Thanks as always 4 the post charlotte.
That was a big test you passedbeing in the pub watching your friends play fruit machines so really well done.
The days are adding up charlotte 4 u be proud of what your achieving a day at a time
Hello little one, thanks for your post on mine. Hows u and yours doing, I hope Maddison has recovered from her illness and is sleeping better.
Love the poem, very apt to all us gamblers 🙂
Life for me is just ticking along nicely, my grandson is running me ragged, and I love it ! Im not missing the slots one little bit, I am so much happier within myself and I question why I didn't do something about it before, but I guess I wasn't ready. Life for me is good atm, health is fairly good, and the sun is still shining here in Edinburgh !!
Take care of yourself lovey, and your precious little family too,
All the best
Hi Charlotte 🙂
Thanks for your post and so much support i appreciate it very much. Well if you haven't read my diary I got the result I wanted so a lifeline a chance to redeem myself and live a normal life debt free and start over. I am only 24 so got plenty to live for 🙂
I really liked that poem you put on your diary its very inspirational and is true if you follow that then you can't go wrong. Well done with the no gambling your doing amazing 🙂 hope you have had a good day chat soon.
Ricky 🙂
She is better, back 2 her normal self now thanks Cameron x
No gambling 2day!
Short and sweet Char! 😉
How was your day? I'm trying to think of excuses to get out of going out tonight.. got any ideas? I can't afford it but my friends don't know that!!
I've done the stomach bug, the headache, the 'got work early tomorrow' and they're all wearing pretty thin tbh!
Lol - my friends are wittling away before my eyes... shouldn't laugh really as it's actually getting quite stressful!
Hope you're ok mate xxx
2day's been rubbish I have felt so unwell, not sure wot it is. Not really done much, prob just a bug lol
It helped to keep me laughing!! Jeez, it's gone half seven and I'm supposed to be in the pub by 8.. and I have ignored all the texts!
Oh and to give you an example of how bad my singing is.. I would probably be on the final of X-Factor as part of the 'Best of the worst' group!!!! Lol..
Right I'm about to text that I'm knackered and have an early start tomorrow... let the abuse begin! lolol
Ahh I just saw your last post.. poor Char. You're probably run down from the last few weeks. You need some proper R & R!
Take care buddy.. have a nice, long, hot soak and try and get an early night.
Thinking of you xxx
PS I liked the post you deleted.. made me laugh!! xx
Ahh thanks Char, feelings mutual buddy!
I have a bit of a warped sense of humour.. think cos this has been such a tough, up and down journey, it probably hasn't come out so much! But I do laugh at the stupidest things sometimes!!
Better to laugh than cry hey? Have made a conscious decision that I can't change the past but I can change the course of the future.. so hopefully I still have time to make a go of my life and leave the s**t behind!
Could only do that with the help I've had off the likes of you so a big thank you to you too!!
Always here for you girl xxxx
Sorry you are feeling ill, take care of yourself and hope you feel better soon hun. x
Firstly, do you know how proud I am of you? Writing out that post must have taken soooo much courage so well done.
Secondly and most importantly, nobody is going to judge you or think bad of you.. actually, if anything, they are going to hold you in even higher esteem than they already do!! You are one, brave young lady!
Thirdly, you are sooo like me it's scary!
Although you are young enough to be my daughter, our stories are so similar... in fact, I would say that it is pretty typical in many ways for reasons why we turn to gambling. Seeing your nan like that must have been so painful, but what an amazing thing you did by coming here and facing your addiction, rather than gambling away your inheritance! Truly amazing.. I so wish I had your sense before I gambled away my substantial redundancy money!
Like I told you before, I had online councelling and it is easier than you think and probably easier than the face to face one... and it helped me a lot and I am sure it will help you too.
I am so sorry that you were in an abusive relationship, but things are different now and you are in a much better place. I truly hope your meeting goes well next week.. but don't meet up with him if you don't want to ok?
I can't tell you how proud I am of you.. you are such an inspiration for people of all ages and we can all take something from how have coped with things since you have been on this site!
Proud also to call you a friend! Well done once again girl!! xxxx
Ahh thank you, but you really don't have to thank me! That's what friends are for hey? 🙂
Sleep well sweety, I'm sure things will feel better tomorrow xxxx
You're very brave and honest Lotte and you've opened yourself up courageously. You're surrounded by people who care for and respect you, any disclosures on this site are treated sensitively and with respect by others. Life can be hard at times, a lot of pain has brought many of us to this point. We become damaged but not destroyed, hurt but then stronger. We acted foolishly but only with the maturity of hindsight. It's so good that you can face and talk about the past, it takes away their negative power and frees you up. Take care Charlotte, well done for that 'leap of faith' and keep strong. Steve.
HI Charlotte,
What a brave post but you have done the right thing by starting to work your way through it, as ste said we are all here because of life and pain we have felt its much easier to hide from it rather than deal with it but you are starting to do that. I posted on someones diary its like carrying suitcases around with you (emotional baggage), as you get older it gets heavier and heavier, maybe the on line councelling will allow you to put some of that down, you will be amazed at some of the things you learn about yourself as you go through it.
Dont let the pain you feel rule your life, your stronger now and i have absolute faith in you that you will get through it, its painfull but its soooo worth it charlotte.
Your growing in strength of character every day. So very well done for what you have done so far, heres to maybe the next stage of your recovery.
Blondie day 51 xx
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