Frst star.

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Hi all,


As some of you know I've been on and off this forum now for 5 years. After 11months gamble free I've had a bad two week at the devil's shop!


I know I have myself and only myself to blame, but here we go... it all started 3 weeks ago when I was in the worm hole of TikTok. First video of the day was a 'pro tipster' bragging about the winnings, a weeks went by and no urge to gamble, second week and other video of a patent he won returning £9,879 from a £100 stake. I'm not sure what is was but my thoughts on recovery suddenly changed and bang! Straight to the bookmakers after work placing £200 on a single hore he tipped at 4-1. The mare won, which is where the really problem started. Old thoughts, imaginations I haven't had for nearly a year cam flooding back! Following tipster for 2 weeks betting big amounts on doubles, trebles... you name a bet I did it. One or two winners but overall we all know what happened. Lost my last £220 last night and from going from £1k profit in 2 weeks I'm now £1200 down!!


I have banned myself from his videos (I know others will pop up, but if I stay active on this forum I can flick straight past them) and I'm here to start again, with a 1st step goal of being gamble free until 14th July 2023. Then I'll set a two year benchmark and so on.


Any one here just for a message of hope to help my recovery will be much appreciated and ill be doing the same, you will be seeing me.posting all over the forums.


We can all do this together.


Thanks for reading.


Posted : 14th July 2022 6:14 am
Posts: 1

Good job ricky. I am building up the courage to block all the gambling sites. I thought I had the strength to just avoid them, but alas my £37K of gambling losses for the last two years just hit £40k. Would be more but I drained my account. 

Posted : 14th July 2022 8:35 pm
Posts: 2148

Hello ISNL

A recovery is about the reality checks to detox your life. I trust that you can tell someone in your family today because the door is wide open for you to gamble.

They are not offering you an income scheme.....gambling is not there to be a planned income scheme.....tipsters??.......tipsters??.....what can I say about them that you dont really know....a free ride to riches in this life....get real!

You use the word luck in your handle. The gambling dens have built empires by calculation....not luck...they are not risking their housekeeping money and its not even a fair were never going to stick it to the man...they call it entertainment but know how addictive gambling is

You've experienced what happened. You don't set the odds you don't know the motivation and funding for tipsters other than they promote the whole gambling scam sharabang

There are people who earn a steady income and its not the mug punters. What do you think they are there for. The bosses make millions and the workers get a steady salary at the expense of people like you

It's a mugs game and a vice. Worse still they pushed a highly addictive product and activity from the very first time you tried it........A drug and that's what you need to understand

You need to sit down with non gamblers....start talking about what's in your head and keep talking. You have an addiction.....a dangerous one and I understand its power to confuse and manipulate minds

You have to claim the responsiblity even though something was pushed upon you. You will need to detox your gadgets from their videos and emails.....Best you don't go anywhere near certain social media while you heal enough to get stronger against it

You have time to learn. Buy some books like jackpot by Rob Davies.......he will tell you about the suicides and people making billions from all this misery

When you are properly blocked you will do the cold turkey you need to do. You need to be proactive in all areas of your life so you don't have time to twiddle your thumbs in boredom  Your money should be with your mum or sister for example and you should be on an won't be blowing money by gambling and you will actually have money for a shirt and a pleasant evening out in a gamble free life

You can stop the blowouts debt and despair when  you realise what needs to be done to counter the power of this addiction

You can never be complacent again for the rest of your life but that will sound positive and not scary after a while of healing

Best wishes to get it together for a gamble free life

This post was modified 3 years ago by Joydivider
Posted : 15th July 2022 1:00 am
Posts: 193

14th July! It's in my diary sir! I'll be looking out for a message on that day ✌️

Posted : 16th July 2022 3:09 pm

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