Festina Lente

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HI Ste,

Keep hold of that balloon mate. You have proved the doctors wrong before and im sure you can do it again, You will know when you have to accept what you cant change but im sure you wont give up trying untill you get to that point, Most people would have never even got as far as you have, so hold on to that balloon too.

Being miserable is allowed infact its welcomed, today im angry and seem to be getting angrier by the day no idea why yet, but at least im thankfull that im not dead inside anymore which is how i was when i gambled, so i will just go with it, I just hope i dont lose it in my back to back meetings this afternooon lol...

I want some balloons, ive lost a few of mine today... But ive got some spares somewhere just need to get the reserve ones out and maybe fill them with laughing gas instead that should make the meeting interesting. lol.

Enjoy your day

Blondie :0

Posted : 27th June 2012 12:36 pm
Posts: 0

Steve thanks 4 your post mate.

As blondie said you have proved the doctors wrong before and you can do it again.

I think im right in saying everyone on this forum is right behind you and willing you on your a true warrior.

and the days free from a bet are racking up nicely a day at a time

Posted : 27th June 2012 4:07 pm
Posts: 298

Hi mate

Sometimes the images you produce could scar someone of a more virtuous nature, for years . And the line that got me was "House uses a stick to walk, hasn't stopped him being cheerful"... fantastic.

So, at least the come down has not rendered you humourless.

( started this about 30 mins ago... just thought I should read your diary... well not should.. wanted to.... up to **** 20.... Jeeze)

Will read on later methinks.

The first 30 days... not just saying this... inspiring. I felt like I wanted to copy and paste some of your posts on to mine.. so others could read... maybe I will.

I see you are not too far away from the M6... me also... prob an hour or so further north (west) ish.

And a painter of portaits?.... or landscapes?

Sounds like you are a man of many talents... and, if you have not been told this a thousand times before, you should.... write a book... something.... discworld ish.

Anyway.. will catch up again... got a little more reading to do ;O)

Posted : 27th June 2012 7:50 pm
Posts: 0
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Day 84, 16 more days and I'll be expecting a telegram from the Queen. Not that I'd want one. (not very patriotic but I'm from Irish/German decent. Dolan from Mayo and Klieve from Hamburg, no wonder I love my food) Third generation, not like 'g***y Johnny' who lives next door who's 2nd generation irish and built like an oak . That's why I'm so methodically easy going and I like guiness wearing leather pants (lederhosen) not the gimpy ones.

Anyway enough of that none sense it's going nowhere constructive. Was it just me or was it warm last night? I had to take off one of my quilts. Feel happier today, having Maisie round always has that effect, she tried to wangle a day off school this morning, no chance, the lazy B*****r.

Today I'm not going to gamble because it's cr**. Steve

Posted : 28th June 2012 9:33 am
Posts: 0

Hi Steve

Thanks for being such a great inspiration and setting me on the path of truth, hope to day is filled with all the simple but good things you want.

Enjoy the sun, and keep growing, looking forward to celebrating day 100 with you,



Posted : 28th June 2012 9:38 am
Posts: 0

HI Ste,

Leiderhosen eh ? I once fell off a table in the beer keller in blackpool, I blamed my shoes but it could of had something to do with the copious amounts of alcohol that i had consumed ;).

Nice to see the kleenex are away and your on the up today, It was really warm last night, you should of took the spider man Pyjams off as well.

Cooooo eeeee im waving from the bottom of the M62 .... us northerners have to stick together, I knew jon was a northern and wore a flat cap and clogs and painted match stalk men and climed chimneys like fred dibner but sshhhhhh dont tell him .... lol

Take care enjoy your day

Blondie x

Posted : 28th June 2012 3:13 pm
Posts: 0

It all makes sense now it must be ur german genes that makes u so funny haha.

I have a big soft spot 4 st pauli in hamburg great we football club well not on the pitch but love what they stand 4.

Il let u know when mayo play in the championship next how they got on haha.

Have a good day mate

Posted : 28th June 2012 5:56 pm
Posts: 298

I heard that Blondie... and I resemble that remark !

Nope mate, not burnley way... much closer to being the one that threw Blondie out after making an a**e of herself dancing on that table... she did a fair bit of damage that night, and the wanted posters are still visible on the old Jenks' Bar toilet walls !! It's a pervy bar now, where, ironically, everybody is into "Blondage"

Just down the coast from there.

Hope the fyshyng is going well.

Early night for me, thanks for the good wishes for tomorrow... sure it'll be ok if i get up in time to get there and do the last few.

Stay strong, you're doing really well, you should be proud of yourself, pls post a pic when your daughter next does your make up, focus, put those blocks in place, self exclude, get a cashcard..... and finally ... succumb to subliminal messages.


Posted : 28th June 2012 8:53 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Steve, thank u 4 ur continued support on my diary. It means alot 🙂

I hope u have had a gr8 day with Maisie. I have just read thru ur recent posts Steve and they made me laugh so again thanks. I enjoy reading all ur posts!

I hope u r ok , stay strong 🙂

Posted : 28th June 2012 9:58 pm
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Fishing was a disaster, drove all the way there, left my bait at home unfortunately. Still, got a nice tan and the birds were singing. Always next week.

Posted : 28th June 2012 11:58 pm
Posts: 0

Morning Steve,

Shame you forgot the bait! These things happen as we get older lol!

Thanks for your post and it's great to be back, was struggling a bit with the forum but realised it's a must for my recovery so here i am!

Wimbledon : Ohhhh Rafa 🙁 but boy the other just played out of his skin!

Hope the tan is looking good and btw , the images i get from some of your posts ohhhhhh my , you have to remember i'm a single lady now and it's bad for my health lol lol lol

Have a great bet free day

Smiling Lucy

Posted : 29th June 2012 7:20 am
Posts: 0
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Day 85, I loved 1985, it was brilliant. Today I'm not going to gamble. I'm going to have a nice day instead, why ruin it? Take care all, be careful crossing the road, and hold your heads up high. Steve.

Posted : 29th June 2012 10:49 am
Posts: 0

HI Ste,

Sorry to hear about the fishing i was waiting with baited breath for the result lol :).

1985 was a great year it was the year i went to magaluff with the girls (first holiday) and the SS saratoga was docked with 2500 us shore marines on leave.... Hmm now thats another diary all of its own lol.

Have you read 50 shades of grey that was a steamy post on lucys she will definatly be all overcome with emulsion on that one.

You are such a breath of fresh air to this site ste and im sure in the lives of people who know you (in real life lol ).

Your absolutly right ste yhy would you want to ruin that fun and zest for life that you have by gambling.

Blondie.. or BB as jon has now christened us, Rach thinks it means Big Boobs, that counts me out then lol

Enjoy your day and have a great weekend.

Blondie x

Posted : 29th June 2012 11:07 am
Posts: 0
Posted : 29th June 2012 11:12 am
Posts: 0

Ummmm Hello SIR!

Just been reading some threads on some LADIES diarys........Is your name Mr.Gray?

Thanks for getting me hot and sweaty!!!!!!!

Seriously...Keep up the good work gambling wise.

Sue ...14 days!

Posted : 29th June 2012 4:14 pm
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