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Yo my riend,

Still coubting blessings? :-))

Love your posts and uplifting wisdom words.

Hope you keeping safe and out of trouble :-))

All the best girl

Day at a time

((((( Shiny )))))

Sandra xx

Posted : 23rd January 2014 5:29 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Shiny

Thought I'd bump your diary up so you can find it easily. I have decided to get involved with diary again for no reason I can think of. However I do feel much stronger and better for being on here. What I have noticed is that I become more aware of gambling since I got back. Not sure what came first as my addictive mind is cleverer than my conscious mind. It can trick me at any time if I'm not on my guard. Hope you are keeping well I see you make massive changes in your life and it is your destiny and choices that you are making. Hope you keep growing stronger as your pathway unfolds

Take care

Posted : 26th January 2014 10:07 pm
Posts: 7071

Aha!!! Sneaking up on me !! Lol xx

It is very early morning Miss Shiny!! You should be asleep 😀

Thanx for the post Hun..yea, my posts are full of optimism lol..should read Monday's one...lol..s**t hit the roof :-))

Hey ho, good see you sound and well

Keep it up sweetie

Take care

Sandra x

Posted : 30th January 2014 3:05 am
Posts: 0

Hello my friend. I was delighted to read your latest post. I too am in a much better place mentally although my physical health has suffered badly and I have just returned home from hospital. Thank you for everything. From next week I will reopen my thread and make posts but mostly just caring for everyone else just how you showed me. I am so pleased that things have worked out as they have and I strongly agree with your thoughts on the illness that is addiction. Taking control. Against my nature 😉 x

Posted : 31st January 2014 2:10 am
Posts: 1423

Hi shiny

I see so many similarities between us now yes we are both compulsive gamblers and always will be but we both accept that and know there is a better life beyond that just by always making the right choice

We were both unhappy with life and gambled to cope both of us made massive life changing decisions which disrupted our lives in every which possible way affecting others around us

We did it and the results are there to see, this is our time now to grow and grow it a real chance to keep changing for the better

I stress chance as we both know that's exactly what it is but its a chance we will both take grab it and never look back

Always indebted to u and will never forget u


Posted : 2nd February 2014 10:22 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter


My thoughts this morning .

I was talking to my youngest yesterday and she was saying that I am like a different person compared to this time last year .

It's been a tough year but can now see that I not the only one benefiting from the changes I made .

My ex looks the happiest and healthiest I have seen him in many a year . Think he would get back together in a milli second ( not that that is ever going to happen) but getting rid of the shop and moving out of that environment seems to have done him the world of good .

Life is a million times better , and threw that the terrible sadness that would appear like a dark cloud that hoovered over my head seems not to have shown it's ugly self for quite a while now.

I do worry about how easy it would be to isolate myself,but then let's look at this with some prospective.

I work about 50 hours a week , in which time I truly get enough interaction both socially and mentally .

So if I do not want to leave the house on my days off, that's ok . My brother told me last week it's ok to be happy with your own company.

And I suppose he is right, I still see myself as a square peg amongst the round ones . And then judge myself on what others do believing that I should try to conform .

How bonkers is that !

Shiny xx

Posted : 3rd February 2014 7:35 am
Posts: 0

Hi Shiny

It's very very bonkers but then we are all bonkers. Wouldn't have it any other way. As CGs our thinking is slightly distorted to "normal" thinkers. Glad you have come through your struggles and really are a shinning light to the rest of us. I, too, am stronger than a year ago. Please take care along your pathway to wherever you want to go.

Take care

Posted : 3rd February 2014 8:45 am
Posts: 0

Good morning my shiny friend. As always a lovely, insightful and honest post. Honesty is always the best policy. You must start by being honest with yourself. Lesson learned.

From Dizzee Rascal's Bonkers: "some people pay for thrills, I get mine for free" .

Loving yourself can be a thrill when it's finally discovered. I hope to get where you are one day. As Smiler says , a shining light to us all. You're doing just great.

Ian xxx

Posted : 3rd February 2014 9:19 am
Posts: 2163

Hi Shiny,

Glad to hear from you today. I have been looking at the previews of Nashville lately. I might just tune into that one... Hmm, am I a relation to the Queen?? Now, that would be something wouldn't it? My title would no doubt be royal pain in the a**e. lol. Stay gold Shiny, and here's a hug back at cha. -joanxxx

Posted : 3rd February 2014 3:21 pm
Posts: 7071

Just seen ur post on Joan's tread

Your dad is very proud of you girl, never forget that

((((((((((((((((((((((( Shiny ))))))))))))))))))))))))) xx

Posted : 3rd February 2014 3:59 pm
Posts: 2163

Sun shining and planting bulbs? Why that's just awesome. Yesterday, am sorry to report that that little groundhog Punxatawny Phil saw his shadow and that means six more weeks of winter for us. Lol!! Enjoy your day dear Shiny. -joanxxxxxx

Posted : 3rd February 2014 4:52 pm
Posts: 789

Saw your recent post on Sandra's thread and had to post to you despite trying to not post due to my numb fingers and sore arm.... Love, love, love lily of the valley and I have a ton of it in my yard. It was my dad's favourite too. I have to wait until May before it'll come up (it warmed up to minus 20 today). The folks I work with have also come to love it because once it starts blooming, I bring a little bouquet in to work every day to put in various locations in the building (with a splash of blue forget-me-nots which I also grow).... smells like heaven. Thanks for reminding me that spring will eventually arrive!

Posted : 5th February 2014 4:31 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter


Had a couple of pretty tough days when my distorted addictive thinking saw me turn into a manic , anxious idiot . Mind working over time , self belief and confidence hit the floor.

Got some pretty esteem urges but did not act on them.

They were a lot easier to address than the mind fooookkk that I was experiencing .

I learnt just prior to my admission to rehab , that sometimes we need help. It's hard to ask for help , to realise that you can not deal with your addictive personality alone . This feels I know that you are weak and vulnerable , society view the weak and vulnerable as second class citizens . ( or is that my distorted thinking again)

So why would you own up to the struggles you are having?????

This week saw me turn to a good friend and my very grounded sister , who both talked me through what was causing me me so much distress . And yep I got through it and can feel myself coming out the other side.

Wished I was not so needy , find that frustrating and their is still a part of me that hates myself for not being able to turn it around on my own , and let my addictive traits take over my thoughts reeking havoc.

But I am who I am. So I need to dust myself down , and work towards rebuilding my self belief and confidence , whilst considering myself very fortunate to have people around me that support , understand , and show incredible tolerance to my crazy behaviour .

Shiny xxx

Posted : 7th February 2014 12:19 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Shiny

That is a great post that reminds me not to get too complacent. Some days are better than others is my mantra and this is apparently so with others. This is the safest place for recovering CGs to come and dump all their troubles or whatever we call them. Hopefully you'll move forward from this and become a stronger person for it. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness it is a sign of strength.

Take care

Posted : 7th February 2014 5:02 pm
Posts: 0


Keep fighting the good fight

Blondie xxx

Posted : 7th February 2014 10:30 pm
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