Hello folks

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Hello folks, 

I collected a few old bets and did lotto. Yes I know I failed today. I definately won't be back this side of Christmas. That is my promise. I was forced to collect my bet as winning dockets only last a month and I needed the money. 

 I promise myself and gamcare not to go in again this year. I make this pledge.

? Toad

This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Gambling_toad
Posted : 1st October 2020 6:02 pm
Posts: 1013

Hi toad , could you please not post about betting all the time. Majority of us are abstaining from betting and want to keep it that way we don't need to hear about it . We want to offer support and will offer support but please be a little more sensitive to the feelings of others. Thanks

Posted : 1st October 2020 8:15 pm
Posts: 186
Topic starter

Hello Charlieboy, 

Many thanks for your post.  I won't be betting for a while and I won't mention gambling again. I totally agree what you are saying and I will be very sensitive regarding other people on the forum.

Thankyou Charlieboy for your continued help advice and support which has been invaluable on my journey of recovery.

Best wishes,


This post was modified 4 years ago by Gambling_toad
Posted : 1st October 2020 8:19 pm
Posts: 186
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Day 1

Feeling great this morning. Just having a light breakfast and work today.

Everything is toadtastic. 

? Have a great day and stay away from the rich casinos and bookmakers! 

Posted : 2nd October 2020 6:30 am
Posts: 1013

Thanks for your reply toad. And thank you for the contents of your post. Hope all is well for you.

Posted : 2nd October 2020 7:49 am
Posts: 186
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So I won't mention gambling today but today I'm refocusing on my diet. In the past I blamed work for my weight gain. I'm sitting at a desk with all the cakes and buns people brought into the office. Then I'd go for a few pints at lunch then back to work. So I want to lose more weight. I have lost three stone since Christmas.

Toads tip of the day!

OKAY so the last few months I have a very light breakfast and tuna and crackerbread at noon. Then I eat normal the rest of day.

Toads tip 2

I cut beer out completely and bread

Toad tip 3

 I eat normal rest of day so by being good for half a day I've lost weight.

I hope by reading this someone will be inspired to lose weight too and feel better about oneself. So I will focus on this too and the time you spent reading this you weren't thinking of gambling. See its magic. 

So have a great day and good luck with toads tips.


This post was modified 4 years ago by Gambling_toad
Posted : 2nd October 2020 1:02 pm
Posts: 186
Topic starter

Good morning all, 

Day 2

Hope everyone is keeping well. I'm on day two today.

 Wishing you all a great day. 


Posted : 3rd October 2020 9:10 am
Posts: 186
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I closed my online account. Thankfully no major damage done financially but the same can't be said mentally..........

This is going to be a tough journey.


Posted : 3rd October 2020 1:33 pm
Posts: 186
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Good morning, 

Guess who's back? ? Yes you guessed it. Its your green membraned friend the one who croaks alot. 

No gambling recently. Life can be good by the pond. I'm so happy to be back writing interesting posts and supporting other gamcarees.

Take care

Posted : 13th October 2020 4:24 am
Posts: 1013

Hey toad, how are you doing?

Posted : 13th October 2020 7:13 am
Posts: 186
Topic starter

Good morning Charlieboy, 

Yes all is good I'm working from home currently. I'm not leaving the house my wife is vulnerable.

So what I must do and I haven't always done in the past is to put Mrs Toad first.

I will put her first because in my time of need and despair who came by the pond and sat with me on my lily pad and chatted?

Answer : Mrs Toad

Who was there when I needed my finances managed and continues to manage our finances.

Answer : Mrs Toad

Who was there to bring me down emotionally and physically. Who knocked me off my lily pad many times. Who couldn't give a croak about me?

Answer : the greedy casinos and bookmakers.

So please be upstanding by the pond. Raise a glass. Let's toast to our loved ones and family. I toast the people who care about us. Toast gamcare and the creatures by the pond rejoiced and celebrated late into the ? night.

This post was modified 4 years ago by Gambling_toad
Posted : 13th October 2020 7:51 am
Posts: 186
Topic starter

Good morning all, 

Feeling just okay today. I can't complain really. Staying away from gambling today. I wish you all a gamble free day. ☺ 

For today I will not gamble.

This post was modified 4 years ago by Gambling_toad
Posted : 14th October 2020 9:27 am
Posts: 1013

Ty for reading my diary. You sound more positive today. What's your longest without gambling toad?

Posted : 14th October 2020 10:49 am
Posts: 1013

Ty for reading my diary. You sound more positive today. What's your longest without gambling toad?

Posted : 14th October 2020 10:49 am
Posts: 186
Topic starter

Hello Charlieboy, 

Yes I enjoyed reading your diary it was a good read. I hope things are getting easier for you.

I have gambled since I was 27 and I am now 45. I saw a counselor a few years ago and I managed to quit for 6 weeks. Pretty much gambling 18 years.....

I am back on Gamcare now so I hope to follow a new path. This is a path of hope. A path full of happiness. A path that heals my mind body and soul.

Follow me on this path.......

Posted : 14th October 2020 11:20 am
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