fitzys investment in his future = 26.5.14 = lightbulb moment

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day 2

up early for work though check in, no real gambling thoughts, been positive day putting barriers in place, arranging counselling through gamcare, working out Ga meet to go to this week. feel empowered that now realise can't.control this myself, glad it's only took me 18 months to.realise and irreparable damage done I count myself fortunate

only if I.make it.count and stay of the gambling merrygoround

hopefully I've jumped off.for good, one day at time I feel positive and clear minded if not.a little tired! feels good letting it out and talking about emotions as.oppose to bottling.up!!

night good all.your recoveries [img]

Posted : 27th May 2014 2:12 am
Posts: 104
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I started sports betting Jan 13 it's been worst.most miserable 18 months of, time wasted, gambling thoughts don't like person.gambling has made me in short space of time. although not.lost much financially and no gambling debt, I'm well aware how progressive this illness is.

trying to put down any emotional.or gambling related thought sorry if rambling, find it helps in this difficult.time

some amazing and inspirational posts on here, I've had 18 months robbed off me,. it's the time and even when action as I'm binge gambler only now and again, it's constant thoughts leading up to it I hate. no more bye bye online sports betting, I hate you.and how you make me feel!!

Posted : 27th May 2014 2:19 am
Posts: 0

HI fitzy,

Just wanted to say good luck to you, if you let it this site and the people on here will help you all the way, you ramble away if it keeps you focused thats what these are for believe me i ramble all the time lol.


Posted : 28th May 2014 9:38 am
Posts: 104
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hi jess thank you so much means a lot , i will check in on your diary also and support where can

day 4 , early days but so far so good!!

will post again later , at work so no time ........

Posted : 29th May 2014 11:25 am
Posts: 104
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thiking about goals and things to work towards to help me also , hmmmmm , also trying get bit of routine back , anyway bye again from , from me to you , from you to me , back to work lol ........

Posted : 29th May 2014 12:07 pm
Posts: 104
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Nice positive day today, maybe couple of small urges. But generally good productive day. Went rugby league with wife were we have season tickets, took nice too. Loved it and didn't even think about gambling.

Just on toilet now, taking James P advice to reflect on loo.long way to go decided I'm not.going to count days just themonths iI'm clean.

From my.perspective less pressure and let obsessive on daily basis, get on with life and months will turn into years.

Right better have some t and chill relax time

Take care


Posted : 30th May 2014 11:21 pm
Posts: 104
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Really brill weekend, wife did 5k run yday very proud of her she doing race for life end of month.

She is def my main inspiration at min, she deserves a decent life with gambling not playing any part, determined to achieve this.

Had nice day today coffee with wife just chilling, also reg myself for park run as doing 5k next sat, also found out tday sister getting married in Italy next may so something to work towards and look forward to

Had ups and downs this week and few urges. I accept I will have bad days and life may throw up challenges or hardship.

But I will deal anything life throws at me gambling is neither a solution or option.

Here's to another good week, targets at work.changed so could be stressful. So.important to relax and also have me time and expercise few times to combat it. May even have a snooker practice well see, new season not.till sept.


Posted : 1st June 2014 7:09 pm
Posts: 104
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Not counting days simply puts to much pressure and emphasis on every day, will counts month initially then hopefully years.

My aim is to be like James P, gambling not even seem like me and a distant memory.

I have belief and genuinely believe I can fight.and arrest this horrible illness. With the help of wonderful ppl on here and blocks I have in place.

I know I'll never beat this, and I will never become complacent,i accept it will always be lurking ready to pounce in my moment of weakness.

You will not beat me gambling as I'm not fighting you, you are not part of anymore, I.don't need or want you.


Posted : 1st June 2014 7:58 pm
Posts: 104
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hi really struggled bit this week , haunted by gambling thoughtsmost of week , but not gambled and worked through the urges and thoughts.


Posted : 5th June 2014 3:54 pm
Posts: 104
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Posted : 5th June 2014 4:13 pm
Posts: 104
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feel better now posted on here , dont feel as alone as did , has renewed my focus and belief was feeling bit weak this week

thanks everyone


Posted : 5th June 2014 4:16 pm
Posts: 104
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Posted : 5th June 2014 10:15 pm
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Posted : 5th June 2014 10:16 pm
Posts: 104
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Posted : 5th June 2014 10:17 pm
Posts: 0

Hi fitzy

You are doing great. As you said you knew that there would be good days and bad days just make sure you stay close to this site when those bad ones come. everyone on here is going through that same sh*tty feeling at some point i know i have and the 1st thing i did was log on here and put my thoughts down read other peoples posts and most of all reread my own, seeing how far you are coming (for me anyway) is a big help, the positivity will come back just get through it fighting.

Good luck

Jess 🙂

Posted : 6th June 2014 9:06 am
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