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Hi charlotte,

Lovely to hear from you. Glad you are keeping busy with the little one, and your work 🙂

It can be a lot of pressure being a working mum so do come here to offload whenever you need. I know your friends here would much rather you posted and got stuff off your chest, than be back in action. It doesn't matter if you don't read and post on others' threads - I barely have time myself, so everyone will certainly understand a working mum not being able to!

I'm glad you have taken a slip in your stride, as I really do think it makes us even more likely to gamble again if we give ourselves a hard time about it.

Lots of love, and of course high fives too!

f x

Posted : 7th August 2014 2:37 pm
Posts: 4422


As our

honorable friend Freda wrote thanks for sharing,I hope it gifted you as much therapy as it did me.

Keep making the right choice for you

As I wrote many times your courage to strip back your life and bare your soul will serve you well.

A happy ending comes each day we gift ourselves those three magic words

No Bet Today.

Thanks for gifting my resolve

You keep looking after you and yours.

Abstain and maintain

Duncs stepping forward never back

Posted : 7th August 2014 4:52 pm
Posts: 944

Hi there, had wondered where you were and how things were going for you.

So happy that you are enjoying your time with Maddison, def the most important thing in life is making lovely memories for you both.

You had some really troubled times and glad the hard work is paying off.

Take care


Posted : 8th August 2014 4:21 pm
Posts: 651

Hi chaz thanks for your support on my dairy,dont worry to much bout small slip.keep chin up without counting day because as you said every gamble free day is a better day. X


Posted : 8th August 2014 6:26 pm
Posts: 1423

Hiya Charlotte

Good to hear from you and know your ok , keep fighting the fight as always your made of tough stuff and that's always going to stand you well

Love to Maddison gosh she must be coming up to 3 or 4 now ! Jess 10 now !

Time flies , take care


Posted : 15th August 2014 9:34 am
Posts: 789

Hi Charlotte, Thanks for your post to me. It helps to know I am thought of. Keep fighting!

Posted : 16th August 2014 4:15 pm
Posts: 0


Love your courage, determination, and love

Feel it always thx go all your support xxxx

Posted : 20th September 2014 11:48 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

I honestly give up time and time again I mess up destroying my future. When will I learn. I lost so much money 2nite and much more I'm close 2 losing the man I love. He wants me 2 self exclude from the arcades I'm so scared. I feel embarassed. Is there ne hope.... Why can't I control my gambling why arghhhhhhhhh

Posted : 9th October 2014 1:51 am
Posts: 7071

Hi Charlotte,

Sparkle of the forum. You cannot give up, this addiction will keep taking only if YOU keep giving. Now, surely you don't want ti give the love of your life to it, your house or that beautiful daughter. I have been told that the answer lies within us. I do believe that, addiction is strong but we are stronger than it girl!!

What did help you to maintain your abstinence before? Did you had counselling, did you self exclude from all the sites, did you record your journey on this diary more often?...and most important - did you believe that there is better life out there?

It all lies in you and you my friend are worth more than destroying feelings your having.

It is never too late to start again and you, Charlotte, can do it. The fighting spirit you have will never fade. Lay the demons underground and kick back into life where only peaceful emotions surrounds you every day.

You've got it!!! Now just do it


S x

Posted : 9th October 2014 2:42 am
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte,

Self-exclusion and putting up barriers is in most cases the only way to control this horrible infliction we all share.

I have self-exluded from the local casino, and installed a Gambling Blocking application on my computer and smart phone.

My partner controls our finances. It has only been 11 days since I stopped betting but even if I get any urges to gamble I am restricted to do so due to all the barriers I've put up.

Don't feel embarassed. Stay strong. Keep fighting.

Posted : 9th October 2014 2:50 am
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte

You know that continuing to gamble will hinder and possibly destroy all the good things in your life. It is true - blocks and barriers are the only way forward for some. I still have them in place nearly two years on.

Come back and use your time on here and on live chat, as you often did. You were a great support to many, including me.

Life will definitely start to improve the minute you stop gambling.

Have faith Charlotte and dont give up.


Posted : 9th October 2014 9:07 am
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte,

I am really sorry to read that you are having a tough time of it at the moment. You have always been a massive support to myself. I am back again and will keep bouncing back as long as I need to. It would be great to hear that you are okay. How is Maddison doing? Well I hope.

Take care and stay strong.

Dave X

Posted : 31st October 2014 8:11 pm
Posts: 0

So Proud of you charlotte. im trying so hard to stay gamble free go 3 days then temptation then go a week without then temptation again. i have to start thinking for my family feel so bad when i throw away money and the things i could of bought for them. your such an inspiration

Posted : 31st October 2014 10:11 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Charlotte,

I really hope that you are okay. It would be great to hear from you.

Take care and be kind to yourself.

Dave X

Posted : 12th November 2014 1:59 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks Everyone xx

This site as changed loads. Just thought I would pop on and update my diary. My life is so busy atm, I am so busy with work and being a mum is a full time job. Maddison keeps me busy but I would not change her for nething. She continues to be my inspiration. Since my last post I have not gambled.

I also did what I could never see myself doing, I self excluded from some arcades that I began using to play the fruit machines often. It was the best decision I have ever made. It feels like the pressure as been taken away. I no longer have the option to run to the machine so I have to face things as and when they happen head on and so far so good. I am very proud of myself. It felt good going in to the arcades and asking for self exclusion forms. All the time I was thinking you are not getting another penny from me. I had some odd reactions from some of the staff, one man said can you not just trust yourself to spend x amount. My answer was if I could do that I would not be asking for a form. Another arcade that I did not use as often as the others said they did not recognise me as a regular. I explained that I had excluded from the surrounding arcades and wanted to exclude from this one as well to prevent ne relapses. She said that was silly and there was no risk involved. I explained I no wot is best for me. So in the end I sucessfully self excluded from the arcades that I would play in. On the way out of one the ladies said arhhh. I thought 2 myself they never say that when ur walking out a zombie 100's down. It felt good to take back some power.

Sorry, this turned in2 a ramble. Not sure if it makes sense to ne of u. But it makes sense to me.

I would love to have caught up with some more diaries, but I have to go and collect Maddison now. So I hope everyone is doing well 🙂

Stay strong xx

Posted : 14th November 2014 3:28 pm
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