoy life without gambling in it?!

Stay Strong


Posted : 11th July 2010 1:29 am
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Thanks for the post Steve.

Back in the home office today before being back on the road tomorrow. It's actually raining here for the first time in ages...it feels strangely comforting! I've just been reading dazza's diary and it reminded me how bad things can get. I really feel for the guy and especially his wife and kids. Any recovery is only as good as the next day. We all have the capability to slip. We need to stay focused.

Posted : 12th July 2010 11:27 am
Posts: 0

Hi Russ,

'Back in the home office'. I'm glad, it's about time that Mr Cameron and Clegg got someone in who knows what they are doing!! lol. Only kidding mate.

Good to see that you are still going strong. It's all too easy to fall back into our old ways.

Stay Strong


Posted : 12th July 2010 10:02 pm
Posts: 0

just read ur diary well done. Ive just signed up 2day and hope to follow in ur footsteps


Posted : 12th July 2010 10:58 pm
Posts: 1057

Russ...well done for getting through your race day mate...it was never a doubt.,your diary is VERY impressive my friend and will continue to be an inspiration to many....had to laugh at your toilet breaks lol...best wishes we can and are doing this 😉

Posted : 13th July 2010 5:13 pm
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Thanks Gavin, Steve and wp. Your comments are always appreciated.

Had a tough singles match yesterday evening and sneaked through 1 up. It's strange, but I felt so happy with myself for getting through. It was a real gutsy performance and I strangely put it down to my new attitude. I used to stand over my putts and my brain would be saying 'you're going to miss it, you're going to miss it!' it's very similar to that demon or tiger that's sitting on your shoulder tempting you into gambling! I know tell myself to be strong and blank out that voice. It seems to work.

Posted : 13th July 2010 8:36 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi Russ,

Cheers for the post mate.

Preparations are going good for the club champs. I'm desperate to win it. There are a few 1 and 2 handicappers in the field so i am going to have to find a couple of shots but my game is shaping up nicely.

The bets i am considering on the golf are a couple of golfers at £10ew. That is a very small bet by my former standards. I suppose i think it would not do any harm and i might get a bit of fun out of it. That said if i am not trying to win big money which i am not then maybe i should just write two names on a bit of paper and keep that in my pocket!

I appreciate your input mate.

Glad to see you getting through in your matchplay. Hopefully you can get a win on the board for the Evertonians. We are due a trophy or two.

I see Liverpool were linked with James Beattie today. Please God let this happen!

Keep up the good work Russ.

Posted : 13th July 2010 8:40 pm
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Cheers Curly

Not a great deal to report today apart from it being another gamble free day. I make it 119 days so far. I'm looking forward to opening a bottle of champagne on the Thursday of the cheltenham festival to celebrate a year. It feels a long way away and I've got plenty of living to do before then!

I was doing a meeting today in Manchester and walked past an evil bookmaker who likes to see himself as the 'bonus' king. He gets my blood boiling as he actually thinks he is offering some sort of great deal, through offering enhanced odds on multiple bets. The very bets that always lose. His little smug face with his stupid crown on his head!!! Anyway enough of my ranting. Stay away from those nasty shops. Rule 1 in life:- you will never meet a poor bookie!


Posted : 14th July 2010 3:35 pm
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Its been an interesting week at work. I've got a new boss who is intent on stamping his authority on us. He's actually a bit of a softy once you get past all the bravado, he just needs to lose the prickly hostile side. It will mean more meetings and more traveling. This is not great on the family side but it will be good for gambling as there will be even less time to think about it. Anyway, golf this afternoon and then my sister and brother in law are over which will mean total chaos!!

Posted : 17th July 2010 9:45 am
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I'm afraid that I had a massive blow out on Saturday.......I made an 8 on the 18th after having just a 8 iron in my hands second shot!!! I needed to make a par for a gross 73 and a net 67. I put so much work into the round only to see myself implode right at the last minute! I guess it shows that you are only as good as your next shot or in gambling terms your next day.

Other than that I had a really good weekend. The family went down to the cricket clubs 'fun day' which proved to be pretty fun!

Posted : 19th July 2010 10:37 am
Posts: 0

Hi Russ,just wanted to congratulate you on your ongoing success mate,you are doing brilliantly,i often read your diary (i try to read most on here),as you well know if we all posted on every diary we read we would have little or no time for anything else!!!.Keep up the great work mate.


Posted : 19th July 2010 11:45 am
Posts: 1057

thanks for your continued support russ...your doing excellent yourself...a wee tip that ive learned here is dont let other diaries wind you up mate...must admit ive been fuming myself afew times but tend to concentrate on my own recovery these days...not to say i wont keep posting to the genuine diaries of course...best wishes we can and are strolling through this and long may that continue 🙂

Posted : 19th July 2010 12:40 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Russ--just read one of your posts on a certain diary. Whilst we all wish that person well they appear to be somebody who just cannot take any advice and also get jealous very easily when they see how others are able to do better than them.

I think that they will just have to find the path forwards in their own time as nothing anybody suggest that does not fit in with 'random' gambling is dismissed out of hand. We can only feel sorry that their state of mind is not currently the same as the vast majority on here and hope that they will eventually see the light--I fear we may all wait some time for this and as wp says it is better for us to concentrate on our own recovery as well as trying to encourage those who want to be encouraged.

All the best


Posted : 19th July 2010 1:07 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks seano, winning post and stumper. Your comments are always welcome especially considering the support all three of you put on here. All the kids have been playing up this evening. My youngest is having real trouble getting to sleep, I think she's teething. A restless night awaits us!

Having read a great number of diaries it's clear to see that the fobt are the real nasty ones. It's no surprise that if you read any of the major bookmakers annual reports, this is where the majority of the increase in profits come from. I used to think about buying shares in some of the bookmakers (being on the right side of the till). having suffered the problems I've had and reading the things I've read this is clearly never going to happen.

Anyway, my little girl seems to have settled herself now so it's goodbye from me.

Posted : 19th July 2010 8:37 pm
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