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Hey Shiny,

I'm stuck on level 67. Those little chocolates that seem to pop out of nowhere... And yet, easier I think, than getting those little fruit ingredients to drop down to the bottom.

All the same I agree good clean fun! Also, Glad to hear you are doing so well. Gives me lots of hope. Fat hug coming your way. -joan xxxx

Posted : 8th November 2013 5:48 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter


Feel a rant coming on, so those faint hearted amongst you , switch pages now .

Ok , signed contracts this week to exchange Tuesday and complete Sunday week. Marvalous all agreed , staff making alternative arrangements , ex sorted a flat to rent . Post redirected , sky canceled ect ect ect ..

But it all looks like it about to fall through a again.

Why you may ask?????

When we bought it 12 years ago, we researched , we did our due diligence , found we needed lottery training , needed to pay a big deposit to the newspaper provider. Did all this to take over a going concern .

These clowns who are buying us out , were busy playing the lets hold off to get the price reduced game , ( which worked by the way) they have done none of the above .

Not sure how we can move forward , utterly frustrated at people's stupidity and lack of integrity .

It will take 6 weeks for these services to be transferred over . Should I have got more involved ?

Maybe but I am between the rock and the hard place .

With regards my marriage , the shop ect ect.

So have tried very hard not to interfere , or make decisions, as ultimately I have a job and a home .

Once the shops gone my ex has none of these .

The ball needed to be placed firmly in his court , but still should , would , could of . Is running round my brain tonight .

Will I punt to self medicate, stop those thought?

No ! I honestly have no inclination.

I hope in the light of day , the next step will become clear .


Shiny xx

Posted : 8th November 2013 7:33 pm
Posts: 0

Stay patient my very dear friend. You have come this far. What's six weeks longer? I feel for you and know just how strong you've become. A special shiny fairy xx

Posted : 8th November 2013 8:07 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey girl...keep the battle on...for the whole aspect of life... it is worth it ( listen to who is talking lol) thanx darling...for everything..,


Sandra xx

Posted : 8th November 2013 8:16 pm
Posts: 0

They will buy your business Shiny as if they are in the market for this kind of business anyway they will have to go through this process if the lotto side is lucrative with any seller so it's unlikely they will back out ....

Hold your faith and resolve for another 6 weeks and look at Jan 2014 as your endings and new beginnings. Xxxxxx

Posted : 8th November 2013 8:18 pm
Posts: 0


Sorry to hear your news about the shop. Rubbish situation but it will all be over in six weeks. Try to look forward to that now. Life is a tough old game and these knocks will continue to make you stronger.

As I just posted on D123's diary nobody has any need to apologise to me. All of you put the time and effort into to providing me with the advice needed to prevent myself from making my situation worse. Anyway, I am a big boy. Feel free to give me some proper abuse when the time arrives to keep me on the straight and narrow once again.


Posted : 8th November 2013 8:35 pm
Posts: 0

Hi K

Everything we encounter in recovery has a way of trying to drag us back or make us stronger! I feel for you in this situation but your recovery will grow even stronger once it is put to bed. Glad to see you are still fighting the fight! I am in a very good place and very strong in recovery. I must just add that self exclusion has saved me several times and if anyone is serious about stopping gambling they must SE! Take care

Posted : 8th November 2013 10:40 pm
Posts: 0

Good morning my shiny friend. Stay clean, stay strong, keep believing. X

Posted : 9th November 2013 7:06 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter


Thank you all , smiler great to hear things are good for you. Always brightens day when you post .

I will catch up with you all next week when I am on holiday . At the moment I am running round like a headless chicken but it's all good we managed to over come every problem our buyers threw at us. Exchanged contracts yesterday and the shop changes hands on Monday .

Funny how sometimes we can be so blind. I was moaning to my brother yesterday before the exchange about the clowns buying the shop. And he said you know Hun , it's loosing so much money , that only these clowns would have bought it . They have not looked at the books or anything that would have told them that it's a pretty bad investment . Ultimately this is a good thing . No matter how much stress it has caused .

No thoughts of gambling at all, just excitement at my life finally becoming my own 🙂

Happy days !

Shiny xxxx

Posted : 14th November 2013 4:05 pm
Posts: 0

"Life becoming your own Shiny" ...there is nothing sweeter in my book..being your own person.

It's only when you look back and think how the hell did I cope in a situation that brought so much unhappiness.

The skill is learning to create more healthy choices not limiting them xxx

(((((S))))) xxx

Posted : 14th November 2013 4:15 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey Shiny,

Just read your lovely news about the exchange. I am happy for you and can see you finally getting that relief from it all.

"You may not be where you want to be in life and you may not have all the things you want, but you have the one thing that matters most LIFE and with life anything is possible".

Your determination and strenght was with you all along and by it all you reached your goal - start of the new beginning.

Be proud!!!!

Take care

Sandra x

Posted : 14th November 2013 5:39 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter


Today is my birthday 😉

What a difference a year makes

If someone had told me a year ago that I would be have left my husband , be living on my own , sold my shop (. Yep it's gone 🙂 🙂

Well I would not have thought there was a shovel big enough or strong enough to dig that escape tunnel.

For me to live in harmony with my addictive compulsive personality , I needed to change almost everything bout my life,

I needed the silence , the peace , that being on your own creates , this would then recharge my batteries so to speak and allow me to cope with the trials and tribulations of every day living . Getting off that crazy merry go round of working every day ,being gaurdisn of everyone's happiness was I believe the ignition of my addictions . I have ways said that I gambled to escape ? That I gambled to switch my over active thought processes OFF

That need has now a day at time seems to have disappeared and with it the need to turn mole *** into mountains .

One of my biggest complaints in my previous life was I believed in the scheme of it all I did not matter , today I know longer feel like that , that by puttingyself and my needs first , I feel I matter 🙂

Needless to say this morning is tainted with a touch of sadness , I miss my dad , everyday .but it is what it is. He is up there somewhere smiling I know soooo proud at how I have turned my life around .

So it was always my goal to find away to live on harmony with myself , I know I not cured , I know that Must constantly keepyself in check

But I believe. that I am about as close as I will ever be, for today anyway


Shiny xx

Ps typing from my phone so excuse the mistakes 🙂

Posted : 23rd November 2013 9:25 am
Posts: 0

Do ...do ...do ...do ...

Go Shiny ...it's your birthday ,were gonna party like it's your birthday...

Well , that's my 50c ...heh heh ...

Good morning Shiny one and a happy birthday toooo yooooou...!!!

The power of "you matter" is what it's about. No more overcompensating,making yourself invisible, maintaining the status quo and shelving your own needs. Anyone who loves you will also want that for you too which is how you can tell the difference between real and unreal friends.

What a difference a year makes hey? Just shows how if we put the wheels in motion we can achieve ...keep believing you matter Hun and that way your priorities will always be in the right order..

R and D xxxx


Posted : 23rd November 2013 12:05 pm
Posts: 4422


I can say with 100% honesty that today you brought a huge smile to my face.

Many happy returns and keep enjoying it.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 23rd November 2013 1:45 pm
Posts: 7071

Heey Shiny

Congratulations and celebrations to you :-)))))

Really fantastic news and you have more strength than you think, you digged and digged that tunnel and finally coming out the other end!!!! I'm so happy for you!!! Harmony with yourself YAY...you go girl!!


P.s.the last bit on vid i have to say...I CARE!!! 😉

Have a lovely weekend

Sandra x

Posted : 23rd November 2013 1:57 pm
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