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"Gambling and up to no good russ. ?" With our history of lies and deceit and "student noises in background ?" Have the students not broken up for the summer recess? ? With you working away from home and your good lady left at home wi the bairns maybe its only natural to have suspicions mate especially if it sounds like your socialising n the background....like you say its all about winning that trust back,....see what today brings your doing exceptionally well in recovery mate...keep it going we can do this. 🙂

Posted : 23rd July 2010 4:47 am
Posts: 1057

russ,you still have a loving and trustful relationship....your wife standing by you shows that.....yes unfortunately we may NEVER be cured of this illness but by working together (you and your wife) it certainly makes greater strides mate...best wishes we can do this. 🙂

Posted : 23rd July 2010 9:27 pm
Posts: 0
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It's been good on my return home from Edinburgh. Had a nice evening with my wife on Friday, played golf this morning and shot a gross 74 net 68 which included 6 birdies! Took the boys and baby girl to the driving range and then went on the mini train before retiring for ice creams! No gambling issues or thoughts. It may need to keep posting on here for years....so you better get used to me!

Posted : 24th July 2010 5:10 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Russ,now that sounds like a good Saturday to me :),those kids will grow up in what seems like no time mate,enjoy every minute you can!!!.


Posted : 24th July 2010 5:55 pm
Posts: 0

hi Russ

Things seem to be going well for you at the moment.Well done on your continued abstinance.

4 handicap eh cant be bad.Im off to play golf with our pub society tomorrow at Clays farm in Wrexham.I have played there before its not a bad course.Anyway glad you have enjoyed your weekend .All the best Jeff.

Posted : 24th July 2010 6:18 pm
Posts: 0
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I've had a couple of gambling dreams these last two nights. The first I was back in Vegas and I was persuaded to play roulette. I was playing red or black with what seemed like chocolate 2 pound coins! I lost the first 4 spins won on the 5th, then double up on the last and lost...very strange. The one last night was placing a strange sports bet. I don't think these dreams are coming from me wanting to gamble, I think they are coming from reading this site!! Anyway, quite day today, cleaning up the house and then a bit of play time with the kids in the garden. Russ

Posted : 25th July 2010 10:30 am
Posts: 0

Anything that reminds us of the pain of losing cannot be bad. This site does make us think about certain things but in a different way to how we felt before this site.

I know which I prefer.

All the best


Posted : 25th July 2010 11:06 am
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi Russ,

Thanks for the post mate.

Nice to see you enjoying a Sunday with the family as opposed to doing your nuts in betting.

Still shaking my head after my 12 yesterday but these things happen i guess.

On a brighter note i watched Everton on the internet at Preston yesterday afternoon and we are looking very good.

Enjoy your week pal.

Posted : 25th July 2010 9:38 pm
Posts: 0
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Cheers curly and Stumper. Well it's our 7th wedding anniversary today. I've booked a babysitter and we will be going to a restaurant or if the weather is good we may climb one of the peaks near us. The problem is my wife likes surprises, yet she hates it when she thinks I've made no effort!!! I'm currently in the bad books as she thinks I've made no effort.....arrrgghhhh' what are females like (apologies to all the lovely female posters on here!). I feel like spoiling the surprise just to ease the tension! Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. For the record no gambling thoughts.

Posted : 26th July 2010 2:25 pm
Posts: 0

Happy anniversary to you both. Is the restaurant at the top of one of the peaks or is the walk just a good way of working up an appetite.

Being in the bad books for not making an effort is still better than being in the bad books for making a bet!!

Have a lovely evening


Posted : 26th July 2010 5:21 pm
Posts: 0
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Cheers for the post stumper. For the record I DID make an effort and we had a lovely night. A real wet gloomy day here today....that type of rain that soaks you!! Not a lot going on today and no real thoughts towards gambling.

100th post, 131 days of no gambling, long may it continue.

Posted : 27th July 2010 8:31 am
Posts: 0

Cheers Russ,

Very good points in that thread.Its always gonna be there,have to accept it, move on and never let it back in.Simple as that.

80 or so days behind you lets keep it that way.

Posted : 28th July 2010 5:24 pm
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Took a leaf out of the captains book yesterday...no I didn't start betting on the football! I went for a run! I used to run a fair bit around 6 months ago, but stopped due to the lack of sleep at night. I have to say that I struggled and I'm a bit sore. I'll have to go some to catch the speedy captain up.

I was in Leeds today and picked up some shoes for my wife in town between meetings. On my way back to my car I walked past five bookies and 3 arcades! They didn't get a penny of my cash.

Posted : 28th July 2010 6:10 pm
Posts: 1057

Russ....thanks for the post....yes I've been in the wilderness and yes I've been reading over the odd diary here and there...you nearly shocked me there with your statement....well done on your continued progress....we can do this. 🙂

Posted : 28th July 2010 9:11 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Russ

Thanks for the post kid.I did read the entries on opg section that you referred to me.Yes you are right.We must always stay vigilant we are never cured.I am not ready to leave these diaries.I am just finding it hard to write on my own diary.

This is the first time i have ever stopped for over 3 months and i put it down to all the help i have recieved from people on here.

Having tried to give in gambling so many times before and never lasting,people around me just shrugged their shoulders when i said i was packing in yet again and to be honest who could blame them.

Coming on here made all the difference for me.

I am not self excluded from anywhere i have no blockers i still have money in my pocket.

But for me Russ people want me to succeed and thats what i needed.Someone to believe i coulkd do it.i now feel that i cant let anyone down and gamble again and i dont want to.

I also feel that i should put back into these diaries what i have taken out,although this also helps me in my quest.

Thanks for pointing out the opg posts for me .Stay strong Jeff.

Posted : 29th July 2010 9:03 am
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