Having to have a talk to my self

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64 days gamble free and crushing it. This is easy I’m thinking.  The battle is now clearly with the not letting your guard down and getting complacent.  Sat in the pub and literally watched a guy put 2-3 hundred pounds into a machine.  Knowing what I know or think I know it would be easy to put a few pound in and win 20 or so.   I wouldn’t say I was going to do it but I stopped for a second and thought what if I win 10 pound or so.  Not even worth it.  Many people have posted to me before about not being complacent.  I agree totally.  

Posted : 21st August 2020 9:24 pm
Posts: 24

42 days in and avoiding complacency is the entire challenge for me. For people who have been in our position, not betting is so much more enjoyable than the gut wrenching feeling of relying on bets to not be in debt/not have to borrow money to pay bills. Reminding myself of that constantly is my way of avoiding any complacency

Posted : 21st August 2020 11:04 pm
Posts: 72
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I agree totally mate 

good work and keep it up 

Posted : 22nd August 2020 6:28 am
Posts: 2156

Hi Mikee.

As your mind heals its should become clear to you how sad it looks to feed hundreds into a machine. I was that person and I was very ill with it.

The best thing us to get yourself out of environments that put a machine in there. If its your favorite pub you can even mention to the landlord that you dont go on them now.

I dont like places with any gambling machines...its a box that may as well say get your heavy drugs here on it....they are highly addictive as you know.

I dont want to sound like a snob or anything but quality places and restaurants dont have them in. I work in quality hospitality and they wouldn't ever have gambling machines in there.

As an addict its beyond the money. The money that came out was never enough because I was hooked on playing. Even a maximum amount I wanted more and I never had any control.

Its also a gamblers delusion or myth that you will just win a small amount when you want to by careful gambling. The machines are not set up like that or they would be out of business.

Its an addiction waiting to get back at you if it can. bad news or stress and you could be triggered. Take pride in your strong blocks.

Gambling is not for me and Im mighty glad its out of my life. All I ever did was give them my hard earned money and its crystal clear now how my money mounts up when Im not chucking it away

Best wishes from everyone on the forum


This post was modified 4 years ago by Joydivider
Posted : 22nd August 2020 3:27 pm
Posts: 72
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Hi there joydivider

thank you for taking the time for the reply.  Like your reply and everyone’s it really makes me feel stronger when I get them. Knowing that people take the time to reply and have your back.

i agree what your saying with the hospitality, but it’s very rare for me to get the time out to go somewhere like that.  I maybe nip out for a hour once a week and all the pubs around me have a machine. 

one part of your reply that really stands out is the get your drugs here phrase.  Your absolutely right, and every time i look at one I’ll think that now.  You have probably had a massive impact on my fight with addiction in a positive way there.  Thanks and all the best 

Posted : 22nd August 2020 7:08 pm
Posts: 105

And there speaks a gambler. I was with you in every word as that's how I think - we know we could win easy if we stepped in - those are your thoughts and mine too. But we are wrong. One bet would lead to another......just don't do it man. Its either start the problem all over again or never gamble again and that's my experience. If you have a problem as I do you can't just gamble a bit as it starts to take over again. And it will. Be strong! Don't do it mate.


Posted : 24th August 2020 12:33 am
Posts: 72
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Thansk mickpa 

your absolutely right mate

Day 65 for me could easily turn to do one then day 1 would stay there for who knows when again.


I’m 40 next year and my biggest present I want is that is to look down at the days since gambled and it been showing 200 plus 

all the best and thanks for your comments 

Posted : 24th August 2020 8:37 am

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