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Good morning! 

Me and Mrs Toad going for hospital appointment. Feeling groggy today I stayed up late last night reading forum diaries.

What is a toads favourite music?


Enjoy your day

Posted : 15th October 2020 8:39 am
Posts: 186
Topic starter

Good morning good morning, 

How are we all today?  Please please no gambling today.  Make today a good day. Stay on your lily pads and stay safe.

Just had a light breakfast cereal washed down with a strong coffee. I'd a great night's sleep last night I feel so much better.

It's been a good week with no gambling at all. I'm not counting the days because I'm living each day like it's my last. Everyday above ground is a good day so let's all enjoy life and its beauty. By the pond there are beautiful coloured garden ? birds. A dragonfly flies by toad. A kingfisher such a beautiful bird is perched by the river bank. The pond is still and the sun ☀ reflects off its gentle back. What a place of beauty I just took you too. Use your imagination and take yourself away and relax. A place a meditation.......

This post was modified 4 years ago by Gambling_toad
Posted : 16th October 2020 8:55 am
Posts: 186
Topic starter

Good morning, 

Bit of a domestic this morning then cleaned the house a bit. Sunday is a good day to do work.

I 'm not sure how much longer I will be on gam forum. My posts are moderated and sometimes it takes five hours for my posts to be verified.

Good luck everyone have a gamble free day.

Posted : 18th October 2020 12:18 pm
Posts: 186
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Good morning all creatures great and small, 

 I had a great night sleep so that sets you up for the day. I'm getting flu jab with Mrs Toad this morning. I shall work this week then off next week ? ?

No gambling urges as yet.  So I shall focus on work this week and my diet.

If I'm good this week I can get some beers by the pond next week.

What is a toads favourite ? flower ?? 

A croakus


Posted : 19th October 2020 8:02 am
Posts: 1013

Hi toad, sounds like you are having a good gamble free period, long may it continue !! I think that you should carry on on here, I know your posts are moderated but better late than never !! 

Posted : 19th October 2020 10:54 am
Posts: 186
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Good afternoon Thankyou for your help and support. Yeah I'm better here the support is great. Maybe I need to post less just.

Thankyou and I wish you all a happier and gamble free day today.

Best regards,

Posted : 19th October 2020 12:10 pm
Posts: 186
Topic starter

Good afternoon, 

I haven't posted the last couple of days been really busy with work and dealing with a complaint.

I don't want to complain too much as I know people don't have a job and I am thankful but I'm quite stressed.

Me and Mrs Toad have been at each other today so I'm lying low in my wee office.

But on a positive note I haven't done a bet in ten days. No urges today. 

I need to get my positivity back. I feel sad and subdued by the pond. Sometimes when I feel like this I don't know how to feel happy. 

But things will get better. I woke up during the night angry. Analysing things in my head. Is anger a by-product of gambling? Does anyone else get angry ? for no reason?

Or is it just Toad? Who knows. But I'm sure life will improve by the pond. Sadness never stays and once it goes a ☺ will appear on ? 



Posted : 21st October 2020 1:56 pm
Posts: 29

Wow, the Toad is back. 

Has been a while since I’ve graced these diary’s and nice to see you reappearing at the gamcare pond. 

Am noting a change somewhat in the Toad, a maturity of sorts and growing into a mighty Toad. Go you !

Now, a random but could gambling be a by product of anger rather than the other way round ? 

Albeit not mastering my self , but it’s taken me a long time to realise that when it comes to Emotions Vs logic, but emotions will win time after time.

Hence, despite a long winded moral but how’s about digging to find out where the anger stems from ?

Only a thought 

Aka Volcano

This post was modified 4 years ago by The Revenant
Posted : 21st October 2020 8:25 pm
Posts: 3947

WOW that is a blast from the past.

The most awesome Volcano in gamcare history has just erupted onto a toad in the hole.

Nice to see you around and congratulations to you toad on your excellent progress.

Anger is generally speaking a waste of energy and quite futile in my opinion.

Stay calm and put forward your views in a calm and collected manner.

I personally never get annoyed or vexed with others providing they think the way I do and do what I tell them to do ???.


I am now Aum.

In a previous gamcare life I was Abstainer.

Best wishes from Stephen 

Posted : 21st October 2020 8:47 pm
Posts: 186
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Hello Revenant AKA Volcano,

I remember you from back in the day. Great to hear from you and I hope you are keeping well.

I am back with good intentions. I'm trying to be a better me. Thankyou for you comments and advice. I am 45 now and I must admit the last few years have flown by.  But I will say they have been the happiest of my life. Getting married and moving to a nice house by the pond. A more private home for the toads.

Mind you I am under no illusion. I am not cured as if by magic. I'm learning to live with the urges and everyday I try and go down the right path.

I lived alone for 8 years before I got married. Yes I had relationships but back then my cupboards were bare. I Drank and gambled everyday. My kitchen was the bookmakers. I had my computer set upon a betting site.  I had racing on next door. I'd literally run in and do bets and run next door to watch the racing.

My life was carefree but between 2009-2013 I borrowed 60k in payday loans to gamble. I had five credit cards, two overdrafts and two loans. Plus I borrowed from friends and family.

In 2018 I was debt free. This year I cleared the remaining 7k I had run up again. By Christmas I will be debt free. It has been a journey.

I hope you are okay Volcano ? its great to hear from you!!

? ☺ 

Posted : 21st October 2020 8:51 pm
Posts: 186
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Hello Aum, 

Thankyou for your kind comments. I enjoyed reading your diary. I feel guilty feeling angry like I did ? I am very rarely like this and I would never hurt anyone. I am a firm believer in having good manners and I try my best to be polite.

When it comes to gambling it can bring out a rollercoaster of emotions.

I agree Aum that anger uses energy and I will stay calm. My counselor of 8 years always told me I was a really nice guy and why did I need to gamble. I have a nice wife house and job. That is why I come here to find answers and get advice.

Thanks again Aum the gamcare site is alive with creatures by the pond. Toad leaps on his lily pad and croaks he sees Aum and Volcano by some trees near the pond. Other creatures great and small gather by the pond. The kingfisher calls out 'we can do this' the fieldmouse squeals 'stop gambling' the ? fox is wise and walks by the pond and does not gamble. The wren and the butterfly ? thank toad for returning to gamcare. Everyone rejoices toad is happy amongst his friends.

This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Gambling_toad
Posted : 21st October 2020 9:02 pm
Posts: 186
Topic starter

Good morning, 

I hope everyone is well. I'm quite busy with work so no gambling urges.

Can i recommend a good watch on YouTube. It's called moving on punter bbc. It's a three part series. If you watch 7 minutes into part 2 that was Toad. Watch and you might understand. I think we have all been there........

Best wishes,


Posted : 22nd October 2020 11:06 am
Posts: 186
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Just had a toasted crumpet washed down with a strong  coffee☕


I hope everyone is gamble free today. I like to think about things alot.

I was thinking back when I was in my teens and I loved computer games. I used to play them for ages and they were addictive. Did this have a role later on in my life?  I mean I played them for hours. It would be an interesting study to find was there a correlation between gaming addiction and gambling addiction. Any views peeps?

Best wishes,

Posted : 23rd October 2020 8:26 am
Posts: 29

Random Alert - 

Only my humble - 

A correlation - Yeah, I would say so. A progression from gaming to gambling, yeah would also agree. But, did the gambling addiction result from the gaming, then my guess is No. 

Lool further back is my humble, from where the seed of addiction started - 

‘ Give me a boy untill he’s seven and I’ll show you the man ‘ some old Greek boy said once. 

And I get that, and to me the riddle of addiction lies within them words

Posted : 23rd October 2020 3:48 pm
Posts: 186
Topic starter

Hello Volcano, 

Very interesting indeed. If I go back I was addicted to dodgem cars in the amusements. Hope all is well with you ? ? 

Posted : 24th October 2020 3:33 pm
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