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Hi Shiny,

Just hanging around the diaries today and thinking about you. Thought I would drop you a post to say hey. -joanxxxxx

Posted : 11th October 2013 7:28 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter


Have not posted much cos I have no internet.

Changing over services in the house has left me with a poor signal and almost non existent internet on my phone .

See how tough it's been for the likes of mr castle who spent a good year using this site that way .

Should be fixed on the 23 then back to normal.

Although the break has not done me any harm

Sale of the shop moving along so slowly that at times I wonder if I will be selling Xmas cards again before it's gone . Contracts still not exchanged every solicitor and there are 3 involved taking their hols has held up proceedings . With a forward wind I still hope to exchange by the end of the month and out by my birthday at the end of Nov

Life on my own is a dream come true , I can not remember being this chilled or relaxed .

That's it my update .

Will get back to you all once the net has once again been restored to the Shiny household , till then stay safe you all


Shiny xxxxxxxx

Posted : 12th October 2013 6:42 pm
Posts: 2163

Hi Shiny,

Chilled and relaxed now, that's a sound for sore ears. It makes me happy to hear it! Thanks for the boost especially when I am at my crankiest. Long may the days of chillaxation reign. -joanxxxxxxx

Posted : 13th October 2013 3:36 pm
Posts: 0


Great to hear you are doing well and enjoying the peace and quiet of being on your own. I continue to keep my fingers crossed for the smooth sale of your shop.


Posted : 13th October 2013 7:46 pm
Posts: 0

hey Shiny Pantaloons.... :->))))

yes ..the solo life is liberating is it not? .can't put the genie back in the bottle now and if your anything like me you will get set in your ways but in a good way ...

Also crossing fingers toes and paws for a speedy completion xxxx

((((S)))) xxx

Posted : 13th October 2013 11:07 pm
Posts: 2163

Hi Shiny,

Was gonna say good morning but it's probably noon time where you are. Just cruising by to say hi and hoping that all is still moving on an even keel for you. -joanxxxxxx

Posted : 19th October 2013 12:09 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey shiny,

Missing your posts:-) hope everything going smoothly for you and you enjoying your life with more freedom:-)

You deserve all the best things in your life...just make it happen..day at a time will show you the way.

Take care and hugs your way

Sandra x

Posted : 20th October 2013 6:34 am
Posts: 0

What the hell is the God Mother of the forum doing on page 4. Hey Shiny I hope all is well. Still keeping my fingers crossed for the sale of the shop. If I had the cash I would buy it from you but I wouldn't let that broken promise get your hopes up. Having said that, if the sale doesn't go through you could give me a call because my DIY skills are going through the roof and I would probably be able to transform the shop into a piece of modern art adding millions to its value. Food for thought.

Got the box set for the second series of Homeland today so I will probably be offline for a few days. Just wanted to pop by and say hello to my favourite lady.


Posted : 25th October 2013 7:47 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey Shiny,

I hope you keeping alright and the sale of the shop finally went through.

Little update would be great, especially the shining light you have in these dark wintery evenings:-)

All the best and take care

Sandra x

Posted : 4th November 2013 8:06 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter


Thank you for your posts you lovely people .

I am fine , gambling hardly enters my head .

Still not exchanged contracts for the shop sell.

Trying to stay patient and positive but it's getting more and more frustrating daily .

Anyways my new addiction is playing candy crush , spending more time than I should . But hay oh better than standing in front of a FOBT .

Also when I was in recovery for 5 years I played Tetris obsessively . Am I concerned no, does not cost me money and my time is now my own , so why the hell not lol

Will post again , on my birthday , in about 20 days .

I hope it is a post of good cheer, and the shop will be a thing of the past , allowing 'me to start the new year of my life as I mean to go on.


Shiny xxx

Posted : 5th November 2013 2:42 am
Posts: 1423

Morning shiny

Great to hear from u and coping admirably with all the stress that's goin on, really pleased it will be all over soon, playing games I find is a great pastime and I think it helps to show our compulsive nature as I know for me I can't stop and av one last go, sounds all familiar but without the financial implications

Look forward to reading more great news ahead


Posted : 5th November 2013 6:12 am
Posts: 4422

My shiny friend

If the forum was in the 3d world my glass you kindly poured me would have just slid saloon style along the bar.


Thanks for the leg up.

Gone back to the basics, the info the honourable Mr .b gave me is still helping, not sure why I stopped reading.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 6th November 2013 12:54 pm
Posts: 0


Thanks for taking the time to post on my diary and offer some much needed advice.


Posted : 6th November 2013 8:09 pm
Posts: 0

Candy crush ...I still have no idea what this is ..lol lol

Sounds like a good way to play with sweets calorie free Shiny..

Fantastic to hear you are in the middle zone and loving living life ...wow ...what a difference a year makes eh?

R and D xxx

Posted : 7th November 2013 9:18 am
Posts: 0

Hello my Shiny friend. I hope that cold is getting better. A true friend is a rare thing. I am eternally grateful for your loyalty. This time I will not let you or myself down. I am back to stay.Lifer x

Posted : 8th November 2013 6:44 am
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