After finally admitting i have a gambling problem to my wife and parents, this is day one of beating this
I look forward and accept any advice, support as i know this will be hard
But i am determined to beat this and do everything that i can as i love my family dearly and i just want to be happy again
Best bit of advice is Gordon Moody's Association! Check out the website. 14 week rehabilitation programme. It might seem a drag but it allows you to slow down and realise what you have done wrong and piece together your life.
The best thing I did was walk through them doors on the 22nd July last year. 6months gamble free, in control, powerful and happy in life since 2013.
It can be boring their at times but you learn to be bored but amongst fellow gamblers and you support each other amongst the lessons and therapy sessions.
Like I said best thing I have ever done was step in the doors at G.M.
New on here but any questions feel free to ask.Â
Steven U
Day 3 and still not gambling. Have my counselling starting on Tuesday and looking at hypnotherapy.Â
Day 4 and no gambling
Day 5 and no gambling
Day 11 and no gambling
Day 14 and no gambling
Well done , keep up the good work your doing wellÂ
Thanks Vinnie - how you doing?
Day 16 and no gambling
22 days and no gambling
23 days and no gambling
Really well done on 23 days. x
30 days and no gambling
Hi Happymeagain,
Keep going you're doing fantastic, 30 days is an unbelievable achievement. For a CG day 1 without gambling is a wonderful achievement. Why ? because we've already laid down the first foundation stone to help us to get to day 2.
Best Wishes
Affected by gambling?
Looking for support?
We are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year. You can also contact us for free on 0808 80 20 133. If you would like to find out more about the service before you start, including information on confidentiality, please click below. Call recordings and chat transcripts are saved for 28 days for quality assurance.