A friend from work talking to me about gambling today. Don't think it helps. The bad times far outweigh any of the good times so I don't want to get back to that. I'll spend my money on some clothing rather than gambling or trying to win something
Day 20 feeling good on the betting front. Have been full of cold tho so diet and exercise has not been great which has got me down a little. Will go for a short run tonight tomorrow and Saturday which should sort me out. Need to keep motivated this weekend as my wife is away for the weekend and these are the times I can spiral out of control
So dragged myself for a quick 25 minute run. God do i feel better after it. My nights were usually spent focusing on following football results but this week I've been laying on the couch literally doing nothing. If I can just get into the habit of doing a little exercise every night it will be so much better for me. Kit is packed ready for tomorrow let's hope for some nice weather
Day 22 no bets been out for food with family enjoyed. Wife is away need to be good
Day 27 still no bets but still full of cold. Thoughts are getting less but I know it's always around this time I get complacent so need to stay strong
Day 29. In London with the wife for the weekend she has popped to the shops while I've gone for a beer. I'm surrounded by bookies casinos and also fruit machine in the bar. At the very least I would have usually wasted 30 or 40 quid on the fruit machine or have been known to blow 300 in the fobts then meet back up like nothing was wrong. Instead I'm here and gamcare has given me something to do by logging in and reporting it. Feels good long may it continue
Another gamble free weekend. Far less stressful.
Day 31. Usually around this point is where it goes pear shaped. Going to stay motivated to get through Christmas without a gamble
Day 33. Many friends of mine in a betting syndicate needed one last result to come in this weekend for a large win. I used to be part of this syndicate. Typical it went down on the last result I'm glad I'm not part of it either more and to be honest I'm glad it lost as it reignites the reason why I hate gambling
Another day down however driving home I did have a brief thought of going to the bookies. Thank God I managed to talk my way out of it I'm weird when I start to get those thoughts it's like a tractor beam sucks me into a gambling haze. Anyway I'm home I didn't gamble and I am very happy to get through that
Well done Crossintr for staying away from the bookies for over a month! The first few months are the hardest because you are basically trying to re-train your brain. There will always be temptations to gamble but we must personally take responsibility for our decisions.
It's a good idea to block any access to gambling with self exclusion and closing of accounts. But ultimately you can choose to abstain as you decide not to listen to the urges in your head.
Seems like you are upbeat and positive, and the exercise will benefit you greatly. Keep posting and reading about others on the forum. This will help to keep you focused and understand the addiction better.
All the best.
Thanks for the post, had a words Xmas do last night really enjoyed and got home at a decent hour so not feeling too bad. Not spending my Saturday surrounded by betting slips and hungover is a real change and one that I want to get used to. It'll be nice going into the new year having not gambled instead of saying this year I won't gamble
Day 38 no gambling thoughts, some other slight problems have cropped up but just glad I'm not running to put it bet on when things have got tough
Well done for not running to the bookies when things got tough, Crossintheroad.
You’re looking at the bigger picture which is smart.
Congratulations on 38 days. You’re making big progress.
You’re finishing 2017 off strongly, which is all you can ask of yourself. It’s about controlling the present. The past has gone.
Keep up the good work mate.
Keep going!
You know gambling will only add to your problems, none of use need that.
38 days ago this is the best you could have asked of yourself!
Cheers sj I will keep going. First time in a couple of weeks I've felt up to training so getting back on track. Next week is payday so will have been payday to payday for the first time in years. It feels great to just be in control of my finances
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